Male & Female Solo Pianist vocalists Required.
Status: OPEN
Posted: May 4, 2010 @ 5:09 pm
Updated:May 4, 2010 @ 5:09 pm
Categories:Single Musician, Player, Teacher, Performer
Genres:Blues, Classical/Contemporary, Contemporary, Country, Early Music, Folk, Jazz, Latin, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae
Skills:Singer, Keyboard Player, Piano Player
Band/Ensemble:mixed Pianist/Vocalist


More than $1,000 (Return Flights, Cargo, Free Food, Accomodation & laundry.)

Time Frame

No Time Frame

Apply DIsabled   Login or Register to apply or display more information about this job.
Bids/Applications: 68
Public applications:
Posted on July 4, 2019 @ 12:40 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #68
by marcelo hidalgo marcelo hidalgo is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Music for all kind of people, anglo, 50s to present and latin music.

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Posted on February 28, 2018 @ 5:53 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #67
by Yarra Yarra is currently offline. Click to send a message.


My name is Yarra, I live in Indonesia, and I am a hotel lobby pianist, and also play in wedding receptions and seminars. I teach music in the weekdays or anytime when I do not perform.

I would like to have information if there's any job vacancy as a pianist and what are the requirements needed to fill in the position.

Thank you,

Bernadette Yarra

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Posted on October 26, 2015 @ 5:15 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: $1,500 #66
by jozeph musharbash jozeph musharbash is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I am a pianist who is able to play many kinds of music Elegantly and Professionally

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Posted on April 19, 2013 @ 4:55 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #65

I'm a pianist/singer from Canada with a wealth of experience performing on the world's leading cruise lines.

Please check out my website and videos:

I'm personable, punctual & am comfortable playing any style of music.

Ed Kelly

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Posted on March 21, 2013 @ 10:04 am
Updated on October 30, 2013 @ 6:11 am
Location: 0Compensation: $4,000 #64

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Posted on August 18, 2012 @ 5:15 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #63
by Nora Landa Nora Landa is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear Sir/Madam;

My name is Nora and I write to you because I would be very glad to work as a pianist singer in your country. I have been working as a musician in Spain taking part in different music styles such as jazz, blues, funk, latin music and also as a solo musician. In my cv I have attached a few links to some you tube videos and a couple of covers.

I hope you like my work. I would be very happy to colaborate with you soon.

Yours sincerely

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Posted on August 7, 2012 @ 2:37 pmLocation: Washington, DC (US)Compensation: $4,000 #62
by Cat Huff Cat Huff is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello: My name is C. Huff aka "Cat" {Vocalist / Keyboardist} solo or Duo. Artis}; I would be honored to perform in your hotel/ venue / ship, I am just returning from Japan where I performed for 6 Months at the Windsor Hotel, Hokkaido; I am currently available to accept new gigs and can represent myself and other acts.

Feel free to click on my video Links or visit me at: goto: Available artist / C. Huff {Song list, Bio., Reference letters and more.}

Styles of music performed: R&B, Jazz, Blues, Pop, Soft Rock, Hip-Hop style and more.

Salary: $3800 Month {Net} ++ / other contract terms can be discussed at a later time once we speak.


Thank you very much / C. Huff {My suitcase is at the door}

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Posted on March 10, 2012 @ 7:57 pmLocation: Moscow (RU)Compensation: $1,000 #61
by Pavel Pogorelsky Pavel Pogorelsky is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Name: Pogorelsky Pavel Boleslavovich
Date of Birth: 23.06.1986
Marital status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Address: Varvarskaya,10-48 Nizhniy Novgorod Russia

Phone: +7(831)4198724
Mobile: +79672387974

Next of Kin: English conversational
Name and Post address of your closest relative (Husband/wife, or parents, or brother/sister),show only one most closest person. Boris uncle
Instruments mastered Piano is main mastered instrument;
Organ is also available

2003-2008 Moscow State Conservatory
1993-2003 Musical school N. Novgorod

Previous experience

2008-2009 Musical University of culture and art. Accompaniator

A teacher of school of music

Summer 2008, 2009,2010, 2011 Musical concert employee in Russian ships
Mos tur flot
Info flot
Rech tur flot
2011 A work in Jerusalem choir

Since 2011 A work on the international ferries in Skandinavia


Должность музыканта-пианиста, тапера

О себе

Профессиональный музыкант-исполнитель на фортепиано и органе, композитор. Пишу музыку с семи лет. Увлекаюсь аранжировками. Лауреат российских и международных конкурсов (в том числе: конкурс им. Ф. Шопена в Польше (1998), конкурс «Брат и сестра» в С-Петербурге (1996), стипендиат программы «Новые имена»(1996-2000)). Являюсь членом Союза молодых композиторов. Кроме того изучал дирижирование, и обладаю хорошим голосом (бас.
Кроме того профессиональный настройщик пианино и роялей,

реставратор..Имею заграничный международный опыт работы
Член ассоциации фортепианных мастеров России.


Московская Государственная Консерватория им. П.И.Чайковского

Фортепиано, орган и композиция

(1993-2003) Музыкальная школа №9 г.Н.Новгород, специальность фортепиано. Окончил с отличием.

Опыт работы

Игра в ресторанах («Панфиловец» и др.

Написание музыки к фильмам («Король крыс» режиссера Малинник И.И., 2007).

Работа на речных судах

Инфо Флот,

Мос тур Флот,

работа на международных паромах Скандинавии


Работа в музыкальной школе Таривердиева

на youtube разнообразные видео


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Posted on January 27, 2012 @ 10:15 amLocation: N/ACompensation: $1,250 #60
by Bobby Hamilton Bobby Hamilton is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I am Bobby Hamilton. I am interested in working as a pianist-entertainer-vocalist.

If you send me an email to, I can provide you with links to my online profiles, audio and video music.

I have over 25 years experience working as a pianist-entertainer on board cruise ships and in international 5-star hotels.

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Posted on November 30, 2011 @ 6:25 amLocation: Victoria, (CA)Compensation: $4,000 #59
by Hal Fraser Hal Fraser is currently offline. Click to send a message.
To Whom It May Concern,
I am an extremely versatile and experienced Pianist/Vocalist/Entertainer, and am looking to pursue new opportunities abroad. I am able to travel extensively, for long periods of time. Please find attached my CV.
Sincerely, Hal Fraser

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Posted on August 1, 2011 @ 6:15 pm
Updated on December 26, 2012 @ 6:08 pm
Location: N. Myrtle Beach, SC (US)Compensation: as proposed #58
by Tiimmyc Christopher Kilgour Tiimmyc Christopher Kilgour is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Piano/Vocalist ,.,. Professional Appearance * Attitude * Sound
* * 20 Years Experience on Cruise Ships, 5 Star Hotels and Casinos ! * *
Great Energy - Fun Atmosphere - Huge Repertoire
I am currently finishing a 6 month contract with a 5 Star Resort ...but, would like to discuss the opportunities of working for you.. and your clients.
** Excellent as a Solo Pianist … Piano Bar or Cocktail Soloist ! **

If you are looking for an experienced, professional Entertainer/Musician for any venue...please check-out my videos.

I have been energizing crowds in the Piano-bars for the past 5 years! Great show - Great repertoire...Great energy.

I also have over 500 songs "Tracked"... a Big, Full, Professional "One Man Band" Show !
I play great-cover tunes + top 40 + Buffet/Beach Boys + Country. + Tasteful "Light Jazz"
If you enjoy Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, great hits from the '40's .. or like to Rock to Bon Jovi - Tim has your song !!

I have over 900 songs .. of all genres .. at my finger-tips on my i-Pad,,,, so, great on requests too !
I can read and fake on all my instruments...have Excellent vocals!!

**Because of the Sax..I play great Motown ... 50's & 60's.. Swing. .... Big Band..
or just some sweet and sexy Cocktail - Jazz**
---if you are interested or e-mail and I will forward links, web-sites and videos !

I can be reached at or call 813 431-7415

I can be reached at or call 813 431-7415 Piano Sax&Keyboards Sax&Keyboards

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Posted on July 24, 2011 @ 2:21 am
Updated on July 24, 2011 @ 9:06 pm
Location: Vancouver (CA)Compensation: $1,500 #57
by Ron Van Dyke Ron Van Dyke is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on July 21, 2011 @ 10:41 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #56
Dear Sir,

I will love to help you to make your public happy.
I am graduate degree, classical background,
extensive study master classes in germany
with peter rosel and jorg demus, great repertory
can improvise, award winning composer pianist and songwriter.


My portfolio at

Profile in sites

Pop music

My concertos and 29 preludes (sheet music)

The recordings of 3 of my concertos, By Kiev and Moravian Phiharmonic

Pop, film music examples

Here is a rare Video showing me as a pianist.
I playing a Johann Samuel Schroeter`s Piano Concerto
Op.3 No.3 (C Major), in Santa Maria, my native city in Brazil

The recommendation that my teacher larry Fountain
wrote about my talents.Larry studied with Robert Goldsand
in Manhatan School of Music with the famous Robert Goldsand
Goldsand was poupil of Moritz Rosenthal the most famous Liszt poupil.
He also studied with Karl Mikuli, editor and student of Chopin

The explanatory note about my Second Piano Sonata.
The history I made myself too.

Here many photos of me regarding awards, diploms,
competitions, family (father violinist with larry, my teacher,
my aunt in red, my mother pianist, brother violinist..and
my first composition that i wrote with 9, a trio theme
performed by me my brother harry and sister evelyn
Chopin photos, from Chopin Museum a gift from
a famous piano contest judge Cseslaw Kascinski
a man that studied with the famous brazilian pianist
MAGDALENA TAGLIAFERRO. She was the main interpreter
of RAVEL. In fact she travelled with him on the 20`s and 30`s
performing his music.

Covers of concerto 3 and 4, recorded by erm media
my fantasy for cello and piano performed by iracema de andrade
in mexico, as well cited by CARLOS PRIETO, a famous mexican
cellist, in his book "THE ADVENTURES OF A CELLO" that describes
how the Piatti, a famous cello, finished on his hands. --> here is the citation --> and here is the Book ----> me ----> me --> Honorary award with heaven on earth ----> mother pianist ---> children at the piano ---> at rio in 1972 ---> first award with 16 years old --> playing with my brother the dificult cesar frank sonata with 19, Cecilia Meirelles hall,Rio ---> with 19 years old ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist (Uruguay Diplom) ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist ---> award as a pianist ---> concert with my brother violinist ---> concert with my brother violinist ---> graduate event, receiving the diplom from my mother,teacher ---> graduate event, receiving the diplom from my mother,teacher ---> graduate event, receiving the diplom from my mother,teacher o ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> travel to germany master classes with Jorg Demus,Peter Rosel ---> me in 1995 ---> playing at the meridien Hotel, Copacabana, rio ---> playing at the meridien Hotel, Copacabana, rio ---> recital in seatlle area (my 29 preludes) - Poster ---> recital in seatlle area (newspaper interview) ---> playing in kcts television, seatlle ---> playing to the owner of Schimmel pianos ---> member of the International academy of music ---> Johann Samuel Schroeter piano concerto op.3 no.3 ---> after the concerto ----> interview after won masterworks of the new era award ----> official photo, at home with the english piano "Daneman" ----> cited on the book "The adventures of a cello" (Carlos Prieto) ----> top 500 Bilboard World song contest diplom (heaven on earth) --> with 7 years old --> Last concerto --> Invited to write a soundtrack of a movie

Photos of Chopin objects that Mr Andrsew jazinski game me, after my third place on a national chopin piano
competition in curitiba brasil, 1987 --->me with 9, my sister evelyn and harry performing my christmas trio (1969) --> first page of my concerto op.180 no.3 "The hands of a destiny" ---> recital with my brother in rio, 1987 --> registration of some of my pop songs --> my 29 preludes at cornish school of music library, seatlle --> my 29 preludes at cornish school of music library, seatlle --> concerto 3 masterworks of the new ear award vol 12 --> concerto 4 masterworks of the new era award vol 14 --> interview --> recommendation by a brasilian concerto pianist --> my father harry schroeter and teacher larry Fountain --> my father professional photos ---> mother give me the diplom of my graduation, brazil 1988 --> my brohter after won first prize in a violin competition ---> Hollywood music awards nomination with heaven on earth. L.A., 2008 ---> fantasy for cello and piano performe din Monterrey, Mex ---> Mr Jazinski, President of Judge of Chopin piano competition that gave me
the photos of Chopin objects from Varsaw Museum ---> interview at KCTS Television --> Los angeles music awards nomination, 2008 (heaven on earth) ---> larry and my father --> larry recomendation --> Los angeles music awards nomination, 2008 (heaven on earth) --> Los angeles music awards nomination, 2008 (heaven on earth) --> logo of my website ---> Top song of the month at songwriter universe magazine (heaven on earth) --> my Mother maria helena, pianist --> my name on the ermmedia record cd --> my aunt soprano Olga Maria --> my aunt soprano Olga Maria --> my aunt soprano Olga Maria ---> my music at oregon literary review ---> my music at oregon literary review ---> recital at seatlle --> letter i received from hollywood music awards nomination ---> my cello fantasy cited at Prieto book ---> recomendation ---> recomendation ---> recomendation ---> review of my third concerto by Claudio ronco, a cellist and composer from Venezia italy ---> recomendation --> my studio in brasil, where I wrote all my works ---> my sister and brother playing my christams trio ---> the cover of the Anna Nichole smith movie (look my name very down) --> honorary award at france international songwriting contest 2009 (heaven on earth) ---> catalogue of works ---> Review of Heaven on earth by American idol Judge. ---> my compositions in sibelius format for who have interest to perform or promote it.

Youtube Videos

Nocturne Op.81 No.10 (C minor)

Nocturne Op. 91 No.12 (C minor)

Walking Away

I loved her she loved horses

To see Love but her and forever

Our never had romance

Missing you (Solo Piano - Theme for film)

Secret Love (Solo Piano - Theme for film)

I found you

One Kiss


I will never forget you

Concerto 3 Video excerpt

Official site

My sheet music

Heaven on earth awards, nominations

Musical Family photos


Classical, film

Guilherme Schroeter
555 1/2 Coronado street
90057 Los Angeles, CA
(ph) 2134790573

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Posted on July 20, 2011 @ 4:30 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #55

Sir/Madam of Starlight,

i am able to meet the job requirements for this position should you wish to consider me me for the vacancy.

Kind regards,

Paul Seaman (UK)
+44 (0) 7929 973912

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Posted on June 4, 2011 @ 12:32 amLocation: Alex (EG)Compensation: $2,000 #54
by Hesham Mohamed Abdallah Hesham Mohamed Abdallah is currently offline. Click to send a message.
hi i`m hesham soliest from egypt

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Posted on May 5, 2011 @ 8:37 pmLocation: AZ (US)Compensation: $3,000 #53
by Ms. Stevie Woods & Co. Ms. Stevie Woods & Co. is currently offline. Click to send a message.
My name is Ms Stevie Woods, a vocalist from the U.S. I am very interested in your job opening for possible duo, trio or quartet. Please visit my web page at or youtube - Ms. Stevie Woods for more information please contact me at 520-461-7657.

Ms. Stevie Woods

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Posted on March 21, 2011 @ 4:13 am
Updated on April 28, 2011 @ 2:27 am
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #52

Hello we are the duokalabria and we are very interested in working with you.

The duokalabria consists of two italians musicians Mimmo Iero and Antonella Zampetta both Calabrian.

By clicking the link above, you enter in our myspace, where you will find, our products,our resume, our video, audio, photos, musical repertory.

However, about the resume, there is a summary:

Hi, my name is Mimmo Iero.

I am a musician and singer. I am also a composer.
Sound entirely live without the use of backing tracks.

So, no use of midi files via computer, megabits, or midi players in general, but only the use of the arranger keyboard, and my manual dexterity.
Singing in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Neapolitan.
Step away from classical piano bar, with evergreen national and international dance music, from dance to smooth, from reggae to Latin etc..
I honed my international repertoire working in duo with Costa Cruises, and MSC alone. I disembarkation to Costa in November2009, I embarked with MSC in December 2009 where I worked until August 2010 continuously, Then, I work, in “Cafè Calvadòs” an important restaurant in Moscow, in October and middle November.

Born in Reggio Calabria, since childhood I am fond of music, enough to be responsible for the choir of the Parish of St. Anne was only 16 years, a chorus of 60 elements, where they played with an orchestra and often performed pieces written by me.
Many street parties in Reggio Calabria Province;
performances in villages, as the Altalia of Brancaleone or Tropea, for example, shows in the important “white night” in Reggio and Bagnara.
But also various artistic directions in local villages, and "White Nights" Winter December (Waiting for Christmas), always in Reggio Calabria.
As well as the important "night colors" for the Feast of the Aras Pietrastorta, and in many constituencies in Reggio Calabria.
And yet, the artistic presence at the Winter Olympics in Turin, in the area under Cesana Sestriere in 2006, on behalf of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria.
And of course hundreds of weddings, parties and various celebrations.
I also took a regional tourist entertainment and music.

Antonella Zampetta

Antonella Zampetta,

composer, singer, jazz, blues, bossa nova, singer and performer of musical styles such as Italian and Neapolitan melody, evergreen international pop music, melodic rock, dance, smooth, Latin, etc.. She sings in English, French, Portuguese, Italian.

Host of musical and theatrical performances, entertainer and show-girl. Self-taught, in 2009 he obtained a Licentiate in Theory and Solfeggio spoken and sung at the Conservatory of Reggio Calabria.
At age 13 she began singing in piano bars, the step to live music in the streets was almost immediate, thereby integrating the piano bar, and participation in orchestral groups live in the streets of Calabria and Campania.
n 2004 the National Academy of Music participates in Sanremo, presenting my first novel and from there the composition of musical scores own becomes a requirement that in 2006, bring her the incision of the CD "Words unwritten, consisting of 11 new carried out in collaboration with guitarist Max Cavallo, which I formed the band "Honey Rancid." The promotion of CD has led me to participation in the radio program "DEMORAI" RAI Radio2, and the TV show "ROXYBAR" Red Ronnie in Bologna.
In 2004 he won the San Francesco di Paola, 3rd National Competition for Young MusicStar with an unreleased track "Breath of Wind".
Also in
2004, an important experience at the Teatro Nuovo in Milan The "to be part of" Pop Musical " with Paolo Limiti
well-known television presenter of RAI, entitled" Carmen Pop "for about a month, working with the soprano Cecilia Gasdia.
In the same year he made the closing concert of the fourteenth edition of the Festival International Academy of Jazz "in Cosenza, with the guitarist Bruce Springsteen's historic, Joe Grushecki,
and again the meeting-concert "Musical Treasures" at the National Library of Cosenza.
I let myself be so contaminated by the Jazz in 2005 and attended the Conservatory of Cosenza, and then workshops with teachers such as Ensemble Ettore Fioravanti, Attilio Zanchi, Mezzana Felice, Marco Sannini, Francesco D'Errico, Peter Condorelli, Giacomo Aula Gianna Montecalvo, Raffaele Borretti, Nicola Pisani.
In 2009 he, then, an artist who died prematurely, Peter Paul Cusato, Professor of Jazz at the Conservatory in Vibo Valentia, undisputed genius of jazz, pianist and musical thick.
In 2005-2006 he took part in Voices of the Jazz Chamber Orchestra of the Conservatory of Cosenza, exciting touring experience that leads to Bari, Castel del Monte, in collaboration with the Opera Petruzzelli of Bari, "Catanzaro Fest2005 Jazz" at the Teatro Politeama Catanzaro "R.Leoncavallo2005 Festival", "Invasioni2005 Festival" in Cosenza, etc..

In 2007, intensified his collaborations with orchestras live pop music from the square, working with theater and television artists such as Pippo Franco, the comedians' Bagaglino "such as Mario Zamma, Pamela Prati, Martufello. In the same year I promote my passion for jazz music in collaboration with the Cultural Association "Brutium" I Calabresi in the world, at the Palazzo Rospigliosi in Rome, and BNL Cultural Club of Rome. And again collaborating with the jazz guitarist Maestro Peter Condorelli, jazz pianist and teacher David Santorsola.
Growing timid passion for Bossa Nova, now becoming a genre of music that share a trio at full speed, voice, guitar and flute / sax.
In 2008 and 2009 presents the International Festival of Montalto Uffugo R. Leoncavallo, under the artistic direction of the theater Mariafrancesca Sicilians.
Continue collaborations with musicians from the duo ensemble to a building, squares, clubs, private events of various kinds.

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Posted on March 4, 2011 @ 2:44 amLocation: Ponce ()Compensation: $1,200 #51
by James Joseph Fraschetti James Joseph Fraschetti is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I have much experience playing live jazz, classical, pop, r&b, rock, latin music of all kinds, piano bar as a single musician professionally for more than 25 years. I am available. I have a myspace at, youtube at, I am available at anytime. You may contact me on my cellphone (787) 615-4642 or email at My pay should be between $100 per month plus accomodations.

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Posted on February 24, 2011 @ 8:06 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: $1 #50
by Arsentiy Alexander Prymak Arsentiy Alexander Prymak is currently offline. Click to send a message.

My greetings to you.

My name is Arsentiy and I’m an artist (singer, dancer, and actor). I work in this profession from 6 years. I have great education: Kyiv High Musical College, vocal (classic, jazz, pop, variety) 1999-2003., Kyiv National University of theater, cinema and TV (artist: actor, vocalist, dancer) 2003-2007, and huge experience: National Academical Kyiv Operetta Theater (artist: actor, vocalist, dancer) 2003-2010. Also I participated in different concerts, performances, international festivals, shows in Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Egypt, Russia, and Germany... I worked on TV as actor, TV host, entertainer, and showman. I played movies as actor in Ukraine and Russia.

I sing in english, french, italian, russian, and ukrainian languages, in different styles: rock’n’roll, ballad, soul, blues, country, gospel, jazz, romance, funk, classical, folk, pop, musicals… My repertoire consist of the best songs of the best artists: Elvis Presley, Beatles, Joe Coker, Eric Clapton, Alexander Serov, James Brown, Frank Sinatra, George Michael, Fillip Kirkorov, Eros Ramazzotti, Joe Dassin, Tom Jones, Nicolay Nosckov, Celentano, Louis Armstrong, etc… groups, bands…

I can perform in any places: as on the street so in the concert hall. Style of my perform can be any, it depend on what needed: from smooth atmosphere of salon to great and powerful concert show.

My English is fluent, germany is basic, ukrainian and russian are native languages. I’m creative, outstanding, charismatic, well organized, responsible, sociable, polite, inventive and punctual person.

I’m very grateful for your attention and your time. I will be thankful to you for any information about opportunity of work for me.

With my respect and the best wishes. God bless you.

Arsentiy Prymak

My website


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Posted on February 3, 2011 @ 6:08 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #49

I am an outstanding classical pianist as well as a piano/vocal entertainer. I attended the Mannes College of Music in New York, studying with Nina Svetlanova, one of the most sought after piano teachers in the United States. I also have extensive teaching experience with children through adults. I have a lot of work background on cruiseships and in Miami, Florida, where I currently live. I would be happy to send you any materials you may require to consider me for a position, including CDs and DVDs as well as professional references. I have a brief YouTube video containing solo and piano/vocal excerpts. The address is:

Thank you for your consideration.

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Posted on January 29, 2011 @ 12:34 amLocation: Constanta (RO)Compensation: as proposed #48
by Daniel B. Daniel B. is currently offline. Click to send a message.

My name is Daniel Belcin (piano-keyboard-vocal player) from Romania ;
This is my `Web-Site` :

On this web-site you can find `Videos ` of me performing in different styles of music , Repertoire(Songlist),Photos, Biography and Contact.
i would be very glad and honored to give you more details about me as a person and a musician .
Best Regards,
Daniel Belcin

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Posted on January 26, 2011 @ 8:05 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #47

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

my name is Julia Fuchs. I am a professional piano vocalist.

Please accept my application as a piano vocalist for 5 star hotels in Asia. I was employed on cruise lines in Europe and USA, and in hotels in Germany, Norway and Switzerland.

Please watch my video and music on my homepage:

I hope you can consider me for this position.

I am looking forward to getting an answer from you.

Kind regards

Julia Fuchs

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Posted on January 18, 2011 @ 2:59 amLocation: Lviv (UA)Compensation: $2,500 #46
by Olga Makarenko Olga Makarenko is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hello. My name is Olga. I'm vocalist/saxophonist/pianist. I can work like a like a singer-pianist,soloist (vocals/saxophone)
I'm ready for a longtime contracts.

Speciality: saxophone,piano,vocals
Languages: Russian,Ukraine,English
Date of Birth: 4.04.1982
1989-1997-music school. Speciality: piano
1997- 2001- Kruvuj Rig music college. Two specialities:piano,saxophone2001-2007- Lvov Music Academy.

2207-2008- Lvov Music Academy,magistracy
Olga worked like a solo saxophonist and vocalist with acoustic instruments players (pianist,accordionist), with a life jazz,pop bands. Also played saxophone in Lvov Symphony Orchestra and in Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra "Leopolis".
Poland -Centrum "Inter-Art"
U.A.E. Millennium Hotel - Sharjah
Marco Polo Hotel -Dubai
Al Bustan Rotana Hotel- Dubai
Malaysia - Show "Dreamz"
France -Royal Palace - Show "Jalousie"

My video:


At Last
The Man I Love
Round midnight
How insensetive
I Feel Good:


The Best Regards.

Skype Olushkasax
mob +380934018434

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Posted on December 23, 2010 @ 7:29 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #45

My Name is Nour Harkati, I m a Guitarist ,Singer/Song Writer, I m in Dubai right now, I'm 23 years old.

I have too many experiences ,and I'm Interested by this job.

you can check out My Web Site :

Thank you so much
Nour Harkati

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Posted on November 8, 2010 @ 4:12 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $1,500 #44


Permanent add: Republic of Indonesia

Mobile: +62818558280

Email add:


From 1972 to 2010:

* La Fontaine Center of Contemporary Art (Kingdom of Bahrain)

* Raffles Grand Hotel Seam Reap, Cambodia

* Bali Conrad, Indonesia

* Westin Hotel, Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia

* Sheraton Sapporo, Japan (January – July 2002)

* Hotel Reinhartshausen, Eltville, Germany

* Legian Suite (Bali)

* Bali Intercontinental

* Bali Hilton

* Joined many Jazz Festivals in Germany

Education :

* Petra Primary School (Surabaya) (from 1956 to 1961)

* Petra High School (Surabaya) (from 1961 to 1967)

* Petra University (Surabaya) (1967 to 1969)

Influential Books :

* Jazz Improvisation:

* Bill Evans, Mark Levine

Music Tastes:

* Errol Gardner, Oscar Peterson,

* Bill Evans, Duke Ellington, and similar styles


* Indonesian (Native language)

* English (Relatively fluent)

* German (Very basic)

Birth date: Dec 23, 1950 Status: Married

Age: 60 Passport No. : U330787 Gender: Male Citizenship: Indonesia

Applicant‘s Signature:


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Posted on November 5, 2010 @ 9:28 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $500 #43

Dear Sirs,

I am a bilingual, English/Spanish vocalist with many years of performing experience. I have sung with many bands and in different styles such as jazz, country, Latin boleros,Tejano, merengue, salsa, rock, easy listening and many others. I have recorded two cd's and can be accessed at under oscar e contreras. I am able to work with a piano/keyboardist as a duo or trio. I also play traps (drums ). I am a team player, don't smoke or drinkand have a valid passport. Thank you for your consideration.



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Posted on November 4, 2010 @ 5:36 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #42

im interested

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Posted on October 15, 2010 @ 10:12 pm
Updated on October 15, 2010 @ 10:14 pm
Location: Mercedes (AR)Compensation: as proposed #41
by Lito Cordoba Argentina Latin.tango Band Lito Cordoba Argentina Latin.tango Band is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sr:

Is my pleasure to show you part of our artistic work to your company.

With this material you could see small fragments of our Latin music the one we play with dedication, professionalism and experience.
Our show has been seen in different worldwide hotels such as The Jumeirah Beach Hotel (DUBAI UAE) since 1998 we keep a very cordial work relation with them, Also we had the pleasure to play in the unique seven stars hotel on the world Burj Al Arab (DUBAI UAE), as well in the Argentinean Embassy in UAE and Kuwait. We also took our music to La Taberna Del Tango in Miami (EE.UU, Hyatt Argentina, Four Seasons, Caesar Park,Alvear Palace Hotel Argentina).

Our experience make us very confidants with our work making easier to please the requirement of the public and the hotel
This proposal is based in the Latin rhythms such as boleros, cha-cha, salsa, merengue, bossa-nova, samba, pasodoble, candombe, fox,valses and for the expectator our mayor attraction is Tango and Argentinean folklore, this two are more attractive because of the sensuality of the dance and the music interpretation.

This variety can be made by a duo, example
Singer, charango, acoustic guitar and cajon peruano by ALEJANDRA SEGURA. Also we can add more musicicans and dancers (one or more couples if you prefer).
We are open to hear from you your proposals, and from now we are thankful for your time and interest.
For more information you can visit

/musicians/10529Latin.tango band.

you can contact us in my telephone numbers

0054 2324 431789

0054 911 65383793 (mobile)


Compensation. To agree

Attached video demo.

Lito Cordoba
Artistic Director

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Posted on October 15, 2010 @ 9:30 pm
Updated on October 27, 2010 @ 12:14 am
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #40
Hello, we are Latin Connection Duo from Barranquilla, Colombia. Our musical group is integrated by a Female singer (who also executes smaller percussion),and a keyboardist / musical director . We has a wide repertoire of Latin music to include Salsa, Merengue, Bolero, reggae, regueton, American and Spanish ballads of 70's, 80's and 90's, country, caribbean music, and also Colombian music folkloric.. In addition, we are always updating our show to ensure the maximum entertainment of our audience. We are based at the moment in Colombia but with total disposition to travel if we obtained some previous hirings.

Our web page is: there are information, bios, photos, videos, songlist about us

or just write JACK BOLIVAR in youtube,
or Latin Connection in WAYN.COM
or Latin Connection in 4SHARED.COM
or Latin Connection in Musicians Page for our band demos

my contact number:
Lorens Barrios

thanks for your interest.

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Posted on September 22, 2010 @ 3:02 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #39
hello to starlight ,
you can contact this Email :
+7-965-198-93-38 > >> > Moscow, Russia,she playing violin with pianist and they are reddy to com to UAE as soonbest regards,from,
hazem momani > Director manager > +971507330074 > +971506630352 > > > >

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Posted on September 16, 2010 @ 6:52 pmLocation: Reggio Calabria (IT)Compensation: as proposed #38
by Mimmo Iero Mimmo Iero is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi, my name is Mimmo Iero.
I am a musician and singer. I am also a composer.
Sound entirely live without the use of backing tracks.
Singing in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Neapolitan.
Step away from classical piano bar, with evergreen national and international dance music, from dance to smooth, from reggae to Latin etc..
I honed my international repertoire working in duo with Costa Cruises, and MSC alone. I disembarkation to Costa in November, I embarked with MSC in December, where I worked until August of now-continuously
Born in Reggio Calabria, since childhood I am fond of music, enough to be responsible for the choir of the Parish of St. Anne was only 16 years, a chorus of 60 elements, where they played with an orchestra and often performed pieces written by me.
Many street parties in Reggio Calabria Province;
performances in villages, as the Altalia of Brancaleone or Tropea, for example, shows in the important “white night” in Reggio and Bagnara.
But also various artistic directions in local villages, and "White Nights" Winter December (Waiting for Christmas), always in Reggio Calabria.
As well as the important "night colors" for the Feast of the Aras Pietrastorta, and in many constituencies in Reggio Calabria.
And yet, the artistic presence at the Winter Olympics in Turin, in the area under Cesana Sestriere in 2006, on behalf of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria.
And of course hundreds of weddings, parties and various celebrations.
I also took a regional tourist entertainment and music.
Please visit my sites: where you can listen and download my fourth novel, and watch my videos made this year on the wonderful videos that you can also see on official site to update.
Video and photos visible on face book, asking the friendship,

Mimmo Iero of course .
Mimmo Iero
Mail tel 0039 3476166383

P.s.I also work as a duo or trio. If you require such training, we can talk.

Good work.

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Posted on September 6, 2010 @ 2:46 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #37

Dear Sir I am a English piano player living on the border between France and Germany my age
is 57 and I have been a pro musician for 35 years. for the last 5 years I was house pianist
in a hotel in baden Baden, but the hotel as bee sold, and they are closeing for 2 years
to renavate. I play all kinds of music, but I do lie to play jazz standards, I also use bass
pedals so that when I swing it sounds like piano and bass. I speak English, French German.

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Posted on September 4, 2010 @ 2:12 am
Updated on September 8, 2010 @ 9:03 am
Location: (PH)Compensation: as proposed #36
by Drigo Drigo is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello ,solo pianist w female singer (Duo) here available for contract ..we can play songs from oldies jazz standard to new age ...


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Posted on August 12, 2010 @ 8:13 pmLocation: Groton, VT (US)Compensation: as proposed #35
by Stephen W. Heist Stephen W. Heist is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I have just finished, hopefully, my last cruise ship job and am looking for work.

I've been an entertainer for many years and please visit my web site at:

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at:

or call me in Quebec at:


I am an American citizen, but currently am living in Quebec

Thanks and...

ALL the Very Best

Steve Heist

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Posted on July 25, 2010 @ 4:25 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #34

I am a pianist/vocalist by profession. I have already worked and was able to perform in some of the prestigious hotels here in Manila, Philippines such as the Diamond Hotel, Mandarin Hotel, Century Park Hotel, Manila Garden Hotel, Shangri-la Hotel and the like. At present, I am a band leader of a three-piece band. My repertoire are mostly standard songs and a little bit of pop and Latin.

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Posted on July 12, 2010 @ 4:57 amLocation: 0Compensation: $1,000 #33

To whom it may concern;

Greetings!!! My name is Etilda P. Pamen from Tacloban City, Philippines. I am applying for the job as a Lady singer- guitarist ( folksinger). Have been professionally experienced for 17 years. Working in Japan for 11 contracts and in the Philippines.

My repetoire are songs from Joan Baez, Carole King and some American folksingers. Have few Spanish and Japanese songs.

I am looking forward for your reply. Thank you and more powers!!!

Very truly yours,
Etilda P. Pamen

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Posted on July 7, 2010 @ 3:39 amLocation: Itaugua (PY)Compensation: as proposed #32
by Normita Normita is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Good day!

My name is Norma Lara, and I'm from Paraguay,
South America. I am experienced professional pianist in concerts and presentations in several countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Argentina and Brazil. I am also a violinist and I have integrated the major orchestras in my country.
I am available for presentations in five star hotels. I have a varied repertoire that includes classical, popular, worldwide, film music and more.

Can find my profile whit photos and more information at /musicians/Normita/
Mi e-mail adress is
My videos:

I hope to hear from you soon ..
Thank you!

Norma Lara.
Itauguá, Paraguay.

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Posted on July 6, 2010 @ 8:13 amLocation: Mumbai (IN)Compensation: $1,000 #31
by pianist pianist is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello Sir/Madam,

This Sandesh Pawar. I am from Bombay INDIA. I m 25yrs Old Young talented boy. I am good in playing Grand Piano. I can play American classical, Jazz etc. I have good international exprience of playing grand piano in various hotel's. with this e-mail you w;ll find my Performing Photo, my Youtube video link.

If you are looking for pianist .. i would like to work with you.....

Thanking you




Video: On Youtube


Performance experience:

Ø Currently employ of St Laurn Towers St Laurn Hotels Ltd. Ahmadabad (Gujarat) as a pianist.

Ø Previous employ of “GENESIS EVENT REDIFING MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT” as PIANIST. (2007 – 2008).

Ø Previous experience working in Kingdom of Bahrain (Middle East) as Pianist in Ramee International Hotel. (2008 – 2009). Ø Exprience of performing in very famous Hotel “It’s Mirchi” Ramee International Hotel. Bahrain. As Pianist.

Ø I have done Diploma in Music from Y.M.C.A. Bombay. INDIA.

Ø I have good experience of playing American Classical, Romantic, Jazz & world’s Most Famous song on Grand Piano. Ø I have experince of playing Grand Piano in various festival as above... i. American food festival . ii. Chinese food festival . iii. Goaun food festival . iv. Delhi food festival and Delhi festival.

Extra Curricular Achievements:

Ø 17th December 2001, "BEST MUSICIAN GROUP" Awarded by inter college Musical Competition (Mumbai). Ø 15th November 2002 Awarded By Methodist Church. Bombay for "BEST PIANO PLAYER". Ø Best Piano Player & Best Student Of the year 2005 & 2006. awarded by YMCA BOMBAY. INDIA. Ø Having Experience Of Composing New song & Working as Music Director for Recording with CASA. MUMBAI INDIA. Ø Last 10year's I have been playing Grand Piano in Hotel's, Musical Events, Musical Concert, Recording Studio, cultural Activity & Musical Event in Christian Churches. Ø I can also good in Playing Guitar & Flute etc. professionally. Ø Taking personal Classes teaching Piano, Guitar.

Educational Qualifications:

HSC 61% Mumbai University.

Graduation “A” Grade Mumbai University.

Diploma In Music (PIANO) “A” Y.M.C.A. Bombay.

Personal Information:

Name : Sandesh Pawar.

Father’s Name : Mr. Tarachand Pawar

Date of Birth : May 28, 1985

Gender : Male

Martial Status : single

Languages Known : English, Hindi and Marathi

Permanent Address : c/o Mr. T. S. Pawar

301, Kalish Dharshan Apt.

Near Fatima school, Fadke Road,

Ambernath (w)

Dist. Thane (MH)

I hereby declare that all above-mentioned information in my C.V. is true to best of my knowledge.

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Posted on June 7, 2010 @ 7:50 amLocation: Varna (BG)Compensation: $1,800 #30
by Peter Peter is currently offline. Click to send a message.
My name is Petar. I'm a solo vocalist/pianist from Bulgaria with master degree in Pop/Jazz singing and more than 10 years experience working in different countries like Greenland, Norway, Egypt etc.
I have also a couple of years experiance in vocal teaching.
I would like to apply for work for your company and I'm particularly interested in working in the UAE.
Please, contact me by e-mail (, skype: pijo1992 or phone number +359887194866

Best regards,

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Posted on June 5, 2010 @ 10:22 pmLocation: Los Angeles, CA (US)Compensation: as proposed #29
by Marco Missinato Marco Missinato is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I would be interested in considering your job offer availability starting fall 2010.
I am a singer keyboard player with a 20 year experience and a huge variety of songs genres. You can check my songlist and more info about me at my web site

Thank you for your consideration


Marco Missinato

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Posted on June 2, 2010 @ 5:31 amLocation: Brooklyn, NY (US)Compensation: as proposed #28
by Emory Toler Emory Toler is currently offline. Click to send a message.
My Name Is emory Toler,,Vocalist/performer,,high energy,exp+, genres of R&b, Pop, Dance,Soul..some jazz standards...well traveled,(holds a valid passport)europe,japan,etc... I am interested in the position,,and I am available asap.. My love of Music and Entertaining makes me a Valuable commodity on the music circuit,I have songs recorded as well(check out,,,have recorded with some good artists as well, and have the love of music and entertaing others,,share my gift with the world,,,Thank You

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Posted on May 25, 2010 @ 4:47 amLocation: Cuernavaca (MX)Compensation: as proposed #27
by GUSTAV GUSTAV is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I`m available to get gig on september, i will based on europe since July, and I`m interesting in your job offer.

to check my resume, videos or audio files, you can find the web sites on my profile. my repertory is about 600 songs in american standars, pop music, traditional rock, 50`s 60`s 70`s and of course real latin music.

waitin heard from you im at your orders.

kind regards


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Posted on May 25, 2010 @ 4:31 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #26
by Al Mei Al Mei is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello Starlight.

I saw your posting, and i am very interested.

I am a Tenor singer and can sing many types of genres

Pop,Rnb,Jazz,Classic songs from 60's,70's,80's,90's,also some Tenor's Arias from opera.

I have a very Wide range from: B2 (two Bs below Middle C - G5 Chest voice (Full Voice)

I'm a hard worker and willing to learn new songs when it's required.

I have one video attached on my profile here at the ( please have a look)

So if you're interested and for further information you can reach me at :

thank you



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Posted on May 23, 2010 @ 12:46 pmLocation: Stip (MK)Compensation: as proposed #25
by Dane Danev Dane Danev is currently offline. Click to send a message.


We are ready for this job, so please let us respond.
We are an international male duo.
ALABORTS from Macedonia
From the musical instruments played: Dane Danev guitar and vocals, Zoran Bozinov, keyboards, accordion and sings backing vocals.
We work for years on tourist ships and hotels as a duo band, at the same time we have gained much experience and speak English language course first, then German, Italian ...
Our repertoire is diverse:
the Classic hits from 50 to now, Pop, Latin, R&R,Greec and many more .... E.Prestley, J.Iglisias, T.Jones, Beatles, E.Humperdinck, F.Sinatra, Zorbas, R.Martin ,D.Martin ,B.Dylan, J.Dassin and more…
We work on all continents in how we are engaged.
You can contact us at any time.
Responsible for this duo
Mr.Dane Danev
mobile. +38976426035

See part of our program




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Posted on May 23, 2010 @ 5:27 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #24

Good day!I am russian pianist from Ukraine,i look for seriosly contract as a pianist or duo with vokal.If you r interested let me know please and i have send full information.

thank you


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Posted on May 11, 2010 @ 10:22 amLocation: 0Compensation: $1,000 #23

hi i'm from the philippines i am solo male singer i don't have that much experience but if you will give me a chance i can prove that i have what it takes. i have also one companion who can do 2nd voice and do back up for me. hope you can give as a chance. tnx,

pls.. let me know if we are qualified, you can check our profile for more info

tnx again,


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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 11:38 pmLocation: Bolingbrook, IL (US)Compensation: as proposed #22
by Lynn Roeder Lynn Roeder is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hi , been a pianist/ vocalist all my life, been in 2 national magazines, did 5 cruiseships , performed for the King + Queen of Sweden, and performed in Hiroshima and Matsuyama, Japan-and much more. Please send me your e-mail address so I can send you my whole resume and would love to go back to Japan. Also some MP3's I can send you as well as photograph. I presently am working on a web site.

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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 4:23 pmLocation: Gadsden, AL (US)Compensation: as proposed #21
by William T. Mann William T. Mann is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 2:36 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #20
I have perfeormed for 34 years and can play and sing...

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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 12:28 pmLocation: Trondheim (NO)Compensation: as proposed #19
by Robin Rose Robin Rose is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi Trevor, At this stage I am available from December 20th 2010, you will find all my Resume, Audio/ Video clips at

Regards Robin Rose

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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 8:41 amLocation: Rayong (TH)Compensation: as proposed #18
by Tim Hedges Tim Hedges is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear starlight
please consider me for the pianist job you have
i live in Thailand i amd English and sing and play jazz piano
my you tube

my hotmail is
thanksyou for replying soon
Tim Hedges[FLASH=425,350]

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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 8:30 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #17

Dear Mrss.:
I´m very interested in your Job Offer...
More than 10 years of experience as a Solo Pianist.
Please check out my site:
(including CV, audio stuff and a Video-Audition)

Living in Spain, able to travel, repertoire over 100 songs en Jazz, Brazilian, Pop, Funk and Reggae styles...
If you need any other kind of info, please let me know...
Sincerely Yours
Alejandro Mendoza

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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 6:50 amLocation: Madrid (ES)Compensation: as proposed #16
by Sariah White Sariah White is currently offline. Click to send a message.

hello im so interested in work with you.. now im in singapore and i looking for a new contract, please email me and i send my profile, cv photos and videos

in waiting news



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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 4:40 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #15
by Angelina And Eric Niessner (impromptu Duo) T. Niessner Angelina And Eric Niessner (impromptu Duo) T. Niessner is currently offline. Click to send a message.
where is this contract?hope to hear from you....thanks and more power!

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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 2:59 amLocation: Basel, Switzerland (CH)Compensation: $1,500 #14
by Andy Boller Andy Boller is currently offline. Click to send a message.
where is this job? what is the estimated NET weekly salary?-- here are some performance videos -- filmed at a 5 star hotel job--- thanks, andy boller

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Posted on May 5, 2010 @ 12:24 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #13

Basicaly, how much does the job pay?

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Posted on May 4, 2010 @ 11:57 pm
Updated on September 24, 2012 @ 9:59 pm
Location: Phoenix, AZ (US)Compensation: $1,000 #12
by Crag Jensen Crag Jensen is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi Trevor,

My name is Crag Jensen and I am a pianist/vocalist and I noticed today that you are currently looking for pianist / vocalists. I have an array of videos as well as a picture and resume on this site. ( /musicians/2144 ). And I would love to play in Dubai!

Best Regards,


716 720 0875

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Posted on May 4, 2010 @ 8:52 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #11

I am interested in this job

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