Scott Ouellette (EMPLOYER)

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Sheet Music (complete list)

Blue Samba by Bernd Bockmann
©2009 Bernd Bockmann
Types: PDF - Time: 2:30
Likes: 2   Post/View Comments
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: Acoustic guitar
External Site:
Download Count: 100
View Count: 594
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: Acoustic guitar
External Site:
Download Count: 100
View Count: 594
A Day In Rio by Scott Ouellette
©2007 Scott Ouellette
Types: PDF
Likes: 3   Post/View Comments
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: Nylon string guitar
External Site:
Download Count: 97
View Count: 501
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: Nylon string guitar
External Site:
Download Count: 97
View Count: 501

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