Video Files >Instruments >Harp > Beethoven - Pathetique Sonata - Movement 2 (for Winds and Harp)

Jared Reed

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Beethoven - Pathetique Sonata - Movement 2 (for Winds and Harp)

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Tetrasound Productions
Description:Description:This is the second movement of Beethoven's Sonata Pathétique, arranged for flute, bassoon, french horn, and harp. This slow piece is very melodic and heart-felt. Originally written for solo piano, this version features the melody being played by the wind instruments and the accompaniment being played by the harp.
Instruments:Instruments:Flute, Bassoon, French Horn, Harp
Added: Feb 6, 2020      Last update: Feb 6, 2020

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