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Good Classical Duo Wanted
Status: CLOSED
Posted: Oct 30, 2012 @ 5:58 pm
Updated:Oct 30, 2012 @ 11:14 am
Genres:Classical, Opera
Band/Ensemble:mixed duo



Time Frame

Within one year

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Bids/Applications: 8
Public applications:
Posted on November 4, 2012 @ 5:53 amLocation: Sta.rosa City Of Laguna (PH)Compensation: as proposed #8
by ALKY ALKY is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello! I'm Alma Enjanes from Philippines...We desired to apply in korea. We are Variety Duo female for 8yrs. We sing start from 1930's to new song....And I have a beautiful and sexy singer...This is my number +63-919-6768-168. If still need the female duo pls txt me or call me sir.....Thanks and God Bless!

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Posted on October 30, 2012 @ 8:19 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #7

We are Natalie and Cornelio Tudosie, pianist and
tenor, graduated from the St. Petersburg Music
Academy and Bucharest Music Academy respectively.

We have been performing together as a couple (duo) in
different countries and venues, including Austria,
Japan, Korea, Germany, Israel, Rumania, Italy,
Bahrain, to name but a few: Operetten-Arien, Canzonette, Italian Arias, Church Arias, Zarzuela and Musical Songs. And for Piano solo: the entire Classical (from J.S Bach to Rachmaninov and Piazzolla) and Pop (from Frank Sinatra to ABBA) repertoire.

One of our most recent projects was entertaining
cruise passengers on the Danube, Rhine and the Mediterranean Sea.
We enjoyed great success due to our professionalism, unusual
repertoire, and presence. It is for this reason that
we want to offer you our services and become part of
the entertainment program for your guests.

Natalie also works on her own as a piano soloist and
singer for piano bar, with the ability to perform in a
variety of musical styles.

We are looking forward to hear from you, if we raised Your interest.

Yours faithfully

Natalia & Cornelio Tudosie emial


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