Orchestral song I heard on TV posted by

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Orchestral song I heard on TV on December 14, 2013 @ 9:21 pmReport this post as inappropriate#1
by anonymous  
It was bugging me where the song is from. When I say orchestral song, it was pretty simple harmony wise, but made use of orchestral instruments. The chord progression was I-III-VII-IV in a minor key (for example if it was Am the chords where Am C G Dm) and the melody was -123-345-2346543 , if each - or number represented a beat, and the numbers were representative of their relative note on the scale, and the chords moved every bar. Sorry for being so unhelpful but I didn't work out the key, if what I've just explained is too cryptic I'll upload me playing it onto soundcloud and share it on here

Thanks! (:

Edited by anonymous on December 14, 2013 @ 9:22 pmReply to this message by quoting it
o thaRe: Orchestral song I heard on TV on December 16, 2013 @ 9:08 amReport this post as inappropriate#2
by anonymous  
Please do that. Can't get a work from chords. Please upload youtube or whatever. Will try and work with you to find it.

Written on December 14, 2013:
It was bugging me where the song is from. When I say orchestral song, it was pretty simple harmony wise, but made use of orchestral instruments. The chord progression was I-III-VII-IV in a minor key (for example if it was Am the chords where Am C G Dm) and the melody was -123-345-2346543 , if each - or number represented a beat, and the numbers were representative of their relative note on the scale, and the chords moved every bar. Sorry for being so unhelpful but I didn't work out the key, if what I've just explained is too cryptic I'll upload me playing it onto soundcloud and share it on here

Thanks! (:

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Re: Orchestral song I heard on TV on December 16, 2013 @ 10:23 amReport this post as inappropriate#3
by anonymous  

What show on TV was it on? And what time signature? 4/4?

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Re: Orchestral song I heard on TV on December 16, 2013 @ 3:17 pmReport this post as inappropriate#4
by Dennis German Dennis German is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I use the same method you used to quickly make a note of a melody that comes into my mind. Great minds think together?
Anyway, I don't recognize the melody though the progression seems familiar. But that is not unusual since there are a limited number.
If you gave a rhythm pattern and tempo it might help.

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Re: Orchestral song I heard on TV posted by Marley Watson on December 3, 2017 @ 8:47 pmReport this post as inappropriate#5
by Dave Bradley Dave Bradley is currently offline. Click to send a message.

after you saying it was orchestral - for some reason I adopted a 3/4 waltz. I also didn't recognise the melody, but the chord progression - if you slip in an F instead of the Dm (though arguably interchangeable due to relative relationship) I recognised GnR's Ain't It Fun! Somehow doubt it was the orchestral piece you heard though


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Re: Orchestral song I heard on TV posted by Marley Watson on August 30, 2020 @ 6:24 pmReport this post as inappropriate#6
by David Anthony David Anthony is currently offline. Click to send a message.

do you have any youtube channel?

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