Re: Did anyone know this cuban song? posted by Giotta posted by Giotta

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Did anyone know this cuban song? on July 2, 2021 @ 12:42 amReport this post as inappropriate#1
by Giotta Giotta is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I'm a videographer making a short video-portrait of a salsa dancer. Looking for salsa music to use in my video I found this tune which is claimed to be copyright free:

The song is called 'La Timba' and the mentioned Band 'Kolektivo', but to me this didn't sound like the real name of to tune or the band. Also I have my doubts that it is really free of rights, because to my ears it sounds really professionaly recorded and performed.

But searching on the internet I didn't found anything else than various other uploads of this tune on Youtube, or soundcloud. Also a search on shazam didn't give me any match.

So I'm looking for people who might know the song and maybe know the composer, or band of this tune.

Thanks in advantage

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Re: Did anyone know this cuban song? posted by Giotta on July 2, 2021 @ 3:06 amReport this post as inappropriate#2
by Rocio Rios R Recano Rocio Rios R Recano is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello im Origina from Cuba...and:...

Timba is jost,when some band,is playing,and the Band lÃÆ'�­der make a Call,for any each member,make a solo whit the soul,they have.!!!And due the best in ther instruments...

If you looking in YouTube"Francisco Repilado"?Compay Segundo a concertar un France...!!!

Here it is the original tÃÆ'�­pic cuban music!!!!.

Bat in this page,never ever they intresting in recruiter Cuban Music,have many years here,and never ever,fine a list one job,opening,or contract for my Duo.

Good look!!!ÃÆ'°���

Edited by Rocio Rios R Recano on July 2, 2021 @ 3:07 amReply to this message by quoting it
Re: Did anyone know this cuban song? posted by Giotta posted by Giotta on July 9, 2021 @ 8:43 amReport this post as inappropriate#3
by Maria Karla Maria Karla is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi I’m interesting and I’m from Cuba

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