Music Employers/Services > Rosanna Geniole

Rosanna Geniole (EMPLOYER)

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MP Activity:
City:Canada Guelph
ZIP/Postal Code:N1H5T9
Added: Jan 4, 2012      Last update: Jun 5, 2016       Last logged: Jun 5, 2016Report this user as inappropriate

More About Rosanna Geniole

  • Hi there how are you all doing. Will i would love to tell you all about myself i am 29 i live in GUELPH CANADA i always lived in GUELPH. I go to music school i always went there it's called jam music school i had made my own song i am starting on my other new song. Long time ago when i was 14 i always want to start up my own music band name. And go to music school and when years went bye and i was 22 at that time my dream came true the music school had called me to start then from there i had made my songs for my band my band is called hardy rock.... (more info...)

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