Re: Give us an answer to this question posted by Dane Danev posted by Dane Danev

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Re: Give us an answer to this question posted by Dane Danev on March 12, 2015 @ 11:29 am
by Robbie Alan Robbie Alan is currently offline. Click to send a message.
On March 23, 2011 Dane Danev wrote:

I am a musician from Macedonia.
Do you think musicians from Macedonia have less value and have less quality than othermusicians such as: the British, Americans and others.
You need to give us a chance to know a little more about musicians from Macedonia.

Great music comes from everywhere,music is the universal language.
As you develop your ability,you discover what your capable of. You might
be surprised at what you find.

The business of music is another story,You need a thick skin to get through musical politics.Your audience will appreciate your endurance.