Re: ​Questions for musicians: Reasonable royalties for sampler p posted by Theo Chou

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​Questions for musicians: Reasonable royalties for sampler on May 21, 2020 @ 7:25 pmReport this post as inappropriate#1
by Theo Chou  

I would like to receive feedback from established musicians who have recorded an album.

I would like to compile a sampler of 16-20 tracks, each track from a different musician/band. The artists that will be included on the sampler will be independents who have self-published and have no recording contract and who own all the rights to their original music.

The sampler will be marketed to a niche audience. A small number of physical CDs will be manufactured for baby boomers who aren't into "digital" downloads.

So the questions I have for all musicians who wish to respond:

1) What terms would you agree to to be included on such a sampler?

2) What would be a reasonable royalty payment for use of a single track? Digital download and CD?

3) How large (if any) of an upfront licensing fee would you charge for allowing your track to be included in this collection/sampler?

Thank you for any feedback.

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Re: ​Questions for musicians: Reasonable royalties for sampler p on May 21, 2020 @ 11:36 pmReport this post as inappropriate#2
by MARCELOFERNANDEZTRIO MARCELOFERNANDEZTRIO is currently offline. Click to send a message.

On May 21, 2020 Theo Chou wrote:

I would like to receive feedback from established musicians who have recorded an album.

I would like to compile a sampler of 16-20 tracks, each track from a different musician/band. The artists that will be included on the sampler will be independents who have self-published and have no recording contract and who own all the rights to their original music.

The sampler will be marketed to a niche audience. A small number of physical CDs will be manufactured for baby boomers who aren't into "digital" downloads.

So the questions I have for all musicians who wish to respond:

1) What terms would you agree to to be included on such a sampler?

2) What would be a reasonable royalty payment for use of a single track? Digital download and CD?

3) How large (if any) of an upfront licensing fee would you charge for allowing your track to be included in this collection/sampler?

Thank you for any feedback.

Edited by MARCELOFERNANDEZTRIO on May 21, 2020 @ 11:37 pmReply to this message by quoting it
Re: ​Questions for musicians: Reasonable royalties for sampler p on May 22, 2020 @ 12:43 amReport this post as inappropriate#3
by Alex Lawrence Alex Lawrence is currently offline. Click to send a message.

On May 21, 2020 Theo Chou wrote:

I would like to receive feedback from established musicians who have recorded an album.

I would like to compile a sampler of 16-20 tracks, each track from a different musician/band. The artists that will be included on the sampler will be independents who have self-published and have no recording contract and who own all the rights to their original music.

The sampler will be marketed to a niche audience. A small number of physical CDs will be manufactured for baby boomers who aren't into "digital" downloads.

So the questions I have for all musicians who wish to respond:

1) What terms would you agree to to be included on such a sampler?

2) What would be a reasonable royalty payment for use of a single track? Digital download and CD?

3) How large (if any) of an upfront licensing fee would you charge for allowing your track to be included in this collection/sampler?

Thank you for any feedback.

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Re: ​Questions for musicians: Reasonable royalties for sampler p on May 22, 2020 @ 8:03 amReport this post as inappropriate#4
by Robert McDonnell Robert McDonnell is currently offline. Click to send a message.

On May 21, 2020 Theo Chou wrote:

I would like to receive feedback from established musicians who have recorded an album.

I would like to compile a sampler of 16-20 tracks, each track from a different musician/band. The artists that will be included on the sampler will be independents who have self-published and have no recording contract and who own all the rights to their original music.

The sampler will be marketed to a niche audience. A small number of physical CDs will be manufactured for baby boomers who aren't into "digital" downloads.

So the questions I have for all musicians who wish to respond:

1) What terms would you agree to to be included on such a sampler? Whatever terms you are offering,

2) What would be a reasonable royalty payment for use of a single track? Digital download and CD? The going rate.

3) How large (if any) of an upfront licensing fee would you charge for allowing your track to be included in this collection/sampler? None

Thank you for any feedback.

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Re: ​Questions for musicians: Reasonable royalties for sampler p on May 22, 2020 @ 1:27 pmReport this post as inappropriate#5
by MARCELOFERNANDEZTRIO MARCELOFERNANDEZTRIO is currently offline. Click to send a message.


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I would like to receive feedback from established musicians who have recorded an album.

I would like to compile a sampler of 16-20 tracks, each track from a different musician/band. The artists that will be included on the sampler will be independents who have self-published and have no recording contract and who own all the rights to their original music.

The sampler will be marketed to a niche audience. A small number of physical CDs will be manufactured for baby boomers who aren't into "digital" downloads.

So the questions I have for all musicians who wish to respond:

1) What terms would you agree to to be included on such a sampler?

2) What would be a reasonable royalty payment for use of a single track? Digital download and CD?

3) How large (if any) of an upfront licensing fee would you charge for allowing your track to be included in this collection/sampler?

Thank you for any feedback.

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