This job has expired on Dec 8, 2013 @ 2:43 am and is currently closed
Female Jazz Vocalist/Pianist and Drummer Needed
Status: CLOSED
Posted: Oct 24, 2013 @ 7:22 pm
Updated:Nov 7, 2013 @ 2:43 am
Categories:Single Musician, Player
Genres:Jazz, Latin, Pop, R&B/Soul
Skills:Singer, Drums Player, Piano Player


More than $1,000

Time Frame

Within one month

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Bids/Applications: 16
Public applications:
Posted on October 25, 2013 @ 5:48 amLocation: 0Compensation: $4,000 #16

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Posted on October 24, 2013 @ 9:01 pmLocation: Phoenix, AZ (US)Compensation: $1,000 #15
by Crag Jensen Crag Jensen is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hi Brad,

I am a highly experienced pianist and vocalist but am not female. I do, however, have an excellent female vocalist who is a close friend who I played with years ago - who might very well be interested in this gig. Unfortunately I don't have any examples of her singing right on hand but may be able to get some from her in a couple of days. We both sing (play) jazz, standards, pop, rock etc.
Here are some links to some samples of my playing and singing:

Quando, Quando

When I'm Sixty-four

The Music of Crag Jensen (Live and Studio Mix)

Crag Jensen Piano/Vocal Demo

Pennies from Heaven

(The above track is also attached)

Crag's Music Page:

Crag Jensen/Craig Quiter
716 720 0875

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