This job has expired on Apr 15, 2012 @ 9:16 pm and is currently closed
Mixed Duo Band on a 6 months contract for a star in India
Status: CLOSED
Posted: Mar 15, 2012 @ 11:09 am
Updated:Mar 15, 2012 @ 11:09 am
Genres:Alternative, Blues, Classical/Contemporary, Dance, Electronic, Hip-Hop/Rap, Jazz, Latin, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock
Band/Ensemble:vocal duo


More than $1,000

Time Frame

Within one month

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Bids/Applications: 44
Public applications:
Posted on April 15, 2012 @ 11:35 amLocation: Gua Gua (PH)Compensation: as proposed #44
Hi, please send your office email add at in order for me to send demo video's and materials. we managed variety of performers such as solo,duo,trio,quartet,quintet band,party band and more.
thank you

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Posted on April 2, 2012 @ 2:25 pm
Updated on April 2, 2012 @ 2:26 pm
Location: N/ACompensation: as proposed #43
by Mihhail Mihhail is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Ladies and Gentlemen:

It would be a great honor to accept your proposal for us to conclude a contract with you . The talent of the young female vocalist Margarita has found an excellent reception by the public in Estonia.

And beyond its borders: Margarita has performed at concerts, festivals, and competitions in Italy, Spain, Russia, Belarus, and France. Margarita was the winner of numerous vocal competitions.

The pianist, Mihhail Hamljuk, known under his stage name, Michael Berg, studied at the Hochschule für Musik in Frankfurt am Main. He performed either as solist or in a duo in Germany, Italy, Finland, Poland, and Russia both at concerts and in hotels.

The repertoire of our duo, Margarita & Mihhail, satisfies the most refined public. The repertoire contains popular hits of different countries in the languages of English, German, Russian, Spanish, and Italian.

For your viewing (we are including) a video ...

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Posted on March 28, 2012 @ 4:21 pmLocation: Arona (ES)Compensation: as proposed #42
by Marc Morgan Marc Morgan is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I 'm verry interested in this job. Playing keyboard, accordeon and singing. My frend is a verry good guitar player and singer. Sinds 1998 doing obs en Tenerife and still 6-days a week.

Thanks marc

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Posted on March 26, 2012 @ 10:29 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #41
by Anastasia Band Anastasia Band is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sirs,

Let me shortly introduse our band!

We are 4 (can be 3 ) piece professional and experienced band:


1 -One or two Lead female-singer ( also playing violin and keyboards),

2 - Guitar, lead & backing vocals,

3 - Bass-guitar, lead & backing vocals (keyboards)

4 - Drums (or drum machine)

For the last 7 years we were mostly working on the cruise ships.

The Anastasia band work history:

2000-2002 -" Hilton" "Coral beach" 5*hotel (Cyprus);

2002 – Night Clubs and Pubs in Kiev;

2003 - "France club" hotel (Gerba, Tunisssia);

2004, 2010, 2011 - "Polat Renaissance" 5* hotel (Erzurum, Turkey);

1998-2000 MS "Palmira”, "Karina" (Primexpress Cruise Lines);

2005-2006 MS "Paul Gauguin” - Regent Seven Seas Cruises;

2007-2009 MS "Vision of the Seas” – Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines;

2010 – MS "Liberty of the Seas” – Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines;

2011 – MS "Freedom of the Seas” – Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines;

We are available for now!

Here is our official web site

There you can watch lots of demo video and read more information!

We are open for any work offering! Looking forward to hear from you!

Thank you for your time! Sincerely yours, Anastasia band! Stay Blessed!

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Posted on March 25, 2012 @ 6:25 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $900 #40

Dear Sir/Madam...We are a duo sequencer band from the philippines,who can sing variety of songs..We've been working together for 15 years now...We are looking forward of working with you..Thank you and Godbless..

Terry- +639219606146 or 09238602674...Here's our youtube link... ……

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Posted on March 18, 2012 @ 4:02 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #39
We would like to work with you, please check our music, we are quite strange duo! thanks

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Posted on March 17, 2012 @ 10:49 pmLocation: Veliko Turnovo (BG)Compensation: $1,500 #38
by Night Melody Duo Night Melody Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.



for contakts: 0885140096 e-mail:

1. Vanya Simeonova Kostova guitar, keyboards, vocals. She graduated from a Music school with cello. She has worked in Switzerland, Greace, Bulgaria - Resort complexes – Sunny beach, Albena, Inter-hotels, Rock clubs and Piano bars.

2. Stefan Hristov Angelov bass, vocals. He has worked as a musician in the Scandinavian countries - FINLAND, NORWEY, DENMARK, SWEDEN with the ferry companies between FINLAND and SWEDEN with company “VIKING LINE” and “SILJA LINE”. He is a citizen of Finland.

We have a variety of repertoire. EVERGREEN - The Songs of Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra, Humperdinck and other. HITS - Songs from the repertoire of Beyonce, Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry and other. ROCK - songs from the repertoire of Deep Purple, White Snake, Eagles, and other. JAZZ - songs of Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, and other. Pop Music - songs from the repertoire of Whitney Houston, The Beatles, Randy Crawford, Ozzy Osbourne and Lita Ford, Suzy Quatro and Chris Norman and many others. Rolling repertoire according to their wishes CUSTOMER of establishments in which they operate and our fans.

We have professional equipment: MACKIE, PIVAY, TC ELEKTRONIK, DIGIDESIGN, PROTOOLS LE and many others.

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Posted on March 17, 2012 @ 1:06 amLocation: Varna (BG)Compensation: as proposed #37
by Nadia J Ray Nadia J Ray is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello there at Vertigo Networks!
My name is Nadja Ray-a Solo entertainer and Jazz singer from Bulgaria,Europe ,who also does covers of Pop,Soul and Chart numbers ,Blues Greats too.Here's more about me :

I am quite interested in the job offer.Usually I perform on my own-with backing tracks or with my trio New Edition (as at the moment-will be available in April).
Pls,take a look at the Professional CV sheets,photos and recent videos of the trio,but keep in mind,that a stylish and high class performance can be provided from me and the guitar player as Duo , called Soul Jam !

As I said,I'm available as a Solo Artist,with a Duo or Trio.If you decide we might be suitable for the job,you can reach me on
Thanx ! Best regards - N.Ray

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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 11:28 pmLocation: Athens (GR)Compensation: as proposed #36
by MAT MAT is currently offline. Click to send a message.
We are music duo from Greece with a big xperience in hotels. Our repertoire includes jazz, acoustic, italian, brasilian, dance and of coarse greek music. The members: keyboards and vocal and woman singer vocal. Best regards.

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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 8:22 pmLocation: Norwalk, CA (US)Compensation: as proposed #35
by Keith Channer Keith Channer is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Brendon, How are you i'm available in your offer and i have a female singer i have extensive experience touring/performing entertaining thrilling audiences worldwide as well as with some big name stars including as a support act for Little Richard, also i've performed for Lenny Kravitz and the late Nina Simone. Full promotional information is available on request, here is my video link: Regards, Keith Channer-Pianist/Singer/Entertainer Email:

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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 2:53 pm
Updated on March 16, 2012 @ 2:56 pm
Location: Dorohoi (RO)Compensation: $3,000 #34
by Melos Duo Melos Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.

We better run to perform songs from virtually every musical genre.

Interpreted with pleasure hits rock, pop, funk, rhythm'n'blues, jazz, rock'n'roll, blues and Latin. Besides we can offer international hits and many songs in German, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, etc.

Our repertoire includes ballads, dance music and romantic.Through their performances,they have acquired a catalogue of hundreds of songs and styles available upon request.
Duo Melos is extremely versatile and offers full band Live accompaniment & professional background sequences. They are perfect for a relaxed setting or lively venue. e-mail phone.0040 757707933

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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 9:40 amLocation: Playa Del Carmen (MX)Compensation: $2,000 #33
by Raymond Raymond is currently offline. Click to send a message.

hi, we are interested in this ad, see our demo videos raymond and alfred, i( raymond) play piano and keyboards too, you can see me in video too, the truth is that we both play guitar, piano , bass and sing (both)

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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 6:49 amLocation: Moscow (RU)Compensation: as proposed #32
by D&A D&A is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Madame or Sir,

We would like to present you our music Duo. We are looking for engagement in Europe, Asia or the USA, Chine is also possible.

We have a 12 Years Experience on Cruise Ships, 5 Star Hotels and Casinos !

D&A this is a: Great Energy - Fun Atmosphere - Huge Repertoire - Excellent Performance.

Please pay attention on our Video!

D & A -it's strong and gentle vocal. Excellent piano and trumpet solos and it doesn’t leave anyone indifferent. Andrew is comfortable in doing a solo on Piano and trumpet and he can read and fake on all instruments.

Duo has a professional attitude, on and off stage and are able to perform in any venue type. Duo has more, than 500 songs in all genres at Andrew’s finger tips. Performances with backing trucks are also possible.

Duo has a repertoire of many Jazz Standards, Rock'N'Roll, Motown, R&B, Ballroom, Latin and love songs, in English, Portugise, Italian and Russian.

We are looking forward to hear from you soon.

Any your answer will be appreciated.

Best withes

Duo D&A
My e mail:

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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 5:59 amLocation: (RU)Compensation: as proposed #31
by Anatoliy Kochetkov Anatoliy Kochetkov is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 5:46 amLocation: Moscow (RU)Compensation: $3,000 #30
by Pavel Pogorelsky Pavel Pogorelsky is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Name: Pogorelsky Pavel Boleslavovich
Date of Birth: 23.06.1986
Marital status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Address: Varvarskaya,10-48 Nizhniy Novgorod Russia

Phone: +7(831)4198724
Mobile: +79672387974

Next of Kin: English conversational
Name and Post address of your closest relative (Husband/wife, or parents, or brother/sister),show only one most closest person. Boris uncle
Instruments mastered Piano is main mastered instrument;
Organ is also available

2003-2008 Moscow State Conservatory
1993-2003 Musical school N. Novgorod

Previous experience

2008-2009 Musical University of culture and art. Accompaniator

A teacher of school of music

Summer 2008, 2009,2010, 2011 Musical concert employee in Russian ships
Mos tur flot
Info flot
Rech tur flot
2011 A work in Jerusalem choir

Since 2011 A work on the international ferries in Skandinavia


Должность музыканта-пианиста, тапера

О себе

Профессиональный музыкант-исполнитель на фортепиано и органе, композитор. Пишу музыку с семи лет. Увлекаюсь аранжировками. Лауреат российских и международных конкурсов (в том числе: конкурс им. Ф. Шопена в Польше (1998), конкурс «Брат и сестра» в С-Петербурге (1996), стипендиат программы «Новые имена»(1996-2000)). Являюсь членом Союза молодых композиторов. Кроме того изучал дирижирование, и обладаю хорошим голосом (бас.
Кроме того профессиональный настройщик пианино и роялей,

реставратор..Имею заграничный международный опыт работы
Член ассоциации фортепианных мастеров России.


Московская Государственная Консерватория им. П.И.Чайковского

Фортепиано, орган и композиция

(1993-2003) Музыкальная школа №9 г.Н.Новгород, специальность фортепиано. Окончил с отличием.

Опыт работы

Игра в ресторанах («Панфиловец» и др.

Написание музыки к фильмам («Король крыс» режиссера Малинник И.И., 2007).

Работа на речных судах

Инфо Флот,

Мос тур Флот,

работа на международных паромах Скандинавии


Работа в музыкальной школе Таривердиева

на youtube разнообразные видео


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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 3:01 amLocation: Antwerpen - Belgium (BE)Compensation: as proposed #29
by Wouter Joseph Smekens Wouter Joseph Smekens is currently offline. Click to send a message.

please call me



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Posted on March 16, 2012 @ 1:08 amLocation: San Francisco, CA (US)Compensation: $1,000 #28
by Chaz F Gunter Chaz F Gunter is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello Vertigo Networks & Entertainment Pvt Ltd

Please allow me to introduce myself. Chaz Gunter –of Chaz & Co. multi-instrumentalist, soloist & DJ. !

If you are seeking a self contained soloist for your club, lobby, lounge, poolside or atrium, I would be interested in working with your Agency.

Having played in school orchestras, county and state honor bands and ultimately earning a full scholarship to DeAnza College and Saratoga Music & Fine Arts Center in Northern California, I am a professional musician, a seasoned entertainer and a well-known freelance artist with worldwide experience.

As well as vocals, I play tenor saxophone, flute, guitar and keyboards with a wide range of musical styles such as classical, new age, jazz standard, smooth jazz, swing, big-band, R&B, rock, 50's, oldies, blues, country, reggae, calypso, Latin and top 40 dance. For smaller intimate settings, I can scale down to a single instrument and vocals,

And if you’re looking for a DJ, I can do that too! My state of the art equipment includes a netbook and additional iPods with thousands of songs from 2010-2012 And for those American Idol types, my system can be used as a PA. or a Karaoke sing-a-long unit. I play, you sing It’s a blast !

I provide 2 cordless microphones. 1 wireless lapel microphone & 1 long range handheld cordless microphone and mobile. for corporate presentations

I am very interactive with the audience and have worked numerous special events worldwide at 5-star hotels, resorts, cruise lines, casinos, clubs, wineries, wine bars and at smaller private settings.

To see my latest 2012 video, please visit my website:

Please click on Audio & Video, then on (Live Band). The website also includes my biography, references, client-base and song list.

Additional video may be viewed by clicking on the following links:

Chaz & Co-Bands-Weddings & DJ.-5-Star Hotels-Cruise Lines Festivals- Special -Events

Chaz By The Bay !

Chaz & Co. multi-instrumentalist-Soloist –Lounge-2012

I do have a current passport, valid until 2021, am in good health, am able to travel and am open to both long and short term contracts anywhere.

I look forward to working with such a reputable company as part of a team.

Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy reviewing my website and I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.


Chaz Gunter

Chaz & Co.

800-914-9607 (24hrs) Toll Free

510-381-5456 (24hrs)


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Posted on March 15, 2012 @ 2:31 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #27

Good day

Can I have your email pls...
I'll send all the details in our group to your ad
Thank you


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Posted on March 15, 2012 @ 12:39 pmLocation: Wujiang District (suzhou) (CN)Compensation: as proposed #26
by Yangoo Yangoo is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear, Sir , Madam ,

I would like to take this opportunity and send to you , my C.V , Certificates , Posters and my Links on youtube

my webpage on musicians page /musicians/Yangoo/

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 20.11.1980

Place of Birth: Alexandria - Egypt

Nationality: Greek

Mobile: 00201112038302


Status: Single


Arabic: Native

Greek: Native

English: Fluent

French: Fluent

Italian: Good

Russian: Fair


Conservatoire School - Alexandria - Egypt 1989 to 1997.

Grade (8) Eight from Trinity Guild Hall – London - UK - 1997 to 2000.

Advanced performance Trinity Guild Hall – London – UK - 2002

Licentiate Diploma ( LTCL or LGSMD) for Licentiate of Trinity Guild

Hall London - UK -2011 to 2012


Teaching classic Spanish & Flamenco guitar in centers,

Schools and colleges.

Performing using Strolling Guitar style at events and Hotel Chains.

Performing at events and Hotel Chains in Plugged & Unplugged.

Entertainment manager for events and International Hotel chains.

Extensive experience in performing and Teaching various sorts of Guitar,

Classic Spanish, Latin music, Light Jazz and Modern flamenco.

Experience in teaching basic structure of music Solfeggio –Traditional Harmony - History of classic music.

Work Experience

Sunrise Hotel Aqua park Shram El Sheikh Sinai , Egypt 2011-2011

Position : guitarist Classic , Spaish , latino and commercial

Responsibilities : steady performing in the English pool bar

Sensatori Hotel Sharm El Sheikh Sinai , Egypt 2011-2011

Position : Guitarist classic , spanish and Flamenco

Resposibilities : Steady performing in the Italian restaurent

Porto Marina Resort & Spa Egypt – Alexandria 2011 - 2011

Position : Guitarist classic , spanish , flamenco and commercial

Responsibilities : Steady performing in the beach bar

Sofitel Luxury city Humen - Dongguan , China 2011- 2011

Position : Guitarist spanish , flamenco and classic

Responsibilities : steady performing in the Lobby bar

Maritime Jolie Vile Luxor Hotel Egypt – Luxor 2010 - 2011

Position: Guitarist Spanish, Flamenco and classic

Special tasks: Christmas and New Year’s party in la fleur restaurant

Responsibilities: Steady performing in the French restaurant la fleur

Riada American School of Egypt - Alexandria - 2009 - 2011

Position: Coordinator Music Teacher

Radisson blue Alex west Hotel and Sheraton Egypt - 2009 - 2011

Position: Strolling Guitarist

Responsibilities: Steady performing at the Lobby Bar

Helnan Palestine Hotel Egypt – Alexandria 2007 - 2009

Position: Guitarist and band leader

Responsibilities: Steady performance and Latino Band leader.

Chez Gabi Italian Restaurant Egypt - Alexandria 2007 - 2009

Position: Strolling Guitarist

Sheraton Hotel Egypt - Sharm El Sheikh 2006 – 2007

Position: Guitarist and Entertainment Manager

Responsibilities: Steady performance.

Marriott Hotel Egypt - Sharm El Sheikh 2003 - 2006

Position: Guitarist and Entertainment Manager

Responsibilities: Steady performance.

Old Cataract Hotel Egypt - Aswan 2002 - 2003

Position: Guitarist

Responsibilities: Steady performance at the Famous 1902 Restaurant.

Four Seasons Hotel Egypt - Sharm El Sheikh 2001 - 2002

Position: Guitarist

Responsibilities: Strolling style.

Hotel opening party.

CMC Center Egypt - Cairo 2000 - 2001

Position: Classic Spanish Guitar Teacher.


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Posted on March 15, 2012 @ 12:31 pmLocation: Southampton (UK)Compensation: $1,200 #25
by Natalya Strings Natalya Strings is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hi!This is our Demo
We want to work with you.

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