This job has expired on Apr 17, 2012 @ 1:17 pm and is currently closed
Professional composer and arranger needed.
Status: CLOSED
Posted: Mar 17, 2012 @ 1:17 pm
Updated:Mar 17, 2012 @ 1:17 pm
Genres:Blues, Christian, Country, Gospel Music, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Vocal
Skills:Arranger, Composer, Computer Music Composer, Conductor, Lyricist, Musicologist, Writer



Time Frame

Within one month

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Bids/Applications: 27
Public applications:
Posted on April 4, 2012 @ 7:44 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #27
by Sait Koray Özçelik Sait Koray Özçelik is currently offline. Click to send a message.
if you want to care, we can work togather.

Please visit for referances.

Best regards...

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Posted on March 28, 2012 @ 8:44 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #26
by SEEFARI SEEFARI is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I am a singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalis, producer and recording artist. I am interested in your post. I would like to know more about what you need. I am a very prolific writer of reggae, r&b, soul, jazz etc.. I can create rhythm tracks, write lyrics, etc... I am a professional and i will need to be compensated. Compensation would depend on what you need specifically.

Please visit for more info


Tom "SEEFARI" Carroll

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Posted on March 24, 2012 @ 1:10 pmLocation: Constanta (RO)Compensation: as proposed #25
by The New Flamingo Band The New Flamingo Band is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello Williams
My name is Gigi Salomia, I'm the band leader of the Band "Flamingo Band"
My band and I work with high-speed line American companies such as Royal Caribbean, Proship, trio and quartet in the ballroom and also I was working in other bands for other cruise lines lower few years as the Greek line "Royal Olympic", the French company as "Marina cruise", the German company as "holiday Kreuzfahrten GmbH / Erkelenz". And also, I was working in my hometown for years, many owners of resorts and restaurants known respectable five stars. In this e-mail you send all the material about the band Flamingo with the request to give us more information for a possible collaboration also soon we can meet any requirement
All the Best
Gigi Salomia

this is my site on youtube :">

The Flamingo Band was formed as a quartet (its members working together before in other forms) in October 2008 with the original idea of playing and singing an accessible material for all the tastes to intimate crowds.
The band has a lot of influences from many legendary bands and big names from blues, jazz, pop, rock, ballroom, modern latino and even greek music.
Every member of the band accumulated a lot of musical experience, playing or/and singing in different locations with different occasions : restaurants, bars, night bars, ships, shows, music festivals etc.

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Posted on March 19, 2012 @ 2:31 pmLocation: Norrkoeping (SE)Compensation: as proposed #24
by Lars E. Carlsson Lars E. Carlsson is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I´m a composer/lyricist from Sweden. I have written many hits in Scandinavia. Are you interested to compose music to my lyrics?

Please let me hear from you.

Lars E. Carlsson

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Posted on March 19, 2012 @ 2:19 pmLocation: Antwerpen - Belgium (BE)Compensation: as proposed #23
by Wouter Joseph Smekens Wouter Joseph Smekens is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi there!

reading 'skills' I already thought it was about me

I'm all yours

so please let's talk





have a nice day


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Posted on March 18, 2012 @ 3:07 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #22
by Music Songwriterjp Music  Songwriterjp is currently offline. Click to send a message.

whats up man this is JP from st vincent i just got a hit up that you looking for a music producer i am in st vincent until end of month i can if you are looking to get the instrumentals done that i can do if you can get something done soon i can pass on your music to Warner music group i have a meeting with them in Toronto in April do contact me soon as you can.

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Posted on March 17, 2012 @ 4:58 pmLocation: Moscow (RU)Compensation: $1,500 #21
by Pavel Pogorelsky Pavel Pogorelsky is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Name: Pogorelsky Pavel Boleslavovich
Date of Birth: 23.06.1986
Marital status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Address: Varvarskaya,10-48 Nizhniy Novgorod Russia

Phone: +7(831)4198724
Mobile: +79672387974

Next of Kin: English conversational
Name and Post address of your closest relative (Husband/wife, or parents, or brother/sister),show only one most closest person. Boris uncle
Instruments mastered Piano is main mastered instrument; good composer and arranjer
Organ is also available

2003-2008 Moscow State Conservatory
1993-2003 Musical school N. Novgorod

Previous experience

2008-2009 Musical University of culture and art. Accompaniator

A teacher of school of music

Summer 2008, 2009,2010, 2011 Musical concert employee in Russian ships
Mos tur flot
Info flot
Rech tur flot
2011 A work in Jerusalem choir

Since 2011 A work on the international ferries in Skandinavia


Должность музыканта-композитора и аранжировщика.

О себе

Профессиональный музыкант-исполнитель на фортепиано и органе, композитор. Пишу музыку с семи лет. Увлекаюсь аранжировками. Лауреат российских и международных конкурсов (в том числе: конкурс им. Ф. Шопена в Польше (1998), конкурс «Брат и сестра» в С-Петербурге (1996), стипендиат программы «Новые имена»(1996-2000)). Являюсь членом Союза молодых композиторов. Кроме того изучал дирижирование, и обладаю хорошим голосом (бас.
Кроме того профессиональный настройщик пианино и роялей,

реставратор..Имею заграничный международный опыт работы
Член ассоциации фортепианных мастеров России.


Московская Государственная Консерватория им. П.И.Чайковского

Фортепиано, орган и композиция

(1993-2003) Музыкальная школа №9 г.Н.Новгород, специальность фортепиано. Окончил с отличием.

Опыт работы

Игра в ресторанах («Панфиловец» и др.

Написание музыки к фильмам («Король крыс» режиссера Малинник И.И., 2007).

Работа на речных судах

Инфо Флот,

Мос тур Флот,

работа на международных паромах Скандинавии


Работа в музыкальной школе Таривердиева

на youtube разнообразные видео


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