* Job awarded to and Jô Martins *
This job has been awarded May 24, 2012 @ 5:50 pm and it is closed to new applications.
Musical Arranger Needed
Posted: May 9, 2012 @ 7:23 am
Awarded:May 24, 2012 @ 5:50 pm
Categories:Single Musician
Genres:Christian, Pop, Rock


Between $100 and $500

Time Frame

Within one month

This job has been awarded May 24, 2012 @ 5:50 pmLogin or Register to display more information about this job.
Bids/Applications: 25
Public applications:
Posted on May 14, 2012 @ 1:50 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #25

I just may be your man. Check out my profile. There I have some of my own contemporary christian songs posted, Mercy, Show Me The Way, Calling Me, and I Surrender (To You). I did all of the writing, playing, singing, and arranging. I have my own studio, so it would be very easy for me to fool around with your songs. I hope to hear back from you.

I'm not attaching any files because you can hear my music right on my profile page at www.musicianspage.com/musicians/WilliamCarey and also I'm open to negotiating fees in person.

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Posted on May 14, 2012 @ 4:15 am
Updated on May 14, 2012 @ 4:17 am
Location: Toledo, OH (US)Compensation: $300 #24
by AlexScheer AlexScheer is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I am a college arranger, who has won awards in arranging at the collegiate level, as well as have had my arrangements publicly performed. I will work very hard to promote the best work I can for you, and earn every penny you offer.

attached is my arrangement of a taylor swift piece i was requested to do for large brass choir.

please contact me for mor information, i would love to work with you!

here is the finale audio of my arrangement as well as other arrangements for you to listen to.


Alex Scheer
Trumpet Performance
The University of Toledo

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Posted on May 12, 2012 @ 4:47 pmLocation: Moscow (RU)Compensation: $300 #23
by Pavel Pogorelsky Pavel Pogorelsky is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Name: Pogorelsky Pavel Boleslavovich
Date of Birth: 23.06.1986
Marital status: Single
Nationality: Russian



Next of Kin: English conversational
Name and Post address of your closest relative (Husband/wife, or parents, or brother/sister),show only one most closest person. Boris uncle
Instruments mastered Piano is main mastered instrument; good composer and arranjer
Organ is also available

2003-2008 Moscow State Conservatory
1993-2003 Musical school N. Novgorod

Previous experience

2008-2009 Musical University of culture and art. Accompaniator

A teacher of school of music

Summer 2008, 2009,2010, 2011 Musical concert employee in Russian ships

Mos tur flot
Info flot

Rech tur flot
2011 A work in Jerusalem choir

Since 2011 A work on the international ferries in Skandinavia


Должность музыканта-композитора и аранжировщика.

О себе

Профессиональный музыкант-исполнитель на фортепиано и органе, композитор. Пишу музыку с семи лет. Увлекаюсь аранжировками. Лауреат российских и международных конкурсов (в том числе: конкурс им. Ф. Шопена в Польше (1998), конкурс «Брат и сестра» в С-Петербурге (1996), стипендиат программы «Новые имена»(1996-2000)). Являюсь членом Союза молодых композиторов. Кроме того изучал дирижирование, и обладаю хорошим голосом (бас.
Кроме того профессиональный настройщик пианино и роялей,

реставратор..Имею заграничный международный опыт работы
Член ассоциации фортепианных мастеров России.


Московская Государственная Консерватория им. П.И.Чайковского

Фортепиано, орган и композиция

(1993-2003) Музыкальная школа №9 г.Н.Новгород, специальность фортепиано. Окончил с отличием.

Опыт работы

Игра в ресторанах («Панфиловец» и др.

Написание музыки к фильмам («Король крыс» режиссера Малинник И.И., 2007).

Работа на речных судах

Инфо Флот,

Мос тур Флот,

работа на международных паромах Скандинавии


Работа в музыкальной школе Таривердиева



на youtube разнообразные видео





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Posted on May 11, 2012 @ 11:34 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #22
by Music Songwriterjp Music  Songwriterjp is currently offline. Click to send a message.


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Posted on May 11, 2012 @ 4:25 pm
Updated on May 14, 2012 @ 3:22 am
Location: Bellingham, WA (US)Compensation: $300 #21
by Paul Sorensen Paul Sorensen is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi -

For neat Encore notation scores and parts, please let me know your requirements per
musical arrangements. I have experience in all forms and a list of excellent references
you could contact (if needed). How many instruments and which instruments do you need

this song scored for?. Please send me an email reply at sorensen89@gmail.com.

Thank you.



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Posted on May 9, 2012 @ 11:42 pmLocation: Decatur, GA (US)Compensation: $400 #20
by Nicholas Blount Nicholas Blount is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I 100% sure I can help you and get the job done in a timely manner! You can check out my reverbnation page to see some of the songs I've composed. (www.reverbnation.com/nickblount). I'm a 2006 graduated of Berklee College of Music and I've been playing piano for 16 years. I look forward to working with you!

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Posted on May 9, 2012 @ 9:31 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #19

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Posted on May 9, 2012 @ 5:54 pmLocation: Roanoke, VA (US)Compensation: as proposed #18
by David Hollandsworth David Hollandsworth is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I am able to add additional instruments from my home music setup. You can listen to some song samples on my website: www.reverbnation.com/davidhollandsworth

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Posted on May 9, 2012 @ 10:13 amLocation: Funchal (PT)Compensation: $150This job has been awarded to Jô Martins #17
by Jô Martins Jô Martins is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I´m an Arranger and Composer for over 25 years experience as Record Producer and worked for several artists and bands in America, South America and Europe. Proficient in almost any melodic music style.

I think examples are best than words so, Please, take a "look" at my player here:

Arrangements by Jo Martins

Some Originals and Videos in Reverbnation

Best Regards
Jo Martins

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