Duos and Bands required for 5 star hotels in Asia 2011
Status: OPEN
Posted: Jan 3, 2011 @ 11:00 am
Updated:Jan 3, 2011 @ 11:00 am
Categories:Single Musician, Band/Ensemble, Performer



Time Frame

No Time Frame

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Bids/Applications: 227
Public applications:
Posted on March 2, 2023 @ 11:23 pmLocation: Bogota, D.c. (CO)Compensation: $3,000 #227
by Redlight Duo Redlight Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi, this is Camilo, from Redlight Duo

We are Southamerica'n (Colombia) musicians with broad experience playing in different social and private events, restaurants and hotels.

We enjoy playing a wide range of musical genres such as Funk, R&B, Soul, Disco, 80's Rock, Pop, Latin jazz, and even Swing or Country.

We have an extensive repertory and any type of music or style that you require. We are fully prepared and ready to work with you.

Attached I am sending the link of our Videos and our CV (Epk) and our main repertoire. We already started our medical appointments so we'll be ready at the moment you require.

Looking forward to hear from you

Camilo Arciniegas

(+57) 310 5702278

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Posted on July 18, 2019 @ 8:13 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: $1,500 #226
by ElectriClasicos ElectriClasicos is currently offline. Click to send a message.

ElectriClasicos Fiesta Band (Argentinean party band) The band performs high-energy shows with a repertoire that covers almost every style of music (Classic Rock, Pop, Funk & Disco hits, Jazz, Blues and Tango) All band members sing in english, spanish, italian and portuguese.

Sample Vids;





Looking forward for your response.

Best regards

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Posted on August 21, 2018 @ 9:07 pmLocation: Las Vegas, NV (US)Compensation: $7,000 #225
by 2Shay 2Shay is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Award-winning Duo

World-Class Entertainers

Dozens of Major Cruise Line contracts

Countless Las Vegas Strip performances

Country Clubs, Casinos, Conventions, Bars, Restaurants, Festivals, Private Parties

Warmly Intimate Unplugged Acoustic sets

Contagiously Energizing Electrified Dance sets (with tracks!)

1 Guitar, 2 Voices, Hours of Music and Fun!

2Shay is a magical combination of stellar talent with the wondrous ability to cover all the Great Hits from the 1950s to the Top 40s of today.

Leona is a dazzling Vocalist who seems to have no limit to the style of music and the energy she creates in every performance.

Randy is a master Guitarist and vocalist who drives this Duo to be one of the best in the business.

Coupling varied musical backgrounds, they have joined forces to create sumptuous listening experiences and non-stop dance entertainment.

The inexhaustible song list and vivacity of this extraordinary musical Duo has been a favorite of top Cruise Lines and Hotel show rooms on and off the Las Vegas Strip.

They are a perfect blend of Pop and Rock Dance music for most any venue with a boundless appeal to all audiences and corporate, specialty or public events.

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Posted on November 2, 2015 @ 9:49 am
Updated on March 19, 2017 @ 9:24 am
Location: Razgrad (BG)Compensation: as proposed #224
by SPECIAL D SPECIAL D is currently offline. Click to send a message.

po music demo

Hello, we are SPECIAL D duo from Bulgaria and we are interested in your job proposal. Please check out our demos. Thank you!

coutry music demo

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Posted on November 25, 2014 @ 3:59 pm
Updated on November 25, 2014 @ 4:03 pm
Location: N/ACompensation: as proposed #223
by Dimo & Tanya D Dimo & Tanya D is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello, we are a two-piece band from Bulgaria interested in the job proposal. Please, check our You tube video below for more information.
E-mail: dimotanya@yahoo.com

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Posted on March 13, 2014 @ 8:27 pmLocation: St.petersburg (RU)Compensation: $1,500 #222
by COCKTAIL FM COCKTAIL FM is currently offline. Click to send a message.
We modern music cover-band from St. Petersburg (Russia). We are looking for a job abroad.

Contacts: Dmitry Ushin
E-mail: cocktail_fm@mail.ru
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cocktailfm.spb
Web site: http://cocktailfm.ru
VK: http://vk.com/cocktail_fm

Promo video: http://cocktailfm.ru/cfm2014

Our resume attached to this letter.

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Posted on January 9, 2014 @ 7:25 amLocation: Makati City (PH)Compensation: $1,000 #221
by LosAiresSerenaders LosAiresSerenaders is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi Eric Johnson,

We are interested to be included on your shortlist.

I'm Marilyn P. Suarez, a former member of the Los Aires Trio/ Quartet Strolling Musicians and will be sending a profile and an email of the videos posted on YouTube of this group who is interested to apply on your post.

Herewith are the videos uploaded via YouTube:

I. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fjAQ13bfAQ4&feature=youtube_gdata_player

II. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q2QEiBq8kI&feature=youtube_gdata_player

III. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3q2QEiBq8kI&feature=youtube_gdata_player

God Bless and hear from you soon.

Thank you very much.


+639061858033/ +6329059600030

Email: yheng.childatheart@gmail.com

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Posted on January 2, 2014 @ 12:25 am
Updated on January 9, 2014 @ 8:29 pm
Location: 0Compensation: $3,000 #220
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would greatly appreciate it if you would consider our Duo 'Nova' from Auckland, New Zealand, for any contract work you may have available in the near future. We are Professional and Experienced looking for lobby lounge work in the UAE. Our repertorie consists of Jazz/Ballads/Modern/Dance/Soul etc...We can also include a male keyboard musician/lead vocalist to form a trio, if required. We are currently available to start from February 2014.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards

Ingrid Sa'ena-Brown

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Posted on December 5, 2013 @ 9:54 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #219

We are a Jazz, Funk, Soul & Hip Hop band with 6 musicians - 2 DJs(Programmers), Vocal, Keyboards, Guitar, Saxophone.... Our band is also available with 4 members (2 DJs, Vocal, Saxophone). We are looking for a job in China. You can see everything about our band in "musicianspage.com" searching FUNKABOUT. Our concerts in Yerevan are always full of people. You can also watch there some video material from the concerts.


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oSwaHqCCahw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRJ5PX_mK-g


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Posted on July 19, 2013 @ 1:40 amLocation: Kazan (RU)Compensation: as proposed #218
by sequenced duo Music Avenue sequenced  duo Music Avenue is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hi, We would like to apply for the position of sequenced Trio The Mirror (keyboard, guitar, female-vocal.)
We're professional musicians from Russia.(Kazan city).We're playing music in different styles & genres,singing in English, Russian,Italian,Spanish,Turkish a little French,German.Our repertoire contains over 700 songs from oldies to contemporary tunes.We speak English fluetly, fit,don't use alcohol.We are communicative, tolerant,jolly persons, and very reliable and hardworking in our profession.We available to start in the beginning of September 2013.
e-mail: layla56@yandex.ru
skype: laylah56
mobile: +79033888636
Thank you for your interest and we look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards "The Mirror"

video link:
In the Band 2013

In the BAND 2010 (Cotton Party)

Trio 2012 (Party Disco 80th)

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Posted on June 19, 2012 @ 12:50 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #217

Hy , We are Soulgate Band from Romania

you have here some you tube posted :






contact : +40/0722521584

e mail : soulgatebandadi@yahoo.com

Adrian Mario

Manager Soulgate Band

Best regards.

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Posted on April 25, 2012 @ 7:12 pmLocation: Bydgoszcz (PL)Compensation: as proposed #216
by Solo & Duo Acoustic Guitarist Singer Band Guitarist Guitarist And Singer Solo & Duo Acoustic Guitarist Singer Band  Guitarist Guitarist And Singer is currently offline. Click to send a message.

We are professional and experienced Polish duo, singer and guitarist,
We have a varied repertoire in six languages,
To present you our promotional materials




We are interested in a job offer,
Greetings Keri & Andrew

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Posted on April 25, 2012 @ 10:57 amLocation: Cairns (AU)Compensation: $1,000 #215
by 'Sweet K' 'Sweet K' is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Please visit my page on: Musicians Page for video footage
or my website: www.sweetk.com.au for more information.
'Sweet K' are available for booking contracts from 1st November 2012.

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Posted on March 10, 2012 @ 8:22 pmLocation: Moscow (RU)Compensation: $2,805 #214
by Pavel Pogorelsky Pavel Pogorelsky is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Name: Pogorelsky Pavel Boleslavovich
Date of Birth: 23.06.1986
Marital status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Address: Varvarskaya,10-48 Nizhniy Novgorod Russia

Phone: +7(831)4198724
Mobile: +79672387974
E-Mail Pbp2pbp2@gmail.com

Next of Kin: English conversational
Name and Post address of your closest relative (Husband/wife, or parents, or brother/sister),show only one most closest person. Boris uncle
Instruments mastered Piano is main mastered instrument;
Organ is also available

2003-2008 Moscow State Conservatory
1993-2003 Musical school N. Novgorod

Previous experience

2008-2009 Musical University of culture and art. Accompaniator

A teacher of school of music

Summer 2008, 2009,2010, 2011 Musical concert employee in Russian ships
Mos tur flot
Info flot
Rech tur flot
2011 A work in Jerusalem choir

Since 2011 A work on the international ferries in Skandinavia

Email: pbp2@mail.ru

Должность музыканта-пианиста, тапера

О себе

Профессиональный музыкант-исполнитель на фортепиано и органе, композитор. Пишу музыку с семи лет. Увлекаюсь аранжировками. Лауреат российских и международных конкурсов (в том числе: конкурс им. Ф. Шопена в Польше (1998), конкурс «Брат и сестра» в С-Петербурге (1996), стипендиат программы «Новые имена»(1996-2000)). Являюсь членом Союза молодых композиторов. Кроме того изучал дирижирование, и обладаю хорошим голосом (бас.
Кроме того профессиональный настройщик пианино и роялей,

реставратор..Имею заграничный международный опыт работы
Член ассоциации фортепианных мастеров России.


Московская Государственная Консерватория им. П.И.Чайковского

Фортепиано, орган и композиция

(1993-2003) Музыкальная школа №9 г.Н.Новгород, специальность фортепиано. Окончил с отличием.

Опыт работы

Игра в ресторанах («Панфиловец» и др.

Написание музыки к фильмам («Король крыс» режиссера Малинник И.И., 2007).

Работа на речных судах

Инфо Флот,

Мос тур Флот,

работа на международных паромах Скандинавии


Работа в музыкальной школе Таривердиева



на youtube разнообразные видео





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Posted on February 21, 2012 @ 6:47 am
Updated on March 22, 2012 @ 6:31 pm
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #213
Hi there!

URBAN is looking for a AWESOME 5 Star Hotel contract in the Middle East and or Asia! We have many years experience in the international hotel scene and specialize primarily in the Funky House/Soul/R&B genre. However with our combined backgrounds we can also venture into The Rock realms if required.

We are also available as a Duo (male Guitar/vocal and Female Vocal with backing or without) and as a Trio with Piano and Backing if required for Sensitive Performances.

I have attached a 1 page PDF Biography of our band and also a link to our Youtube Channel that features the band.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!

Kind Regards,

Pete Simon - Urban Band Leader

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Posted on February 10, 2012 @ 2:28 pmLocation: Budapest (HU)Compensation: as proposed #212
by Janos Johan from best of Budapest musicians Janos Johan from best of Budapest musicians is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear Ageny
I'm Janos Johan. I am from Hungary.
I play on violin,and I am bandleader.
I would like to work in hotels and restaurant as a musician.
Can yuo help?
we can play all kinds of music.
classic, jazz, world, film, music and international

band formation:
and orchestra
6-10-20 people orchestra.

The band with my heart arise, balls, weddings, birthdays,
conferences after the concerts, tourist shows, family events,
cultural institutions and festivals. Also, hotels and restaurants
as background music to provide services
in both family dinners on the southern lunch.

Send the website address here all information about me can be found.
Pictures.videos,CV.and all information.
Hungary music:http://youtu.be/wxe4ObImtBI
Webbsite: http://johanjanos.5mp.e

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Posted on January 4, 2012 @ 6:54 am
Updated on January 5, 2012 @ 3:49 am
Location: 0Compensation: $1,500 #211



632 9037866/0999384/09279815151

Metro Manila, Philippines


Educational Attainment: Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Position: Band Manager/ Vocalist/Keyboardist

Work experience:

1985-1986....................……………...Marina Mandarin Hotel


1988-1989...................………………Cairn Hill Hotel


1990-1991.....................……………..Pan Pacific Hotel

Johorebharu, Malaysia

1991-1992....................………………Hilton Hotel

Orchard Rd., Singapore

1992-1993....................……………...City Bayview Hotel

Penang, Malaysia

1993-1994..................……………....Kuching Chatter Box

Sarawak, Malaysia

1994-1995....................……………...Batam View Hotel

Batam Islands, Malaysia

1995-1996....................……………...Meridian Hotel


1996-1997....................………………Grand Regency Hotel

Qingdao,P.R. China (3 mos.)

....................……………..Zhuhai Holiday Resort

Zhuhai,P.R. China (3 mos.)

1998..............................……………..Oshun Club

Tokyo, Japan

1999..............................……………..Prime Hotel Beijing

Beijing, P.R. China

1999-Feb. 2000.............……………..Sports City Café

Gloria Plaza Hotel,

Beijing, P.R. China

Feb.2000-May 05,2001......... ……….X Factor KTV

Marcos Highway, Antipolo

Manila, Philippines

May 11, 2001 to Mar 10, 2002……...M/S Fascination

Carnival Cruise Lines

Miami, Florida

April 25,2002 to February 23,2008…....M/S Norwegian Majesty NCL

February 23,2008 to November 17, 2008…M/S Norwegain Sun NCL

January 17 2009 to April 30 2009……………M/S Norwegian Dawn

May 1, 2009 to November 15, 2009…………M/S Norwegian Spirit

Personal Data:

Birthdate : November 20, 1960 Age:

Birthplace : Manila, Philippines Hair Color: Brown

Height :5’4 Eye Color: Brown

Weight : 210 lbs.

Skills: Can sing very well, playing variety kind of music, sings Western, Chinese and Japanese programs songs, play keyboard and guitar, manage band

Language/Dialect Fluent in English, can speak Chinese and Japanese.

Spanish, Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilocano, Ilonggo


Pablito C. Salazar


#172 Humbac St.

Naic,Cavite, Philillipines

Tel. 011 (6346) 507 0543/ 0919 497 1958


Educational Attainment: Fine Arts-Advertising

Position: Vocalist/Dancer

Work experience:

1995-1996………….Meridian Hotel

Orchard, Zanzibar

1996-1997………….Grand Regency Hotel

Qingdao, P.R. China (3 mos.)

………….Zhuhai Holiday Resort Hotel

Zhuhai, P. R. China (3 mos.)

1998………………..Oshun Club

Tokyo, Japan

1999………………..Prime Hotel Beijing

Beijing, P.R. China

1999-Feb. 00……….Sports City Café

Gloria Plaza Hotel

Beijing, P.R. China

Feb. 2000-May 05,2001.……X Factor KTV

Marcos Highway, Antipolo

Manila, Phillipines

May 11, 2001- Mar 10, 2002….M/S Fascination

Carnival Cruise Lines

Miami, Florida

April 2002 t0 February 23,2008……….M/S Norwegian Majesty

Norwegian Cruise Lines

Miami, Florida

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Posted on December 15, 2011 @ 10:47 pm
Updated on January 26, 2013 @ 6:03 am
Location: Guanzhou (CN)Compensation: as proposed #210
by Sybil Roxann Glory Halls Sybil  Roxann Glory Halls is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Sybil Roxann Glory Halls
No. +8618693119453



Coming from a strong spiritual and musical background i was expose to all types and styles of music.I also attended University of the West Indies. Creative Arts Center pursuing a certificate in Music (Pan). This course exposed me to Music theory. practices and vocal training
* PLACE 1ST IN Music festivals AT AGE 12 THE YOUNGEST to singing folk songs* * Certificate for playing National Steelband Panarama Competition for over ten (5) years. playing with the school band .
* wining soca and calypso Competition for over 5year period
the videos i have are with me singing back tracks with a band


2004 - 2011

John Chacko OF JC Holding Sdn. Bhd.
Kuala Lumpur,,


Working for one of Asias's Largest International Entertainment Promotions. Organization which specialized in Hotel Booking of Performing Artistes i got to travel and work in places such as.
* SHERATON Nanjing
* Hilton Malaysia
* Soho Teda Tianjin
* Rainbow Tianjin
* 1+1 Jinan

Am currently in Lanzhou china

Gaynor, Gloria - I Will Survive
Ace Of Base - Sign
Rihanna - Unfaithful
shakira Ft Wyclef Jean - Hips Don't Lie
Black Eyed Peas - Don't Lie
Summer, Donna - Last Dance
* Please Don't Stop The Music
* Pon De ReCry
* Disturbia
* Don't Stop the Music
* Good Girl Gone Bad
* Hard (Remix)
* Hate That I Love You
* If I Never See Your Face Again
* Only Girl (In play
* Rude Boy
* Russian Roulette
* Shut Up An Drive
* Take A Bow
* What's My Name
Laga gaga
Just Dance"
Eh, Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)"
Poker Face"
Starstruck (featuring Flo Rida and Space Cowboy)"
"Baby Boy" (feat. Sean Paul)
"Crazy in Love" (feat. Jay-Z)"
Dangerously in Love 2""
Me, Myself And I""
Déjà Vu" (feat. Jay-Z)
"Get Me Bodied"
"Green Light""
One Night Only
""Broken-Hearted Girl
Sweet Dreams"
The Sweet Escape
David Guetta feat Akon - Sexy Bitch
akon - i wanna love you SongS
yclef - Sweetest Girl (Remix)(Ft. Akon,
Don't Matter
I Wanna Love You
Right Now Na Na
Smack That
Sorry Blame It On Me

River Deep, Mountain High"
Proud Mary
"Private Dancer
What's Love Got to Do with It
The Best"

Jennifer Hudson
If This Isn't Love
"Hips Don't Lie" featuring Wyclef Jean
"Beautiful Liar" with Beyonce
"Whenever, Wherever
Waka Waka

Beautiful Monster
Go On Girl
One in a Million

Any countries


Edit showing more repertoire :


Mainland China :


Edit showing more repertoire :

Best Regards

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Posted on December 10, 2011 @ 3:09 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #209
Violin and Piano Duo looking for work...Clips on youtube! See below... Simon and Allex


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Posted on December 5, 2011 @ 4:07 pmLocation: Port Elizabeth (ZA)Compensation: $4,000 #208
by THE CRESHWELL OCTOBER BAND THE CRESHWELL OCTOBER BAND is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on November 9, 2011 @ 10:33 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #207

Hello my name is Tudor Tanase, cellist of the " Harmony Trio " , and I want to colaborate with you if possible.
We are professional musician all graduated National Academy of music Romania. From chamber music to classical jazz, Harmony Trio can create an ambiance of sumptuous luxury or informal hospitality. The Harmony Trio could offers an extremely high standard of performance with the utmost professionalism, whilst remaining friendly and approachable to guests and audiences.
I attached the CV, repertoire and link to YouTube with our performance:
Best Regards
Tanase Tudor
Phone: +40734028312 email: harmony_trio@yahoo.com

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Posted on October 27, 2011 @ 12:46 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $2,000 #206
hi sir we are interested...ivhie and daniel acoustic duet here...we can do sequencer also,,thank u

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Posted on October 20, 2011 @ 8:21 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #205

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing in order to apply for the position of resident jazz/pop duo in the hotel that your agency is representing. We are a duo consisting of a jazz/contemporary singer and pianist. We have a diverse repertoire ranging from light classical to jazz, show tunes and popular music.

I myself have spent four years as a cocktail pianist aboard several cruise lines including Princess and Holland America, and am therefore well aware of the nature of the shows that are performed within the hospitality industry, and we have worked hard to tailor our performances with these criteria in mind.

I can be contacted at this email address and would be pleased to answer any questions or queries you might have regarding the show or our performance.

Of course, we are also able to tailor our performances and repertoire according to the needs of prospective clients,
and would be very interested in being a resident duo.

An example of a performance can be found here


And our YouTube channel can be seen at:


Kind regards,

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Posted on October 19, 2011 @ 3:42 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #204
by Yulya Piareu Yulya Piareu is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Good day.

Perhaps this information is interestad you.

Chamber ensemble «The Moonlight» (violin and piano).

Creativity of the musicians was appreciated by many best Minsk restaurants (Belarus).

The repertoire includes more than 300 compositions, including: works of the world of classical music, popular songs of famous bands, jazz and soundtracks from films.

They are expanding the repertoire continually, making their own arrangements.

The musicians are reading from a sheet magnificently.

Ensemble «The Moonlight» is the perfect compliment to a romantic evening setting.

The musicians are reliable support for each other, both on stage and in life.

We can
teach. We have the skills and education. Have experience workingwith children. We learned in the traditions of Russian performing school.

Our demo:

e-mail: axeley@bk.ru

skype: scn333

Thanks for attention

Contacts Alexey Okhotnikov:
Mob 1. - + (375) (29) 7627390
Mob2. - + (375) (29) 1772502
e-mail: axeley@bk.ru
skype: scn333
icq: 195938903

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Posted on October 10, 2011 @ 10:34 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #203
good day sir/ madam

we are a 4pc...jazz,bossa nova variety band from manila...female singer,male percussionist, male guitarist and a male saxophone player, and all of of us can sing with different genres,we've been playing in different bars and hotels here in manila for 7yrs....here's my contacts

cellphone number +639162300305
e-mail: ryanbalbas@yahoo.com or frenchmeltacoustic@yahoo.com we have our videos in youtube simply search "FRENCHMELT BAND".....here's some of our videos from facebook and youtube
frenchmelt Kenny G's - Silhouette

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Posted on October 7, 2011 @ 2:25 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #202



+639352619217/ mobile no.


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Posted on September 29, 2011 @ 2:26 pmLocation: (TH)Compensation: as proposed #201
by Mac Anderson Mac Anderson is currently offline. Click to send a message.



My Name is Mac. I represent the N10CITY Show Band. I would like to use this opportunity to introduce our band to your agency. And invite you to view our band page (N10CITY Band on facebook.com).


There you will find current photos and current videos of our performance. Hopefully we will be able to assist you with your entertainment needs.

Please feel free to contact me if you need anything more!

Telephone: +66 8 5 277 4840

Email: NevYTG@aol.com

We are currently working in Pattaya, Thailand.


Mac Anderson


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Posted on September 26, 2011 @ 12:49 amLocation: 0Compensation: $5,000 #200

Great to meet you,


My name is Ms. Candice Lee, I am from Trinidad and Tobago and a member of the duet D.C. Trini, with other member, Mr. David Edwards. Being from the Caribbean we perform every genre of music. We are extremely versatile and fit comfortably into any 'Musical Entertainment' setting.

Please view our Video on Youtube - www.youtube.com/watch?v=gm6XM7Kg0zQ

For Further Information Please Contact:
Tel: 1 868 772 7586

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Posted on September 19, 2011 @ 1:37 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $1,800 #199

We the band, Public Opinion is interest in the gig in the five star hotel Asia. I’m sending you the group photo of 5 people, included our female and male singer.

Our video clip is on YouTube name “Public Opinion live”

NB: Our band is ready and does have all the stuff needed for overseas gig.

Attach the Bio of the band

[CENTER ALIGN=CENTER]“Amazing Energy on Stage, [/CENTER ALIGN]
[CENTER ALIGN=CENTER]Best Live Band I’ve ever seen”, [/CENTER ALIGN]
[CENTER ALIGN=CENTER]“Rhythm Section is Right On Man!”, [/CENTER ALIGN]
[CENTER ALIGN=CENTER]Are just some of the reactions from the people [/CENTER ALIGN]
[CENTER ALIGN=CENTER]after a Public Opinion performance![/CENTER ALIGN]

The members of Public Opinion, as individuals, enjoyed a wealth of success and with a collective experience of more than 50 years, now has a reputation as one of the Best Show Bands across South Africa. With a vast range of musical styles such as Funk, Reggae, Pop, Latina, Jazz, Gospel etc. they tailor their sets to suit the type of venue and more importantly the audience.

Their popularity has taken them to Australia, Israel, Dubai U.A.E, Bahrain – Gulf Hotel, Seychelles, London U.K, Kenya, Turkey and South Africa etc packing the venues with audiences of more than 25 000. They appeared in the famous Star Search Show “Shell Road to Fame” as a backing band for all the artists on stage, the Show of Lights festival held yearly in Paarl home city and the Windhoek promotion tour with six other bands. They have worked with many known artists including Belinda Davids & Dawnay. Two-time FIRST place winners of the Battle of the Bands competitions out of 20 bands held in South Africa in 2000.

These individuals also generate enormous goodwill and human warmth through their extensive musical talents by participating in many fundraisers in aid of the H.I.V projects. The various band members have all done their time playing in other bands before coming together. Donovan are the Manager aswell as the bass player of the band but have worked with all of the other musicians on other projects before, so when having to decide on individual talents, they were dead set on the current outfit. On stage and fired up, this versatile band keeps their audiences out of their seats, waving their hands and stomping their feet to the soul and groove of their music.

We do play a variety of music. Example: Jazz, R&B, Pop, Reggae and Funk.



0027847443159/ 0027 768920498


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Posted on September 19, 2011 @ 11:53 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #198

Dear Manager,

We are italian and international music duo;
We play for Costa Cruises.
You can see our videos on youtube:
We are available from December.

Best regards,

Sonos Music Duo

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Posted on September 19, 2011 @ 12:18 amLocation: Konin (PL)Compensation: as proposed #197
by Prestige Sound Prestige Sound is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir/Madam We are Prestige Sound - Piano and Violin Duet from Poland

We are writing to present you with our music offer.

We would be glad if you took our offer into consideration

Prestige Sound playing classical, film music,jazz standards and popular songs. Dawid has began playing piano since he was 7 years old. He graduated from the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz after being led by prof. Szebanova. During as well as after the studies he took part in The International Piano Master Course in Duszniki Zdrój and Summer Music Academy in Żagań. Between 2007-2009 he worked as a piano teacher in two Music Schools. He has been playing the piano since a very young age and loves it so much that he can’t imagine a life without it. Renata started playing the violin at a music school when she was just 8 years old. She graduated from the Secondary Music School in Konin with honors. She participated in many music programs and Master Courses. Both of them have a huge experience on stage. Participating in various festivals and concerts and working as piano and violin teachers. They performed at many events and celebrations in different prestigious restaurants and hotels in and outside Poland.

We are looking forward to your answer. Yours Faithfully Prestige Sound

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Posted on September 17, 2011 @ 7:20 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #196

greetings..we are a female duo and trio from the Philippines and have been in some cities abroad for series of performances.we either perform with live accompaniment or with sequencer.we can perform with either guitar or piano accompaniment.our talent fee is negotiable and we have ready and valid documents including seaman's books.please advice.thanks
our contact nos: +63926-6715353 / +63919-8592820 / +63906-2331773
YouTube link: maha trio latest video

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Posted on September 13, 2011 @ 2:12 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #195


Hey, my name is Bobby and I am in an acoustic duo, I was wondering if you would like to book us? Below I have added some information about the act.

Bobby and Nathan have performed up and down the UK at a selection of events from weddings and birthdays to to main stage slots at big events like 'the Y-Not festival' and 'Oxford summer ball'. They have written and performed for prime time TV shows such as Channel 4's 'Hollyoaks' and BBC 1's 'Inspector George Gently' creating a big following in the UK with their main band 'The Rash'. They are now wanting to expand their performances to new and exciting places having already toured some of Europe last year, performing in castles in Luxembourg and venues around France and Germany. They can also play for over 3 hours if needs be in a variety of different styles from modern pop to chilled Jazz to 60's classics. They describe their style as primarily acoustic Indie/folk with large influences from the 60's priding themselves on their impressive vocal harmonies.
Below are some videos we recorded last week.


We perform with one guitar and a selection of light drums ranging from egg shakers to a floor tom.
The lead singer plays percussion and harmonica whilst the backing vocalist plays the guitar parts.

We are available any time.


We have also spent a lot of time writing and recording with our band and have a bass player and mandolin player who can also be booked with the act. If they are looking for a trio we have a bass player who also sings with us. check out our group at the following links.



All the best,


Contact me on - 07702812328

Here are some Quotes.

"A magnificent sound which perfectly captures the mood of freshness and optimism that the music industry really needs" adequacy.net, John Abbot

"wonderfully harmonious sound" - Channel 4's Hollyoaks 2011

“They are a very tight band, write amazing songs and their work ethic and attitude is superb." Pete Saville owner of the music network ‘Carbon logic ’

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Posted on September 8, 2011 @ 11:26 pmLocation: (MY)Compensation: $1,000 #194
by 7 Seconds 7 Seconds is currently offline. Click to send a message.

this is jay band leader of the sequencer group 7seconds hope to hear from you soon

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Posted on September 1, 2011 @ 6:18 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: $6,000 #193
by Judy Judy is currently offline. Click to send a message.
My band plays mostly western music and sings in many languages.
I have sent you a link on you tube with some of my songs and a few songs
recorded live with the band at the five star “Blue Water Hotel Wadduwa”


Brief Overview Of The Band
My band sings in many different languages..
English is the main language we sing in.
Sinhalese, Hindi, Tamil, Persian, Arabic, Spanish, Italian, Japanese Chinese, Russian, Tagalog,French, German, Swahili, Brazilian(Portuguese), Malay, Turkish, Greek, etc...

Instruments we use

Keyboards, Guitar, Congas, Darbuka

Type of music - Ballard's, Jazz, pop, Latino, Rock, & strict tempo Dance Music.
Our repertoire consists of songs from the 40's to 90's and the latest hits from 2000 to 2011

Besame Mucho, Smoke on the Water, You Belong to My Heart, Autumn Leaves

Tennessee Waltz, Lullaby of Birdland, C'est Magnifique, Quizás, Quizás, Quizás

Many songs from Elvis Presley, Moon River, The Girl from Ipanema, Oye Como Va

70’s include songs from the Beatles+ABBA+BoneyM+Baccara+Elton John+Billy Joel+Bob Marley The Doobie Brothers+Eagles+Foreigner+Genesis+Rod Stewart+Stevie Wonder+Queen

80’s include songs from Whitney Houston+Sade+Michael Jackson +UB40+Gloria Estafan+George Michael+
Bryan Adams+ Barbra Streisand+The Police+ Chris DeBurgh+ Dire Straits+ Lionel Richie+ Leo Sayer+Madonna+MLTR

Cher+ Enrique Iglesias+Jennifer Lopez+Britney Spears


On the floor - J-lo + Stereo Love - Edward Maya + Dynamite - Taio Cruz + Bailamos -Fergie

Our repertoire consists of more than 1000 hits.

If you need more material I can courier it to you.



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Posted on August 31, 2011 @ 9:15 amLocation: Dorohoi (RO)Compensation: as proposed #192
by Melos Duo Melos Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Diversity in the interpretive plan

We better run to perform songs from virtually every musical genre.

Interpreted with pleasure hits rock, pop, funk, rhythm'n'blues, jazz, rock'n'roll, blues and Latin. Besides we can offer international hits and many songs in German, French, Italian, Russian, Portuguese, etc. Manuela is capable of interpreting all the musical styles you can think of and her repertoire covers all the great Divas including Aretha Franklin, Ella Fitzgerald, Patricia kass .Emanuela demonstrates immense talent with incredible dexterity and versatility. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGfInR621bk http://duo-melos.cabanova.com

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Posted on August 20, 2011 @ 11:50 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #191

We are two young professional musicians from Ukraine.We give a lot of concerts in our country. We also take part in different musical projects and organize thematic parties devoting them to various directions of world musical culture . Our repertoire is incredibly huge .it includes wonderful pieces of Classical music, Contemporary, Jazz, Latin, New Age, Soundtrack, Film Music. So if you really want to fill your soul with beautiful music - trust us and we will warm your heart because we are Fire Star Duo. We have video in our page.


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Posted on August 16, 2011 @ 4:57 pmLocation: Lee's Summit, MO (US)Compensation: $3,000 #190
by TimM TimM is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Cover Letter:


917 E. Langsford Road

Lee’s Summit, MO 64063

Phone: HM: Cell: 816-482-6571



August 15, 2011

RE: MUSIC: Pianist/piano player/keyboards, Singer: Sales

To whom it may concern: Human Resources

Hello. I’m Tim Morris. I’m a musician of diverse experience- and, I am available immediately-- very interested in a career with your company. I’ve included my résumé’ for your immediate consideration. Thank you.

Here are a few of my skills I can offer as a dedicated, loyal team-player-Employee:

Extensive experience as a musician/sideman/Performer-singer:


I have performed as a staff replacement pianist for Carnival Cruise Lines, been a Sideman with recording Artists on TV, band leader, performed in concerts, in clubs, reviews: (show) bands. I mentored Singers, musicians, songwriters and Artists.

I have a great deal of conducting experience. I compose original music. I am a published songwriter/composer/arranger.

I’ve performed on various instruments including: guitar, piano, fiddle and bass; Keyboards.


I speak fluent Spanish, some German and some Russian.

I like people.


I've won top Honors/Awards with major corporations in Sales (Inbound and outbound: I’ve excelled Bi-lingual Telemarketing/Appointment setting); owned and operated businesses, been a partner/entrepreneur in/of successful music business ventures.

---It is my belief to treat everyone with respect, dignity and professionalism---

Please, call me anytime to discuss a career opportunity with your company. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of my talents. I will look forward to hearing from you soon.

Most Sincerely Yours,

Tim Morris

Contact: 816-482-6571 (cell)












Timothy L. Morris

917 E. Langsford Road , Lee’s Summit, MO 64063






Born: 1955

On Sundays nights at the little church in Des Moines, Iowa at age 5, I conducted the congregation on at least one song from the hymnbook each week.

When in the 3rd grade my family moved to Norwalk, south of Des Moines. I began Piano lessons on Tuesday mornings at 7am, around the corner from our house was my piano teacher.

Half way through my 5th grade year my family moved to Lenexa, Kansas, (suburb of Kansas City). I continued piano study, and I began teaching myself the violin.

In June of the next year we moved to Raytown, Missouri where I completed the 6th through 12th grades. In high school and through college and after most of my income was from writing accapella arrangements for quartets, small groups, and by tuning and buying, rebuilding and reselling grand pianos. I performed at weddings on guitar/ piano or was a solo vocalist. I was involved in many extra-curricular activities in the 7th through 12th grades. In high school I ran Cross-County, Out-door and In-door Track, played the school Orchestras (‘Cello, Bass, and Violin); I was in the Choir, on the school Newspaper, in the Foreign Language Club. I continued to study piano and I composed music constantly.

In the fall of 1974 I began my studies at the University of Missouri, Kansas City (1974-1978). My major studies were music education and music composition at the “UMKC Conservatory of Music“. I auditioned for entrance at the school and received a music scholarship for part of my education. I performed an original piano composition: “A Prelude“. Before college I had studied composition with Frank Erickson of Baldwin-Mills band series fame. I had a reading of an orchestral piece while in high school.

At the University I studied: German, Music theory, classical and jazz piano, voice and cello. I absolutely loved going to the University! I worked to get myself through school. My parents paid for most of my education- but I paid for everything else.

While at the University (Kansas City) I worked nights as a manager of a Restaurant in a Department store. During the summer I’d work doing all kinds of jobs as well as performing regularly. One summer I drove a big limousine! I graduated from the University in December of 1978 with a Bachelor of Music degree in Instrumental and Vocal music Education and a minor degree in Music Composition. In July 1979 I moved to Bloomington, Indiana (IU).

After college, I worked as a musician performing (acting as band leader) and arranger of many groups, taught full-time at a local High School, taught music at private music studios, preached and performed regularly in a variety band. (I worked full time while going to school full time, and studied four instruments each semester term at the University. My instruments were piano, voice, cello and one other instrument in the orchestra during each one semester. My second year of college. I went one semester (Fall 1976) in Iowa at Simpson College near Des Moines. I returned the Conservatory of Music in Kansas City. (Later, also, I went in the fall of 1979 I went one term to Indiana University.) In 1981 I lived in Los Angeles, CA and worked developing talent in the music business; worked evenings selling pianos for Baldwin Piano and Organ Company, lived and worked in the “music (Publishing) business” Hollywood, CA, performed in local night spots as a singer.

I moved to Nashville, TN in October of 1983 working in a country band (played: piano, keyboards, fiddle, guitar, bass), worked as a Singer (solo/harmonies). I performed with Bertie Higgins: “Key Largo” and others; performed in show bands, played as a warm up act at concert venues, performed on TV, done some studio work, sang, and even sax for a short time.

In January of 1986 I returned to Graduate School in Denton, TX for my master’s degree at the University of North Texas. I graduated in August of 1988 with a Master of Music Composition and a minor in Music Theory. I moved to Tampa, Florida in fall of 1988, taught in public school string music full-time, was on a the “Breakfast Beat”: a local TV show each week, performing in a duo (played guitar/sang), taught privately in the University of South Florida Community Music Division program, some studio work, performed regularly on weekends at venues (once at the Florida State fair along with the likes of Mike Snider of “Grand Ole Opry” fame and others).

I moved to Kansas City, MO in 1990, I was self-employed rebuilding pianos/tuner/teacher/vocal arranger/composer and performed as Cocktail piano player/vocalist in club bands on guitar and piano until moving to Nashville, TN in August of 1998. I did sales at American Keyboard Gallery and for the Pacesetter Corporation (I was top sales twice out of more that 450 salesmen.). I was the Creative Music Director/“Plugger” for several music publishing businesses and a songwriter/producer/Artist development professional until returning to Kansas City in the summer of 2005.

From: 2005-2011


Blue Marble Music, LLC: NASHVILLE, TN: Creative Music Director

Skyline Creative Services, LLC: NASHVILLE, TN: Creative Music Director

Singing Honey Tree Music Publishing, LLC. NASHVILLE, TN

“Song-Plugger” presenting new music sales to leading Music Industry executives, Artists

Developed, mentored and assisted in promotion of new Recording Artists and Songwriters;

found Producers and Investors, produced musical projects


Published Composer, Songwriter, Arranger, skilled Liaison


Member of BMI; Nashville Songwriters Association, Inc.)-

TELEVISION: (Performer)


: Nashville Network: “You can be a Star”


: Ralph Emery Show: Bertie Higgins: (Just Another Day In Paradise”)

TV-13 Tampa Bay, FL: “The Breakfast Beat”: (Weekly AM performances)


Sales: (Inbound)




: Musician

Cherry Heart Music, Inc.: NASHVILLE, TN;

Other Retail Sales:


Custom Siding and Windows; K


The Pacesetter Corporation;


Won Top Salesman Award twice (“The “Victor Award”): First year territory Salesman: “In-Production Sales“.

(Sold In-home Windows, Siding, Cabinets, Floors, Awning, Blinds, Storage Space, Roofing.



Independent Contractor:

Renewal By Design: KANSAS CITY, MO: Marketing: (Inbound)

National Revenue Corporation




Tee Insurance Agency:


ADT Security: (BI-LINGUAL- Spanish): (Inbound)

Non-Profit Services

: (Fund Raiser)

Won “Production Sales BONUS” for producing most appointments for a new employee.

The Pacesetter Corporation: KANSAS CITY, MO, NASHVILLE, TN: (Inbound)


Music Industry, Home Improvement, Remodeling businesses.


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Posted on August 6, 2011 @ 11:50 am
Updated on August 7, 2011 @ 10:12 am
Location: Lviv (UA)Compensation: as proposed #189
by Sounds Duo Sounds Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Good afternoon! We are classical duo. We are looking for a job in hotels abroad. Please, see our link below. Our address: /musicians/12903


Salary expectations 1000$ each per month.

Best regards,
Sounds of Beauty

skype: andriy-broda
e-mail: andriy-broda@mail.ru

Attachment: attachments_05-06-2011_11-21-03.zip (5.6 MB)

1.О. Gerasymenko Melody
2.О. Gerasymenko Sunbeam
3.О. Gerasymenko Dedication
4.О. Gerasymenko On wings
5.Т.Albinoni Adagio
6.А.Piazzolla Adios Nonino
7.М.Skoryk Melody
8.A. Villoldo The Argentinas tango
9. А.Piazzolla Oblivion
10. G.Sviridov Snow-storm
11. J.Kern Smoke
12. F.Lai West and Blues
13.Newmann Smell of woman
14.M.Skoryk Spanish dance
15. Reed The Last waltz
16. J.Brahms The Hungarian dance
17. F.Shopin Waltz
18. O.Gerasimenko the Lucky day 19. J.S. Bach Aria
20. J.S.Bach Joke
21. W.A.Mozart The little night serenade
22. G. Bizet Habanera from Carmen
23. G.Bizet Toreador`s song from Carmen
24. P.Tchaikovski Melody
25. P.Tchaikovski Waltz from Sleeping Beauty

26. P.Tchaikovski Flower waltz
27. P.Tchaikovski Drage`s dance from Nutcracker
28. A. Hachaturyan Waltz
29. F.List - F. Shubert Ave Maria
30. J. Straus Waltz
31. E.Grieg Anitra`s dance from Per Gunt
32. E. Grieg In the Hall of the mountain king from Per Gunt
33. E.Grieg Solveig`s song
from Per Gunt
34. C. Saint-Sanse The Swan
35. A. Piazzola Libertango
P.Tchaikovski Sentimental waltz
37. A.Vivaldi The four seasons Summer
A.Vivaldi The four seasons Autumn
A.Vivaldi The four seasons Winter
A.Vivaldi The four seasons Spring
41. Adler Tango
42. J.Brahms The Hungarian Dance #1
43. Albeniz Tango D-dur
44. Albeniz Danza Espanola
45. E. Grieg Morning from Per Gunt
46. G. Gendel Passacaglia
47. W.A.Mozart Andantino
48. F. Shopin Waltz e-moll
F. Shopin Waltz op.69 #1
F. Shopin Waltz op.69#2
F. Shopin Nocturne op.9 #2
F. Shopin Nocturne cis-moll op. post.
53. F. Shopin Etude op.10 #3
54. F. Shopin Mazurka op.63 #2
55. J.Straus At the beautyful blue Dunai
56.J.Straus The Wien Waltz
J.Straus The fairytales of the Wien Wood
58. W. Mozart Rondo alla turca
59. O. Gerasymenko Solo for the violine #2
O. Gerasymenko The day without you
61. Villa-Lobos The brasilian bachiana
62. A. Safina Luna
63. La Paloma The spanish serenade

Soundtracks and songs:
64. N.Rota Romeo and Julietta
65. E.Morrikone Mission
66. N.Rota godfather
67. Walsh Owner of the rings
68. Manchini Charade
69. Tariverdiev Earth
70.Ch.Chaplin Smile
71. Vangelis Conquer of paradise
72. J.Williams Shindler`s List
73.E.Morrikone Chi Mai
74. A.Badalamenti Twin Peaks
75. E.Morrikone Once upon a time in America
76. Lovland Song from a secret garden
77. G.Mancini Moon river
78. A.Lloyd-Webber Cats
79. Herman Hello Dolly
80. Legran Sherbury`s umbrellas
81. Badelt The Pirates of the Caribbean
82. Horner Titanik
83. F. Lai History of love
84. Y.Tiersen La dispute from Ameli
85. M.Legran What are you doing...
86. Albert Feelings
87. F.Sinatra Strangers in the night
88. F.Lai West and Blues
89. D.Rusos Good-bye, my love, good-bye
90. Richie Hello
91. A.Bochelli Time to say Good-bye
92. Within Temptation Forgiven
93. Within Temptation Say my Name
94. Last Single shepherd
95. The Beatles Yesterday
96. Ram Only you
97. Linkin Park Numb
98. F.Cinatra My Way
99. E.Morrikone Le vent, le cri from Professional
100. E.Morrikone Amapola from Once upon a time in America
101. M. Jarre Somewhere my love from Doctor Givago
102. J. Williams Remembrances
103. C. Mansell Requiem for a dream
104. L.Fabian Je T`aime
105. G.Woran Serenade of the sunny Dale
106. A. LLoyd-Webber The phantom of the opera
107. Scorpions Maybe I, maybe you
108. Scorpions Lorelei
109. P.Moriat Mammy Blue
110. J. Style Three coins in the fountain
111. W. Matteo The night tango from The sunny serenade
112. E. Morricone Maktub the law of the desert
113. E. Morricone Farewell to cheyenne
114. The Beatles Misery
115. The Beatles All my loving
The Beatles Help
The Beatles Ticket to Ride
118.The Beatles Norwegian Wood
The Beatles Michelle
The Beatles Girl
The Beatles In my Life
The Beatles Eleanor Rigby
The Beatles Here, there and everywhere
The Beatles Day tripper
The Beatles Sgt. Pepper`s Lonely hearts club band
The Beatles Lucy in the sky with diamonds
The Beatles Fixing a hole
128. E.Presley It`s now or never
129. E.Presley I need you love tonight
E.Presley Anyway you want me
E.Presley Hard headed woman
E.Presley I want you I need you I love you
E.Presley Don`t cry Daddy
134. Guns`n`roses Don`t cry
135. C. de Burgh The lady in red
136. B. Graham You raise me up
137. J.Groban Remember when it rained
138. J.Groban Per te
139. Sting An englishman in New York
140. L. Fabian Broken vow
L. Fabian Alfonsia y el mar
142. L.Armstrong What a wonderful world
143. V.Cosma The melody from The Toy
144. R.Loreti Jamaica
145. J.Barry The James Bond theme
146. E.Clapton Tears in heaven

147. T. Cutugno L`italiano
148. Chasing Cars Snow Patrol
149. The Reason Hoobastank
150. J. Lennon Blackbird
151. J.Blunt You`re beaytyful

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Posted on July 31, 2011 @ 8:08 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #188

Hello,dear agnecy!

Just in case you haven't noticed us.


Good luck!

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Posted on July 30, 2011 @ 9:08 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #187

My name is Tara Wells and I am part of female duo SWEET CHAOS . After taking a look at your breakdown we feel we would be the perfect act for this project. We have sets to fit almost any genre as we have been singing together for the past 5years.
We have recently returned from 3 weeks performing in Germany near Stuttgart.
On our profile are two demo's from our acoustic sets so you can hear our voices and a publicity shot.

Please do let me know your thoughts and any questions you may have.
Best regards

Tara and Rebecca
Sweet Chaos

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Posted on July 29, 2011 @ 2:22 pmLocation: N. Novgorod (RU)Compensation: as proposed #186
by Granpri Granpri is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I'm Mari,

I present a quartet Gran Pri

String quartet «Gran Pri» is an original band that exists since 2006. The members of string ensemble are high professional musicians, capable of exciting the whole range of feelings and emotions of the audience with their creativity.

“Gran Pri” presents two different formats of performance:

Acoustic program and Electro show program.

1. Acoustic program.

The repertoire of the ensemble consists of light pleasant arrangement for classic music, tangos, waltzes, popular melodies, soundtracks, and jazz music, also author’s arrangements for well-known songs of ABBA, The Beatles, Led Zeppeling, Michael Jackson, Breatney Spears, etc.

At this moment the band is realizing other projects both solo and together with outstanding musicians.

2. Electro show program.

This program contains well-known classical pieces in modern arrangement, soundtracks, instrumental version of songs of popular performers.

«Gran Pri» possesses all the equipment necessary for the show (4 radiosystems, 4 microphones, costumes). Both their professionalism and beauty alongside with a great variety of emotions expressed towards the public are just some of their elements that will leave no one untouched.
In 2010 string quartet «Gran Pri» presented with significant success their first album «Tribute to ABBA».

The motto of the string quartet is « Always keep moving forward!» .

Song list to acoustic program

Popular classic

Bach Ave Maria

Bach Aria

Bach Jesus Joy

Handel Halleluia

Handel Arrival of the queen of Sheba

Boccherini Minuet

Brahms Hungarian Dance number 5

Bizet's Habanera from "Carmen"

Verdi song from the opera "La Traviata"

Dvorak Humoresque

Mendelssohn Wedding March

Mozart Le nozze di Figaro Overture

Mozart Turkish Rondo

Mozart Bourlesq, Polonaise, Aria, Schwabentanz, Muzette

Offenbach Galop

Offenbach Can-can

Tchaikovsky Waltz of the ballet "Swan Lake"

Tchaikovsky Waltz from the ballet "Sleeping Beauty"

Tchaikovsky Waltz from "The Nutcracker"

Tchaikovsky Waltz from "Eugene Onegin"

Tchaikovsky Dance Sugar Plum Fairy and the march from "The Nutcracker"

Strauss «Annen Polka»

Strauss "Radetzky March"

Strauss waltz "Blue Danube"

Strauss Waltz from the operatty "Die Fledermaus"

Strauss Polka

Schubert Moment Musical

Grunfeld Waltz

Popular pieces and copyright arrangements

Dolce vita

What a wonderful world

Moon River

I feel good (James Brown)

Joplin Ragtime "Entertainer"

Joplin Ragtime "Pleasant Moments"

Italian song "O sole mio"

Italian song "Santa Lucia"

«My way»

Black Adder

Fawlty Tower

Nata's theme


La’ bamba

Pirates of the Caribbean

Sherlock Holmes

La valse d’Amelie

Salut d'amor

Hello, Dolly


Pretty Woman




Cry to me


Albeniz Tango

Adios Nonino

La muerte del angel

Tango Sokruta

Tango from the movie "Scent Women"

Tango "El Choklo"

Tango Bregovic

Piazzolla Marron y Azul


Chau, Paris

Plus ultra

The Beatles

Eleanor Rigby

Ticket to Ride

Hard Day's Night

I'll follow the Sun

She loves you

If I fell


Can't buy me love


Day Tripper


Mamma Mia

Dancing Queen

Money, money

Lay all your love on me

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!

Take a chance on me


Souper trouper

Rock songs

Nothing the same

Nothing else metters

No leaf clover

Billy Jean

The Immigrant Song


Tico tico

A day in the life of a fool

I’ ve got your under my skin

Strangers in the night

How high the moon

Moonlight serenade

I’ll be home for christmas

Winter wonderland

Christmas Waltz

ChristmasCarols for string

Silent Night

Let it snow!

The little drummer boy

Bidin’My Time

…. etc.

Songlist to show the program:

1.Money, money (ABBA)

2.Lay all your love on me (ABBA)

3.Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (ABBA)

4.Super truper (ABBA)

5.Billy Jean (Michael Jackson)

6.Toxic (Britney Spears)

7. Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)

8.Pretty women (Roy Orbison)

9. I feel good (James Brown)

10.Summertime (George Gershwin)

11.What a wonderful world (Louis Armstrong)

12.Hello, Dolly! (Louis Armstrong)

13.La bamba (Los Lobos)

14.Tango from the movie "Scent of a Women"


16.Pirates of the Caribbean

17.«My way»

18.Can't buy me love(The Beatles)

19.Yesterday (The Beatles)

20.You never can tell (Chuck Berry)

21.Blue sweet shoes (Elvis Presley)

22.only you (Elvis Presley)

23.I Wanna Be Loved By You (MARLIN MONROE )

24. Palladio

25. piu che puoi(eros ramazzotti and cher)

26. kashmir (Led Zeppelin)

27. Phantom-Duet

28. Mission Imposible

29. Shape Of My Heart (Sting )

30. Fuego

31. Sherlock Holmes

promo video
acoustic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n19x_M9CEfo&feature=related
show program http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_dK0v0SUKA&feature=related
Maria Olinenko,
the quartet GranPri,

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Posted on July 25, 2011 @ 1:16 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: $3,000 #185
by Matthew Adam Featherstone Matthew Adam Featherstone is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I'm a 32 year old solo singer-guitarist that performs covers from the 1950s to the present day of pop, rock and blues. I've never neede, or used, backing tracks as I perform a one man busker type show with plenty of sing-along hits from the likes of the Rolling stones, the Beatles, Jeff Buckley and INXS.
I'm a clean living, non-drinker that is willin to commit myself for at least six months starting in November 2011 (due to serving my notice period at work). I can audition or post a dvd of me doing a choice of covers with a repetoire and photographs shoould you require them. I'm putting £2000 down as a ballpark figure because I'm not sure; I am flexible in terms of money so please don't worry about that.

thank you for your time

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Posted on July 22, 2011 @ 8:18 pmLocation: Ponce ()Compensation: as proposed #184
by James Joseph Fraschetti James Joseph Fraschetti is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I have made backgrounds for a singer who went to Japan and China. I have so much experience in piano bar, live band, jazz trio, arranging, sequencing, even I sing pretty good.
I have played on television and in public in Buffalo NY, played all of Mississippi, all of Alabama, all of Georgia especially Atlanta, parts of Tennessee and Arkansas, Louisiana, all of NewOrleans not just Boubon Street and the French Quarter, but ALL of the side streets and the towns around Lake Pontchartrain, Austin Texas, San Juan and Ponce and Mayaguez PR. I have played many beach resorts, clubs, restaurants in Puerto Rico and the United States, even Canada, all styles of live entertainment:
classical, latin jazz, jazz standards, r&b, rock, pop, blues rock, arabic bellydancing, Indian Hindu, latin styles of merengue, salsas, boleros, baladas, cumbias, vallenatos.
I also have many originals which complement these arrangements. I have interested singers who have experience in Japan and Asia.

I have www.youtube.com/jamesfraschetti

and www.myspace.com/jamesfraschetti

well over 25 years of working in the music business, I have not yet been to Asia. I am looking for a six month contract! I have more demos!

My phone number is (787) 615-4642
my email is jamesfraschetti@yahoo.com, or jamesfraschetti@hotmail.com . I currently live in Ponce Puerto Rico.

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Posted on July 20, 2011 @ 11:07 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #183

> > We are dj nish and dj lyo.We are currently
> playing at
> > one of the major cities here in the
> > philippines.Ive been djing
> > for almost 7 years now,and my partner has
> > > been in this business for 15 years now.We are
> partners
> > since
> > we dont do the typical djing.We perform and
> everytime we
> > do a gig we
> > really made sure that our crowd enjoy and
> > will go come back
> > for more.While im spinning, my partner will do
> > > > some
> > > > > > mc,barker,rapping,and i also sing
> some
> > > popular
> > > > songs
> > > > > known
> > > > > > to be rnb,songs from
> > kesha,rihanna,lady
> > > gaga
> > > > etc..I
> > > > > hope
> > > > > > youll give us a chance to show
> our
> > talents
> > > and
> > > > what we
> > > > > can
> > > > > > do to produce better djing,singing and performing style.
attached our profile
> > > >>
> if you can check,we some videos
youtube link: dj nish,dj
> > > lyonish,exsquared

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Posted on July 13, 2011 @ 5:09 pmLocation: Chicago, San Francisco, CA (US)Compensation: as proposed #182
by Impromptuduo Impromptuduo is currently offline. Click to send a message.
We are Angelina and Eric, the Impromptu Duo. Eric, a classically trained pianist that studied Jazz piano and drums at Berklee College of Music in Boston, and Angelina, an exciting and high energy singer that performs any style, genre, or artist.

Combined we have performed all of asia, including Thailand, Korea, China, Japan,and Philippines, not to mention the United states inlcuding Chicago, San Francisco, Denver, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and even a national tour.

We have years of experience in Hotels, Cruise ships, and private events, including. Please see our resume for more information.

Take care and God Bless.
Impromptu Duo

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Posted on June 30, 2011 @ 6:39 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #181

Dear Sir,

Am the female vocalist (Lead) of the Craze Syndicate which is a four piece band which is composed of a keyboard player, bass and drums (guitar player on demand, depends of the gigs)

we cover a repertoire of standard jazz, soul, blues, r&b, pop, reggae, french songs, latin music, few chinese songs and latest hits.

The Craze syndicate has been performing in 5 stars + hotels (Sun Resort, Hilton etc), Pubs, Clubs, touring from Dubai, Germany, China, Malaysia, Tunisia.

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Posted on June 17, 2011 @ 8:16 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #180

The Euphoria String Quartet (female string quartet) was formed in 2009 as a string

quartet for weddings ,anniversaries,corporate events and parties,but in the same time,we had a lot of recitals and concerts nationwide.

Our repertory is vast,from the classical masters such as Bach,Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven to light jazz, show tunes,musicals,pop,as well as waltzes, tangos ,dances and love songs

from around the world,so whether it's Sinatra, Bach or the Beatles,we play the perfect music to fit any mood.

We love to play together,we also love to travelling, so we decide to try our luck worldwide.

I would appreciate if you send me an e-mail confirmation after you receive our demo and also I appreciate if you have a few minutes time to listen it.

Thank you .
Best regards,


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Posted on June 16, 2011 @ 5:45 pmLocation: Miskolc (HU)Compensation: as proposed #179
by Levi Levi is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are a Hungarian duo currently looking for employment on a cruise ship.
We are in our early thirties with extensive musical background and we have been
working on cruise ships for the past five years.
If you have the time, please visit our website at www.oceanduo.com.
Thank you,
yours sincerely,

Bernadett Bihari and Levente Csetenyi

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Posted on June 16, 2011 @ 1:44 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #178

Hi Johnson,

The Willjamin duo are just coming to the end of their latest 5 start contract and are available for contracts starting in July. We are always willing to travel and find the next adventure in Asia or anywhere else fortune takes us.

Our new live unplugged video is now up on you tube

Our website has all our info including bios, pics and everything else you need.


Thanks a lot and we look forward to hearing from you soon,

All the best,


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Posted on June 13, 2011 @ 4:47 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #177



EMAIL ADD: paulnbabes@yahoo.com

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Posted on June 11, 2011 @ 10:25 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #176
Hello My name is David Randolph Wade, I would like you to take a look at my profile because I would love to work in Asia but of course under certian conditions. Thanks... hope to hear from you soon. Dave

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Posted on June 9, 2011 @ 8:28 amLocation: 0Compensation: $1,000 #175
Good day Sir. I hope to be hired soon. Check out my video covers.





contact no: 639151733869

e-add: bevvygaycoste@rocketmail.com

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Posted on June 3, 2011 @ 9:45 pmLocation: NY (US)Compensation: as proposed #174
by Thomas Piercy Thomas Piercy is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I am interested in being considered for a position with your company.

Thomas Piercy

I play a mix of styles: classical, jazz, tango/Piazzolla.

I look forward to hearing from you.
Thomas Piercy


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Posted on May 26, 2011 @ 7:03 pmLocation: Buenos Aires (AR)Compensation: $2,300 #173
by Samsaya Duo-Trio Samsaya Duo-Trio is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sirs,

My name is Julian Mayer and I represent a male/female Variety Duo from Argentina. The duo is looking for a contract.
The duo plays Latin, Jazz, R&B, and Rock/pop classics, both of the members sing and play various instruments, and they use drum/percussion tracks as well.
They sing in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. They have some experience on cruise ships.

Please view the demo video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZM_J-ukZh8g

Please let me know if you would like more information.

We are available for booking as early as June 25th.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Julian Mayer

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Posted on May 20, 2011 @ 2:47 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #172
Good day!

Chamber ensemble «The Moonlight» (violin and piano) was created two years ago.

Creativity of the musicians was appreciated by many best Minsk restaurants.

The repertoire includes more than 300 compositions, including: works of the world of classical music, popular songs of famous bands, jazz and soundtracks from films.

They are expanding the repertoire continually, making their own arrangements.

The musicians are reading from a sheet magnificently.

Ensemble «The Moonlight» is the perfect compliment to a romantic evening setting.

The musicians are reliable support for each other, both on stage and in life.

Our demo:

e-mail: axeley@bk.ru

skype: moonlight.duo

icq 195938903


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Posted on May 20, 2011 @ 9:06 amLocation: Sofia (BG)Compensation: as proposed #171
by Roy Sturn & STETSON Roy Sturn & STETSON is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Full View
Fw: Stetson country band/ poster/ video and CV
Roy Sturn
View ContactTo:roy_sturn@yahoo.com

Stetson Poster.jpg (77KB) View Image

> Dear Sirs or Madam,
> We woul'd like to work for your company! We're
>the southern rock- hot country band from Sofia Bulgaria
> There's our CV,photo video and audio on the links below.
> With compliments,
> R.Sturn
contact roy_sturn@yahoo.com
phone +359 884 296 873
> skype: aiex22519



> Roy
> Sturn & STETSON CV
> -------------------------------------
> Focused on a modern stream in the country music, the southern rock- hot
>country band features a great
> art spirit, talented musicality, and amazing stage show
> with high grade western
> image.
> Roy Sturn &STETSON’sCVis dappled with artistic gigs
> in Bulgaria and abroad.Here
> is a brief bio:
> Createdin 1994, the hot country band had played on a number
> of Norwegian cruise
> ships’ entertainment shows.Later on, in 1997, the band
> took part in popular
> country festivalssuch as Exloo Country /Emmen,
> Holland/,Louisville /Kentucky and Nashville
> USA/, Kötzer Country Music Festival/Germany/,Visagino
> country /Lithuania/and
> Knifelfelt/Austria/.Nowadays STETSON is one of a kind
> musical unit in the
> Bulgarian showbiz, possessing the real American rock country
> image. They are also a
> major participant in the Eurovision 2007 contest featuring
> their song Euro
> Train.The band plays in the folowing styles, southern rock( Linard Skinard, ZZ
>top, Bon Jovi, Brooks & Dunn etc )
evergreens, pop, blues, country ( Garth Brooks, Vince Gill, Kenny Rogers,
Willy Nelson etc ),jazz standarts.
> The members:
> Tsvetan Vlaykov- stage name Roy Sturn.
> Leadvocals & bassguitar.Born in Sofia,Bulgaria.
> Musicschool.Official european presentator in Louisville USA in 1999
Influence - Ronnie Dunn,John Bon Jovi
> at the IBMA/International Bluegrass Music Awards/with
> LIlly of the West band.
> Roumen Trifonov - Lead guitar & vocals.Born in
> Sofia BG.Music school.Influence - Vince Gill, Brent Mason
> Dundee Milev - Keyboards & vocals.Music School Born in Sofia BG,Influence -
>Chuck Korea
> Petar Yankov - Guitar & vocals.Music school. Born in Sofia BG
> Lubo Bozadjiev - Drums & vocals.Music school.Born in Varna BG

1 Image | View Image | Download Selected

Stetson Poster.jpg

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Posted on May 17, 2011 @ 7:01 pmLocation: Zaporozhie (UA)Compensation: as proposed #170
by SeLena-music SeLena-music is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir or Madam!
We are family instrumental duo (el.violin and keyboard). We have excellent background and long experience of the work (more than 3 years). Our repertoire includes many compositions of different styles and continually expanding. Our favorite style is classical in modern arrangement. Also we play Jazz, blues, soundtracks, world. Our performances can be adding video. In 2011 we have been by laureates of the International competition “Diamonds of Russia” in Moscow.
Our Demo:

Visit our live performance:

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Kind regards,
Duo “SeLena-music”.
e-mail: musiclen@rambler.ru

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Posted on May 16, 2011 @ 10:53 pmLocation: Belgrade (SP)Compensation: as proposed #169
by Just Soft duo Just Soft duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir/Madam,

we are professional musicians, playing in duo, coming
from Belgrade, Serbia. We are interested in your offer.

We are specialized in performing live, soft, soothing music.We have been performing internationally and locally for many years at variety theaters, production shows, corporate events, restaurants,hotels and clubs.

A very wide variety of performance material ( vocal and piano; vocal and guitar; vocal,
piano and guitar, solo and duo instrumental) makes our performance adaptable for different venues and occasions as well as for different Clients' needs. Our performance are family oriented and appeal to international audiences of different age groups, nationalities, different interest groups, etc. We can refer to audience in several different languages, as wall as perform songs from deferent linguistic region.

We would be glad to cooperate with your agency and we hope to hear from you soon.

This is one of our videos

You can view more videos of our performances at:


Best regards!!!!

Marija Vasic/JUST SOFT DUO


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Posted on May 5, 2011 @ 12:20 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #168
hi,we are 6-8 piece band,looking for long tern contract, you can see us on youtube - yuriypiano new band

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Posted on May 3, 2011 @ 10:32 amLocation: Bangkok (TH)Compensation: as proposed #167
by VicenteLerroRecords VicenteLerroRecords is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on May 2, 2011 @ 7:28 pmLocation: (RO)Compensation: $1,500 #166
by Ever-East Band Ever-East Band is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Ever-East Band / Kalatis Band Presentation

It is our desire to present Ever East Band and Kalatis Band to you and hope you will find them to be very compatible to the needs of your resorts.

In that regard I thank you for your patience and continued interest.

Ever-East Band is a duo from Romania that enjoys an international reputation for delivering powerful performances. With an expansive song list from Jazz to the latest, pop, rock, R&B, oldies from the 50’s through the 90’s and beyond which is improved contract after contract with new songs from, dance, disco, Latin, soul, ballads and top 40
Kalatis Band is a girls duo, experienced and hot. They take the audience and make a party every time - each perform.

Ever East Band and Kalatis Band is 3 members: Doina, Arina and Marius.

The Bands, are very flexible, ideal for 5 star hotels (including lobby), night clubs, pubs, disco, etc.with a large experience about what stage means and making the guests to enjoy and feel good.

- Short term contracts in Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Holland.
- Kempinski Hotel Shenyang, China (2005)
- Shangri-La Hotel Qingdao, China (2006)
- Super Way Bar Chongqing, China (2007)
- Radha Regent Hotel, India (2008)
- Radha Hometel, India (2008)
- Sheraton Hotel, India (2008-2009)
- Bin Majid Beach Hotel, UAE (2009)
- Dhafra Beach Hotel, UAE (2010)
- Radha Regent Hotel, India (2010 - 2011)

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Posted on April 25, 2011 @ 5:24 amLocation: Sofia (BG)Compensation: as proposed #165
by NinaRichieTrio NinaRichieTrio is currently offline. Click to send a message.

If you need a fun, cheerful and attractive performance. You’ve take a right choice whit guitar duo Nina and Richie. For us the work is a fun, exciting and special adventure.
With a variety of different styles of music and many opportunities of interesting programs and games, we can make impressive party to everyone.

http://ninarichie.alle.bg/" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://ninarichie.alle.bg/

http://www.youtube.com/p/007AD0147E1C0B0F?hl=bg_BG&fs=1">http://www.youtube.com/p/007AD0147E1C0B0F?hl=bg_BG&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="385" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true">

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Posted on April 23, 2011 @ 1:27 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #164


Hello we are the duokalabria and we are very interested to your application.

The duokalabria consists of two italians musicians Mimmo Iero and Antonella Zampetta both Calabrian.

By clicking the link above, you enter in our myspace, where you will find, our products,our resume, our video, audio, photos, musical repertory.

We sing in English, Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and Neapolitan.
Step away from classical piano bar, with evergreen national and international dance music, from dance to smooth, from reggae to Latin etc..

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cM6EDVco7Gg (Endless Love) video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct-X5TC72Wg (Acqua e sale) Italian video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gc-oLZWKCXE (Corazon felino) Spanish video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iov2pUK2NnA (Cu’mmè) Neapolitan Classic video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_EgWRi_JLxo (Imagine) video

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x73daWU5M8U (Just the way you are ) video

http://www.myspace.com/duokalabria/music/songs/la-vie-en-rose-mp3-78963129 audiomp3 French

http://www.myspace.com/duokalabria/music/songs/desafinado-mp3-78963516 audiomp3 Portuguese

http://www.myspace.com/duokalabria/music/songs/let-it-be-mp3-78856335 audiomp3

http://www.myspace.com/duokalabria/music/songs/moon-river-mp3-78856232 audiomp3

However, about the resume, there is a summary:

Hi, my name is Mimmo Iero.

I am a musician and singer. I am also a composer.
Sound entirely live without the use of backing tracks.

So, no use of midi files via computer, megabits, or midi players in general, but only the use of the arranger keyboard, and my manual dexterity.

I honed my international repertoire working in duo with Costa Cruises, and MSC alone. I disembarkation to Costa in November2009, I embarked with MSC in December 2009 where I worked until August 2010 continuously, Then, I work, in “Cafè Calvadòs” an important restaurant in Moscow, in October and middle November.

Born in Reggio Calabria, since childhood I am fond of music, enough to be responsible for the choir of the Parish of St. Anne was only 16 years, a chorus of 60 elements, where they played with an orchestra and often performed pieces written by me.
Many street parties in Reggio Calabria Province;
performances in villages, as the Altalia of Brancaleone or Tropea, for example, shows in the important “white night” in Reggio and Bagnara.
But also various artistic directions in local villages, and "White Nights" Winter December (Waiting for Christmas), always in Reggio Calabria.
As well as the important "night colors" for the Feast of the Aras Pietrastorta, and in many constituencies in Reggio Calabria.
And yet, the artistic presence at the Winter Olympics in Turin, in the area under Cesana Sestriere in 2006, on behalf of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria.
And of course hundreds of weddings, parties and various celebrations.
I also took a regional tourist entertainment and music.

Antonella Zampetta

Antonella Zampetta,

composer, singer, jazz, blues, bossa nova, singer and performer of musical styles such as Italian and Neapolitan melody, evergreen international pop music, melodic rock, dance, smooth, Latin, etc.. She sings in English, French, Portuguese, Italian.

Host of musical and theatrical performances, entertainer and show-girl. Self-taught, in 2009 he obtained a Licentiate in Theory and Solfeggio spoken and sung at the Conservatory of Reggio Calabria.
At age 13 she began singing in piano bars, the step to live music in the streets was almost immediate, thereby integrating the piano bar, and participation in orchestral groups live in the streets of Calabria and Campania.
n 2004 the National Academy of Music participates in Sanremo, presenting my first novel and from there the composition of musical scores own becomes a requirement that in 2006, bring her the incision of the CD "Words unwritten, consisting of 11 new carried out in collaboration with guitarist Max Cavallo, which I formed the band "Honey Rancid." The promotion of CD has led me to participation in the radio program "DEMORAI" RAI Radio2, and the TV show "ROXYBAR" Red Ronnie in Bologna.
In 2004 he won the San Francesco di Paola, 3rd National Competition for Young MusicStar with an unreleased track "Breath of Wind".
Also in
2004, an important experience at the Teatro Nuovo in Milan The "to be part of" Pop Musical " with Paolo Limiti
well-known television presenter of RAI, entitled" Carmen Pop "for about a month, working with the soprano Cecilia Gasdia.
In the same year he made the closing concert of the fourteenth edition of the Festival International Academy of Jazz "in Cosenza, with the guitarist Bruce Springsteen's historic, Joe Grushecki,
and again the meeting-concert "Musical Treasures" at the National Library of Cosenza.
I let myself be so contaminated by the Jazz in 2005 and attended the Conservatory of Cosenza, and then workshops with teachers such as Ensemble Ettore Fioravanti, Attilio Zanchi, Mezzana Felice, Marco Sannini, Francesco D'Errico, Peter Condorelli, Giacomo Aula Gianna Montecalvo, Raffaele Borretti, Nicola Pisani.
In 2009 he, then, an artist who died prematurely, Peter Paul Cusato, Professor of Jazz at the Conservatory in Vibo Valentia, undisputed genius of jazz, pianist and musical thick.
In 2005-2006 he took part in Voices of the Jazz Chamber Orchestra of the Conservatory of Cosenza, exciting touring experience that leads to Bari, Castel del Monte, in collaboration with the Opera Petruzzelli of Bari, "Catanzaro Fest2005 Jazz" at the Teatro Politeama Catanzaro "R.Leoncavallo2005 Festival", "Invasioni2005 Festival" in Cosenza, etc..

In 2007, intensified his collaborations with orchestras live pop music from the square, working with theater and television artists such as Pippo Franco, the comedians' Bagaglino "such as Mario Zamma, Pamela Prati, Martufello. In the same year I promote my passion for jazz music in collaboration with the Cultural Association "Brutium" I Calabresi in the world, at the Palazzo Rospigliosi in Rome, and BNL Cultural Club of Rome. And again collaborating with the jazz guitarist Maestro Peter Condorelli, jazz pianist and teacher David Santorsola.
Growing timid passion for Bossa Nova, now becoming a genre of music that share a trio at full speed, voice, guitar and flute / sax.
In 2008 and 2009 presents the International Festival of Montalto Uffugo R. Leoncavallo, under the artistic direction of the theater Mariafrancesca Sicilians.
Continue collaborations with musicians from the duo ensemble to a building, squares, clubs, private events of various kinds.


1. IMAGINE. Lennon

2. Woman Lennon

3. Let it be Beatles

4. Hey Jude Beatles

5. Yesterday Beatles

6. What A Wonderful World-- George David Weiss and Bob Thiele

7. "GEORGIA ON MY MIND"- (Ray Charles)-

8. Knocking on Heaven door Bob Dylan.

9. Forever young Alphaville

10. MY WAY Sinatra

11. Every breath you take police

12. JUST THE WAY YOU ARE (Billy Joel)


14. Easy Commodore

15. Please Don’t go Chicago

16. "WHEN A MAN LOVES A WOMAN"-( Michael Bolton )-

17. Desperado Eagles

18. One u2

19. Besame mucho

20. En el muelle de San Blas Mana

21.Cuando calienta el sol los marcellos ferial

22. Corazon Felino Slow Bossa

23. Corazon Espinado Santana e Mana Rock cha cha

24. ET MAINTENANT (Gilbert Bécaud)


26. La vie en rose Grace jones

27. C’est si bon Aa. Vv.


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Posted on April 20, 2011 @ 10:08 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #163
Bellinia is experienced female vocalist/entertainer for Chicago IL. U.S.A. available as a Duo-Trio-Band, for more info please go to http://www.bellinia.com

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Posted on April 17, 2011 @ 10:35 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #162

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Posted on April 13, 2011 @ 9:09 amLocation: Hunedoara (RO)Compensation: as proposed #161
by ROYAL DUO ROYAL DUO is currently offline. Click to send a message.
http://youtu.be/-S49EkHGjMI hi, we are royal duo ,and this is the video demo.

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Posted on April 10, 2011 @ 12:40 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #160

Good Afternoon,

We are interested in applying for your open position for a musical duo. We are know as "Leather & Lace", and we are an award-winning duo that has been working together for almost ten years. We have the sound and energy of a full band, and "Leather & Lace" can provide you with the professional musicianship you are looking for.

Please visit our site here on Musicians Page, or visit: www.thevoiceofvelvet.webs.com ; www.myspace.com/annemariethevoiceofvelvet , or www.myspace.com/rockin39rowdy to hear, see, and learn more about what we can do for you!

If you are looking for quality, variety, energy, and professionalism, please consider "Leather & Lace". Our main focus is to entertain your guests and keep them coming back for more!


Annemarie & Rodney
a.k.a. "Leather & Lace"

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Posted on April 7, 2011 @ 4:55 pmLocation: Wigan (UK)Compensation: as proposed #159
by Roger Lee Roger Lee is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I am The bandleader of a newly formed party band called "Out to Lunch".
We are looking for contracts from May 2011 onwards.
Please find enclosed short biog & repertoire.
Repertoire can always be requested & quickly learnt.
Best Regards
Roger Troman (Bandleader)

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Posted on April 7, 2011 @ 10:22 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #158
by Vladimir Piano Man Vladimir Piano Man is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Mr.

We are DUO "Nostalgie"/Vladimir and Tatijana/ interested in working in Hotels .DUO NOSTALGIE- Piano,keyboard,vokal - Vladimir Zinchenko,leader vocal - Tatiana Grazule.

The Duet has good experience , night clubs Danmark, Latvia, Sweden Italy/--we letters of recommendation from 4 stars Japan ANA Hotel 5 - stars Park Hotel and Grand Palace Hotel.

The repertoire of the Duet includes a range of music many program: jazz, bossa, samba, pop, and saloon music and many song-English, Italy , Spain , Russian, France depending on audiences.If you interesting we can sent for your consideration promotional video material Duo “Nostalgie”

If you would be kind to send us the necessary form and advise us of any information. We thank you for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.

We waiting for Your reply in Riga , Latvia .

To contact: Vladimir Zinchenko-home.

--mob-+371 26781659,

fax-+371 67702088,

E-mail :vladimirpiano1962@yahoo.com.


www.youtube.com Duo "Nostalgie" www.youtube.com Vladimir Zinchenko



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Posted on April 6, 2011 @ 7:40 pmLocation: Essex (UK)Compensation: as proposed #157
by Domino Duo Domino Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I would just like to introduce our band ‘Aura’ to you.

We are a 5/6/7 piece Live Party band and are based in the UK.

We pride ourselves on that we rehearse intensively to ensure our customers
always experience up to date music performed to the highest standards.

Below is a link highlighting some of the material covered.


All band members are experienced performers In many bands and have worked
overseas for various
bands and are talented in there field of work.

We are currently looking to take on new engagements and are available
to start immediately and would appreciate it if you could take the time to
review our band.

We have a huge repertoire covering all genres of music to keep our clients happy
and can easy change or adapt to your needs. We guarantee an outstanding
performance from start to finish.

It is a show not to be missed!!!

Please find attached promotional photographs, Bios C.V's and Repertoire.

If you require any more information or the video to be sent to you via
sharefile.com or another format please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dominique Lewis

      Report this bid as inappropriate
Posted on April 2, 2011 @ 11:40 pm
Updated on June 27, 2011 @ 9:36 pm
Location: Mar Del Plata (AR)Compensation: $4,000 #156
by Mistura Fina Latin-international Duo Mistura Fina Latin-international Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.
hello there!!!!we are intrested in this work,we have a lot international experiences in cruise lines,five stars hotels and more!!!Both singers with keyboards and backtracks.More than a thousand music,all styles in four languajes.Please see our video!!!!best regards!!!



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Posted on March 16, 2011 @ 2:31 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #155

HELLO, We are Duo ‘Intersound’ from Bulgaria.

At the moment we are looking for a work as a musician - performers.

We use to play Evergreens, Pop, Latino, Italian and Russian songs.

For more information please visit:

< http://www.myspace.com/duointersound >

For contacts: duointersound@abv.bg ; duointersound@gmail.com.

Skype: stavri.frangov1 ;

Mobile:+359889468381 & +359896765867


Silvia & Stavri

******Silviya Borislavova Tsokova & Stavri Grirorov Frangov******


Stavri Grigorov Frangov Mobile Phone: + 359896765867 Email: stavri_fra@yahoo.com Personal Information Birth Date: 30.05.1954 Birthplace: Plovdiv / Plovdiv District / Bulgaria Citizenship: Bulgaria Silviya Borislavova Tsokova Mobile Phone: +359889468381 Email: stavri_fra@yahoo.com Personal Information Birth Date: 06.02.1962 Birthplace: Haskovo / Haskovo District / Bulgaria

Citizenship: Bulgaria Residence Silviya Borislavova Tsokova & Stavri Grirorov Frangov

******DUO INTERSOUND ******

02.2010 - 12.2010 – Restaurant “Braziliya”Plovdiv

06.2009 - 12.2009 - PACIFIC CLUB-Plovdiv

01.2009 – 05.2009 Restaurant "EVEREN GREEN"Plovdiv,

06.2009 - 12.2009 Restaurant “Braziliya”Plovdiv,

02.2008- 07.2008-PACIFIC CLUB-Plovdiv,

04.2007- 12.2007-Royal Mirage-Morooco,

03.2006 - 12.2006 -Restaurant "EVEREN GREEN"Plovdiv,

02.2005 - 12.2005-Hotel Jnan Palace-Morooco,

03.2004 - 12.2004-PACIFIC CLUB-Plovdiv,

03.2003 - 12.2004-Europa Hotel Safir-Morooco,

02.2002 - 12.2002-PACIFIC CLUB-Plovdiv,

03.2001 - 11.2001-BOUZOKI-ASTRA-GREECE,

09.2000 - 12.2000-Sahara Hotel -Morooco,

03.1999- 12,1999-Vrissiana Beach Hotel-Cypros,

04.1998 - 12.1998 -Hotel Melia Al Madina Palace-Morooco

We have experience in front of great variety of audience, so we play actually any stile of music required.

      Report this bid as inappropriate
Posted on March 14, 2011 @ 7:41 pm
Updated on March 14, 2011 @ 7:47 pm
Location: (BG)Compensation: as proposed #154
by Magic Duo Magic Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.


we are Ralitsa and Todor,musicians,duo ,we have two repertoites.We've been in Morocco,Norway,Tyrkey,Caprus...ships


-acoustic violine,piano guitar-waltz,tango,jazz standartmfrench,italian....everegreen

We are available now.


00359 887 28 12 14


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Posted on March 11, 2011 @ 8:36 pm
Updated on April 10, 2011 @ 12:50 pm
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #153


We are ForSound ... duo from Poland.

Milene - voc.

Graziano - multi instrumentalist ... piano, keyboard, drums, vocal, guitar and sound engineer

We mostly perform POP music, blues, country music, romantic songs, love songs, evergreens and a few of jazz standard. We are professional musicians and we have a lot of experience. We worked already in East Europe, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Bahrain, Cyprus in high class hotels, restaurants, clubs... Our experience is up to 5 years in this kind of places and we are available from now. We are looking for a new musical contact and for a new job. Pls., visit our website /musicians/ForSound

Thanks for your attention

Best Regards

duo “ForSound”

Milene and Graziano

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Posted on March 10, 2011 @ 2:57 pmLocation: Jersey City, NJ (US)Compensation: as proposed #152
by Tony R Bennett Tony R Bennett is currently offline. Click to send a message.
hi My Name is TONY R BENNETT

I am a solo performer, singing and playing piano and Hammond organ

I have also toured extensively in Europe and Asia

My video can be viewed at TONY R BENNETT (YOUTUBE)

I can be reached by phone @ 864-422-9001 (home)
@ 864-235-5785 ( leave messages)
or by email @ beenanut@ aol.com

      Report this bid as inappropriate
Posted on March 3, 2011 @ 6:09 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #151



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Posted on March 2, 2011 @ 5:29 am
Updated on March 25, 2011 @ 4:35 am
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #150


Sister Magic is a profesional femaile duo band coming from Romania. The young and talentated singers Anca and Tatiana aprouch alot of music styles in their repertoir like:evergreen, jazz standards, soul, r&b, dance, house, pop, rock, hip hop, and also a beautiful Tribute to AbbA Show with songs, coreography and beautiful costumes in the style of AbbA. They always sing with joy and energy giving an electrifying show that makes the crowd go wild.


Name-Sister Magic

Founded- in 2007 in Romania

Instruments-vocal&instrumental tracks

Members- Tatiana Ciobanu age 25

Anca Belciu age 27

Education-Tatiana Ciobanu-University of Music Bucharest 2009-speciality Belcanto

Anca Belciu - University of Music Bucharest 2007-speciality Music pedagogy

Experience of singers Anca and Tatiana


Singing in Bucharest


Singing Contract in Antalya Turkey


Singing contract in Hilton Ras Al Khaimah Dubai


Founding Tribute to ABBA band

Experience of Tribute to ABBA


-music contract in Antalya Turkey

-concerts in Romania

-concerts in Koln Germany

ANCA&TANIA COVERS REPERTOIR(jazz standards, evergreen, pop, rock, disco, soul, r&b, dance, house):

































































































Check out our videos on youtube:




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Posted on February 24, 2011 @ 9:24 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: $1 #149
by Arsentiy Alexander Prymak Arsentiy Alexander Prymak is currently offline. Click to send a message.

My greetings to you.

My name is Arsentiy and I’m an artist (singer, dancer, and actor). I work in this profession from 6 years. I have great education: Kyiv High Musical College, vocal (classic, jazz, pop, variety) 1999-2003., Kyiv National University of theater, cinema and TV (artist: actor, vocalist, dancer) 2003-2007, and huge experience: National Academical Kyiv Operetta Theater (artist: actor, vocalist, dancer) 2003-2010. Also I participated in different concerts, performances, international festivals, shows in Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Poland, Egypt, Russia, and Germany... I worked on TV as actor, TV host, entertainer, and showman. I played movies as actor in Ukraine and Russia.

I sing in english, french, italian, russian, and ukrainian languages, in different styles: rock’n’roll, ballad, soul, blues, country, gospel, jazz, romance, funk, classical, folk, pop, musicals… My repertoire consist of the best songs of the best artists: Elvis Presley, Beatles, Joe Coker, Eric Clapton, Alexander Serov, James Brown, Frank Sinatra, George Michael, Fillip Kirkorov, Eros Ramazzotti, Joe Dassin, Tom Jones, Nicolay Nosckov, Celentano, Louis Armstrong, etc… groups, bands…

I can perform in any places: as on the street so in the concert hall. Style of my perform can be any, it depend on what needed: from smooth atmosphere of salon to great and powerful concert show.

My English is fluent, germany is basic, ukrainian and russian are native languages. I’m creative, outstanding, charismatic, well organized, responsible, sociable, polite, inventive and punctual person.

I’m very grateful for your attention and your time. I will be thankful to you for any information about opportunity of work for me.

With my respect and the best wishes. God bless you.

Arsentiy Prymak

My website www.arsentiy.io.ua

e-mail: arsyuha@ukr.net

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Posted on February 21, 2011 @ 5:39 am
Updated on May 29, 2011 @ 12:01 pm
Location: 0Compensation: $1,500 #148


We are a duo from the Philippines, composed of a pianist (Eduardo Cahoy) and a bass player (Romil Ramido). Our music is mostly jazz but we also have standard songs, bossa nova, samba, some pop etc.

We would like to offer services in case you still have a requirement.

Attached herewith is our profile for your reference. You may also view our videos posted at www.youtube.com, just search for EDDIE CAHOY.

Our proposed budget per month is USD1500-1800.

You may contact us through +639322326489 or +6323458863 or through our email address: edel0913@yahoo.com.

Looking forward to hearing from you very soon.

Eddie Cahoy - band leader

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Posted on February 18, 2011 @ 3:11 amLocation: Dokki (EG)Compensation: $1,000 #147
by ostoura ostoura is currently offline. Click to send a message.


Take A Look At




Now Lets Talk Buisiness

My Name Is OSTOURA, A Guitarist And Composer.
I Had Some Albums Which i like to Send To You Ofcourse,
(All Demos Included in my web Page http://www.ostoura.org)
I Was Working In Egypt For Many Hotels During My Life Career (15 years in the field)With Many Events n Gigs .
Right Now Im In Philippines For A Couple Of Weeks, just two Gigs In Manila, During This Time We Can Contact On Email Or On My Phone Which Is Listed Below

I'm Sure Theres Lots of Ideas That We Can Share During This Call

Please have A Look On my Official And Fans Web Pages


Full Demos Located Here




Official Home Page: http://www.ostoura.org

Fans Page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/OSTOURA/8812698461

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ye9wmUd_ViM

Email: ostoura@yahoo.com

Phone : +20 12 271 8738
Phone In Philippines : +639993189079

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Posted on February 17, 2011 @ 9:05 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #146
by Champagne Duo Champagne Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear Madam/Sir,
We are Ella and Gabriel from Romania and we are Champagne Duo.
Professional, international high class hi-tech Duo we have a big experiece together from 1998 and we have a various and rich repertoire list over 400 songs.
We are looking for a new contract.
Please visit our website: www.champagneduo.com/
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Ella and Gabriel
Champagne Duo

Ella & Gabriel - Champagne Duo

Website: www.champagneduo.com/

Mobile: +40748221752; +40723933140

E-mail: champagneduoband@yahoo.com

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Posted on February 10, 2011 @ 10:59 amLocation: Sofia (BG)Compensation: $1,500 #145
by Quartet Sofia Band Quartet Sofia Band is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I am Emil Nikolov, musician and leader of Sofia Band (quartet) from Bulgaria. Until this moment we worked with an agent, who is no longer interested in groups.

I have your email address from other colleagues of ours, so I decided to turn to you. If you need a quartet (guitar, bass, drums and keyboard), the musicians in it are educated and experienced and we would be glad to work with you.

We have worked across Europe in various show programmes and concerts as well as on European and American cruise ships. Our repertoire is international and it includes ballroom dancing, country, latin, R&B, POP classic and jazz standards. We are perfectly comfortable with working with guests such as singers and other artists. I sending you picture and YouTube link , where you can see and hear the Band!



Thank you very much.

Kind regards,

Emil Nikolov

Sofia Band


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Posted on February 9, 2011 @ 9:15 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #144

To Whom It May Concern

We are the Mellow Tones and we specialise in jazz standards. Attached below is our resume which includes photos and vidoes of us performing. The Mellow Tones will enhance any hotel goers experience as we bring entertainment and class to our performances.

Kind Regards

Danielle and Fiona

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Posted on February 8, 2011 @ 11:36 amLocation: 0Compensation: $1,500 #143

To mr. johnson,

I'm Mr. Haddee Castro replying on your ad that you are hiring bands. I am interested on the slot. I'm willing to introduce my band with you... i"ve already attached our band profile...
All our band informations are in our band profile.
I would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and discuss our qualifications... I believe that our talents will make a valuable contribution. I look forward to hearing from you soon...
thank you.


Haddee Castro (Band Leader) - Coolheadeddummies

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Posted on February 6, 2011 @ 10:17 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #142
Hi. I am interested in the opening you have. Please check out the links below...

http://www.soundcloud.com/allisonprior to hear our original music and

http://www.webspawner.com/users/allisonprior to see some clips from our shows.

We have two different acts that we use on stage for the same night and play a variety of music from Shania Twain to Black Sabbath and Deep Purple....and some original material as well. We have a female singer, drummer, bass and guitar. These two acts as called, A Touch Of Class and Ironworks.

With costume changes on the fly while we play,(as we have to put together a portable dressing room for the girl to change costumes), we perform to an age group from 19 to late 50's. All top notch party music and classic rock...

We currently produce our own shows and charge from $10 a ticket to $25. We are also into improvising right on stage at the drop of a hat. Songs can start and end different at any given time. Wild guitar tricks, drum solos, flamboyant vocals and a stage presence that will certainly entertain to the max. (Check out "Bernie Scott's Amazing Guitar Tricks" by copying and pasting this phrase into the google search engine).

If interested, let me know....if not for this particular gig then maybe something at a later date as we are looking to play in other parts of the world. My email address is berniescott2005@yahoo.ca and I can also be reached at 1-709-364-5489. We are basically free to travel anywhere at any time.

Thank you for your time.


Bernie Scott

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Posted on February 3, 2011 @ 10:58 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #141

My name is Ana Maria Delgado. I am a musician and I am searching for a new job. I am part of a duet named “D´lirio”. We are two girls and have been playing together for three years. We both sing and play the guitar and the violin with a background base also. We have been traveling to different countries such as Cyprus, Dubai (EUA), Japan, Guatemala, Bahamas and Thailand and actually we are finishing a contract in Doha, Qatar. We can play all Latin rhythms and a bit of jazz and we are fitting in restaurants or night clubs doing both, ambience or party jobs. We also sing in English. Our experience is up to 9 years in hotels, night clubs, restaurants, lobby lounge and special events and we have no problems with long term contracts. Our estimated budget is 1500 usd each musician with our agency fee included. I will submit all our contact details in case you will be interested and you can also find links to watch some videos and listen to the music. This media files are just a face of what we can really do.

Thanks for your attention,

Members: Dalieideys Amador Membribes (violinist vocalis)

Ana María Delgado Rodríquez (guitarist vocalist)

Current Location: Doha, Qatar

Permanent Location: Cuba

E-mails: anamaria384@yahoo.es Links: http://www.myspace.com/duodlirio

dali_amador@yahoo.com http://www.facebook.com/dlirio


dlirio2@yahoo.es http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljmndVx9O18

Mobiles: +81 9040 067230 (Dali)

+974 30024974 (Ana)

+974 77541340 (Dali)

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Posted on February 3, 2011 @ 11:20 amLocation: Ruse (BG)Compensation: $2,000 #140
by Evgeni Iliychev Iliev Evgeni Iliychev Iliev is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello! We are Magnific Duo from Bulgaria.We play and sing in different popular styles,
and looking for good offers.This is our promotional video,audio , pictures and ,CV and
Repertoire List.

video :


Curriculum Vitae:


Curriculum Vitae

Evgeni Ilychev Iliev– piano, keyboard, sing

Name: Evgeni Iliev

Address: Str.Mitropolyt Grigorij 1,bl.Kawarna - B-3

Telephone: +359/887/196969

E-mail: evgeni.drum@gmail.com

Nationality: Bulgarian

Date of birth: 25.02.1976,Russe,Bulgaria

Evgeni had a diplom from Academy of Music,Dance and Fine Arts,Plovdiv,Bachelor Degree

with Percussioninstruments and second subject-piano.

He starts touring with Philharmonic Orchestra,Razgrad and then with Opera-Philharmonic Association,

Russe,around Italy,Spain,Portugal and Switzerland for couple of years .

From 2008 he was a member of show band on Louis Company ships around Italy,Spain,France,Greece,etc.

as a keyboard player.

Evgeni plays a different range of styles - from classical,jazz,to rock&pop music from the 90`s.

Education and training: 1989-1994

High Music School-Russe

Principal subjects/occupational Percussion instruments

skills covered Piano

Dates from: 1994-1998

Academy of Music,Dance and Fine Arts-Plovdiv

Principal subjects/occupational Percussion instruments

skills covered Piano

Work experience:

Dates from: 01.04.2004 - 02.06.2004

On tours in Sicilia, Italy And France

Dates from: 01.12.2005 - 12.11.2006

Name of employer: Philharmonic Orchestra,Razgrad

Occupation or position held: Orchestral musician

Dates from: 01.12.2006 - 02.01.2007

On tours in Spain and Italy France and Portugal

Dates from: 20.02.2007-20.02.2008

Name of employer: Opera-Philharmonic Association,Russe

Occupation or position held: Orchestral Percussion

Dates from: 13.06.2008-10.09.2008 - vessel "Aquamarin"

Name of employer: Louis Company

Type of business or sector: Entertainment

Occupation or position held : Musician-show band

Dates from: 04.04.2009-30.07.2009

Name of employer: Louis Company

Type of business or sector: Musician-show band

Forreighn languages:russian,german,english

Kremena Evtimova Atanasova - singer

Date Of Birth:26.06.1978

Adress:Bulgaria-Varna bul.Osmi primorski polk bl.122 ap.92





Education and training:Kremena Atanasova finished gimnazy with Special eduction program of English,Doich and Russhian languages.

1995-1997 finished private school of vocal singers and dicthion

Work experience:

2001-2005 work in Bulgarian holiday place ''Sunny beach'' -program singer,life bands,karaoke programs and ather 5 stars hotel complecs in Bulgaria

2006 work in Maroco-Rabat night club and athers holyday places in diferend parts of the country

2007-2008 work in Germany-Francfurt ,night club-life music;

2009-2010-Sweetserland-piano bars;

Turcy-Antaliya,Belec,Alaniya,Marmaris and athers holyday places in 5 stars hotels complecs;


Repertoire List:


1.Hit the road Jack-Ray Charles

2.Dont cry for Lui-Vaya con dios

3.Just frend of mine

4.Ney nah nah

5. Puerto rico

6. Smooth operator-Shade

7. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word -Elton John

8. Nikita

9. Eternal Flame -The Bangels

10.Woman in love-Barbera Straizand

11.Crying time

12.Hello-Lionel Richi

13.Love me tender-Elvis Presli

14.Green green grass of home-Tom Jones


16.Cotton fields

17.Acky breaky heart

18. Lay down sally -Eric Clepton

19.See You Later Alligator-Bill Halley

20.The top of the world-Carpenters

21. When I Need You -Selin Dion


23.Notorias-Duran Duran

24.Tragedy-BEE geas

25.Obaldi oblada-Beatles

26. Breakfast In America -Super tramp


28.Milord-Edith Piaf

29.Black velvet-AAlana Miles

30.Aisha- Cheb Khaled

31. Crying At The Discotheque - Alcazar

32.This Is The World We Live In - Alcazar

33.Cheri Cheri Lady - Modern Talking

34 Boney M-mix.


36. Out Of Love- Anastasia

37.Moving on up-M people

38. Hooray Hooray It's A Holi-Holiday - Bony M

39.Venus - Bananarama


41.All Around The World - Lisa Stansfield


43.Drive me crazy


45. Yes Sir I Can Boogie - Bacara


47.Shame shame –Lulu

48.La Bamba

49.Strong enough - Cher

50.Believe - Cher

51.Dove la more

52. Living Next Door To Alice -Smokie

53.New York, New York

54. My Heart Will Go On

55.Strangers in the night

56.Kiling me softly

57.Hung up - Madonna

58.Papa don’t Preach


60.Another Day In Paradise-Phil Colins

61.Boy Get Aroun Me Head - Kailye Minogue

62.That dont impress me much-Shaniya tween

63. Man I Feel Like A Woman

64. Quando Quando Quando

65. Unbreak My Heart

66.Abba-Money money


68.Mama mia

69.Voles vous

70.Supper Troopers

71.Gime Gime

72.Dancing Queen


74.I will survive-Gloria Gainer

75.Icant dance-Djenezis

76.Long train runin-Dobbies brothers

77. She work hard for the money-Donna Sammer

78.Hot Stuff

79.Ub-40-Kingston Town

80.Red red wine

81.Bob Marley-I shot the sheriff

82.Could you biloved

83.Monlight shadou-Maik OLdfield

84.Gloria Estefan-Turn the beat around


86. Oye Me Canto

87.Rithm Is Gona Get You

88. Let's Get Loud - Jennifer Lopez

89.In The Summer Time- Mungo Jerry

90.Besame Mucho

91.El Talisman -Rosana

92. Michiko Latino -Gery Halliwell

93. Proud Mary - Tina Turner

94.City Limit

95. The Best

96. We Don't Need Another Hero

97. Fever-Peggy Lee

98.Summertime - Janis Joplin

99.Stumblin in - Cris Norman - Suzi Quatro

100.Bony Taylor-I'ts a hard take


102.Kalimba de luna-Bony-M

103.you the one that i wont-Olivia Nuton Djon and Djon Travolta

104.Celebration - Kool And The Gang


106.Ladys night

107. Any Lenox -Sweet dreams

108.Let it be-Betales

109. I Walking On Sunshine

110. Lasciate Mi Cantare -Toto Cutughno

111.Eros Ramazoti-Cose de la vita

112.Fuco nel fuoco

113.Corason espinado-Santana

114. Billy Jean - Michael Jackson

115. Sleeping In My Car - Roxette

116.It Have Must Been Love - Roxette

117.Sweet Home Chicago

118. Money For Nothing- Dire Straits

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Posted on February 3, 2011 @ 7:47 am
Updated on February 3, 2011 @ 7:51 am
Location: 0Compensation: $1,000 #139
Dear Sir/Madam,
We would like to present you our group.The "New Exposure" trio. We are playing a wide variety of songs and different genre.We are all residing in the Philippines and have been playing on cruise ships for more than 8 years now.The most recent was last year onboard the Norwegian Jade /Spirit from June till Nov.We have played in various hotels in Asia as well.We can also play acoustic and sequencer.If the employer wants a quartet we can also do that.
This is our contact no. (0063)9173517654

Hope you will take time to view our profile..

Best regards,
New Exposure

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Posted on February 2, 2011 @ 8:03 amLocation: Johannesburg (ZA)Compensation: as proposed #138
by Daughters of Mandela/Dreamgirls Tribute Daughters of Mandela/Dreamgirls Tribute is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi Johnson

My name is Nana, I would like to send you many bands, duos and trio I would like to have an email where I can send you all the information. Your response will be highly appreciated. Many thanks. my email is nanapt@telkomsa.net


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Posted on January 31, 2011 @ 6:26 pmLocation: Barlassina (IT)Compensation: $600 #137
by AMERITALIAN Sonia and Greg AMERITALIAN Sonia and Greg is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hi! This is Sonia by AMERITALIAN.
We are available also for long period.... We are a duo playing and singing american music of the 50's , 60's. 70's.
We also play Italian songs, French and Spanish songs.
We speak English, French, Italian and Spanish
This is what the audience think of us:

Hi Sonia and Greg
Just a quick note to thank you both for enhancing our cruise holiday on MSC.
It really was a recurring theme when chatting to the other passengers that your 'Duo' were by far the best and most acconplished performers on the ship. You invariably dispayed professionalism, musicality and enthusiasm to each and every song and each and every performance.
As a 'child' of the sixties it was always a pleasure to be reminded of the lory and originality of that period. Pat and I respcted Greg's guitar work and Sonia's beautiful voice (and the meaning and interpratation atrtached to the words of songs. You both connected and blended so naturally.
So, a little thank you for enriching our cruise.
Perhaps the greatest impact was the sense of camaraderie shared with so many of your musical colleagues on board ship - you evidently genuinely cared for one another.
Many thanks and best wishes.
Peter and Pat Chester (London UK).

We do guarantee extreme success. Please contact us through our mail or here, because we are still in the Caraibbean until the end of March.
We are available after this season is done. From June.

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Posted on January 30, 2011 @ 3:39 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #136

I am writing to introduce our strolling quartet/trio, we play popular music 60's, 70's, 80's, top 40's. we are been singing n play in many different kind of hotel in bali indonesia. Music/Song we play is a Latin, English, Mandarin, Japan, Korea, n many others world song. We are availble around Asia n Mindle East.
In case of intersting please contact us by mail or mobile.

mobile : +6285792103507 / +628123616209
our email addres : muntewarisan@gmail.com
or visit our webbsite : www.balipatopitao.com
Thank You very much for you'r kind attantion

Best Regard
Warisan Munthe

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Posted on January 29, 2011 @ 11:25 am
Updated on January 29, 2011 @ 11:27 am
Location: Annecy-le-vieux (FR)Compensation: as proposed #135
by Arnaud Fillion Arnaud Fillion is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I'm a French professional guitar player, currently living in Tokyo, japan. I play with various bands and have large experience of live within differents styles and musical contexts (jazz, flamenco, latin jazz,bossa...) Live bands availables from duo to Quintet. Please visit my webpage http://www.myspace.com/arnitofrance for more informations (video and audio) and find attached my resume.

Hope to hear from you soon.


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Posted on January 29, 2011 @ 2:55 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #134
Hi there. We are "The Giancarol", Giancarlo and Carolina, International duo from Italy.
We play live music very high quality, piano+voice+voice and piano+key+voice+voice.
Many kind of genres for any situation; cocktail bar, acoustic, entertainment and more.
We'd like to evaluate some offer from middle of February onward. We're available all around the world, for short or long period.
Please, visit our profile to better know us.
In case of interesting, please contact us by mail.
Thanks for now.
Giancarlo and Carolina

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Posted on January 29, 2011 @ 12:48 amLocation: Constanta (RO)Compensation: as proposed #133
by Daniel B. Daniel B. is currently offline. Click to send a message.


My name is Daniel Belcin (piano-keyboard-vocal player) from Romania ;

This is my `Web-Site` : www.DanielBelcin.com

On this web-site you can find `Videos ` of me performing in different styles of music , Repertoire(Songlist),Photos, Biography and Contact.
i would be very glad and honored to give you more details about me as a person and a musician .
Best Regards,
Daniel Belcin

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Posted on January 28, 2011 @ 3:13 amLocation: Seattle, WA (US)Compensation: $1,300 #132
by Into The Drift Into The Drift is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I am writing to introduce our duo, Into the Drift. We play energetic, popular variety dance music in all styles from classics to Top-40. We are available for International engagements, Cruise ships, are able to travel, and have current U.S. passports.

You can access our website for CD demos, links to our YouTube videos, photos, songlist and much more information on our Duo. You will also find our complete online press kit here:



Please don't hesitate to contact us for further information. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.

Laurel & Dave Doucet

email us at: info@intothedrift.com

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Posted on January 26, 2011 @ 10:38 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #131
hi we are duo from canada and philippines.. you can check out our full profile on our website and our video on youtube...

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Posted on January 26, 2011 @ 2:27 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #130
by George A Johnson Jr George A Johnson Jr is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi ,
> This is the info I wanted you to have.
> >
> Thank you for your time and attention.
! Hope your having a great day. . I have written music for a episode of Felicity {TV Film }.
, I sing alot of Big Bands music.
Best wishes. I'm a drummer and piano player. I also played drums with Mc Coy Tyner,Lou Donaldson and Mr. A.Ibrahim on tours and I have recorded with . My first CD was called Turquoise Ocean. I sing over 600 songs.
I have a new Big Band vocal CD ready to be put out . I also have "George A. Johnson Jr. All Star Tribute" That is selling on itunes and it is number 1 in radio play in Canada. . You can hear some of the music on my new CD. You can go to: myspace.com/gajjr Listen to Fly me to the moon . I'm playing everything. You can also hear a drum solo on youtube George A. Johnson Jr." Drum Impressions " Thank you for your time I know you must be very busy.
I wish you all the best,
This is from "Smother Magazine "

George A. Johnson Jr. All Stars - All Star Tribute Editor's Pick

George A. Johnson Jr. All Stars ˜ All Star Tribute

Buy it from InSound Get this on iTunes

BCS Records proudly presents „All Star Tribute‰, a truly all star jazz event. A full horn section with amazing piano players, guitarists, bassists, and drummers complement the album with wild uptempo improv jazz. Curtis Fuller loads in some juicy trombone along with fellow trombone players Wycliff Gordon and Clifford Adams. George A. Johnson Jr. is the leader of the pack showcasing not only his brilliant vocals but stellar percussion and sweet piano. In addition there‚s organist Charles Earland along with fellow pianists Shirley Scott, Rich Budese, Cedar Walton, and Abdullah Ibrahim. Wynton Marsalis takes time to show off his incredible trumpet skills. Big band jazz hasn‚t sounded this incredible since the early part of the 20th century

Featured Artist: George A. Johnson Jr

CD Title: George A. Johnson Jr. All Stars Band

Year: 2006

Record Label: BCS Records

Style: BeBop / Hard Bop

George A Johnson Jr., Born in Bridgeton, NJ in 1953, is a third generation drummer. Johnson Jr. began playing drums at the age of five and began playing professionally at the age of 12 in the Atlantic City music scene. As a young adult Elvin Jones and Art Blakey mentored Johnson; in fact, it was Jones who helped Johnson pick out his first set of drums.

Johnson‚s latest release is a debut on BCS Records entitled, the George Johnson Jr. All Stars Band. The release features such jazz icons as; Curtis Fuller (trombone), Ceder Walton (piano), Wynton Marsalis (trumpet), Wyclif Gordon (trombone) and Terell Stafford (trumpet). These are only a few names on this BCS debut, guaranteed to get you swinging and get your foot tapping.

The CD begins with a live performance recorded at the Montreax Jazz Festival entitled „Morgan,‰ a composition penned by organist Charles Earland, which pays homage to the late trumpeter, Lee Morgan. The tune sets an up-tempo pace for the soloist to explore upon with trumpeter Jon Faddis blowing bebop licks as Earland and Johnson keep the pulse driving. Earland contributes a fine performance rich in the tradition with a few sprinklings of modern intervallic structures for added intensity.

„Sleepy,‰ a nice mid tempo swing, set to an A-A-B-A song form with part of the melody quoting the Flintstones theme song. All of the soloist keep the bop language flowing with ample quotes of various melodies to keep the listeners interest and perhaps to continue the quoting theme that was heard earlier in the melody.

The third track is „Shaw Nuff‰ fast, with Johnson keeping the pulse light and swinging. The classic be-bop tune is eloquently performed by Shirley Scott (piano), Ed Wiley (tenor sax), Wycliff Gordon (trombone), David Phross (bass), and Terell Stafford (trumpet). „Scrapple,‰ is a be-bop inspired blues from a set with the Jazz Messengers with Johnson at the drum helm, featuring; Wynton Marsalis (trumpet), Donald Harrison (alto sax), Johnny O‚Neal (piano) and Charles Farbrough (bass).

„Little Man,‰ another feature with the Art Blakey‚s Jazz Messengers with Johnson on drums, is an up-tempo piece that leaves the land of be-bop to explore the methodology of the post-bop era. Johnson‚s solo displays both melodic rhythms and driving passion. „I Didn‚t Know What,‰ displays Johnson‚s compositional skills with the post-bop angular melody over a driving undercurrent supplied by Johnson and Farbrough. This song is definitely a highlight of the ten track journey.

„Tuang Gura‰ finds Abdullah Ibrahim on piano setting up a beautiful ballad. However, Johnson‚s scorching brush work is a surprising entrance, and thus beginning the Middle Eastern influenced journey of sounds and exotic musical colors. „My Break Tune‰ and „Alice in Wonderland‰ are two more tracks recorded with the Art Blakey‚s Jazz Messengers with Johnson playing drums.
„Fly Me to the Moon,‰ features Johnson on vocals and rounds out the release with another dimension of Johnson‚s many talents.

George A Johnson Jr. has released a very enjoyable release that features an all-star line up of players, compositions and performances on BCS Records that any avid bebop to post-bebop listener would enjoy.

Tracks: Morgan, Sleepy, Shaw Nuff, Scrapple, Little Man, I Didn't Know, My Theme, Tuang Gura, My Break Tune, Alice in Wonderland, Fly Me To the Moon
Reviewed by: H. Allen Williams

June 29, 2006


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George Johnson Jr., All-Star Tribute
BCS Records, 2006

Modern big-band jazz fusion welded tight with the help of whiz-bang chops from top-dog cohorts such as Curtis Fuller on trombone, the piano blitzes of Cedar Walton, and Wynton Marsalis chipping in with his trumpet. Tutored by such drum-kit heavyweights as Elvin Jones and Art Blakey, the multi-talented Johnson has been around since the â•˙70s, recently finding himself the object of affection in the eyes of rogue acid jazz and hip-hop fans, which should come as no great shock in light of Johnsonâ•˙s progressive approach. Thereâ•˙s no arguing with an album like this; high-grade all the way, itâ•˙s comparable to the Yellowjackets in their prime, whether walking a be-bop high-wire (╲Shaw Nuff╡, dazzling the Montreax Jazz Festival with warp-speed fusion (╲Morgan╡ or cutting up some prototypical jazz (╲I Didnâ•˙t Know What,╡ an original of Johnsonâ•˙s). Outro track ╲Fly Me to the Moon╡ highlights Johnsonâ•˙s knack for baritone crooning, a surprise sweet spot that compels the listener to leave the CD in for another go. A-

˜ Eric Saeger

a.. World Music, AAA, Reggae, Jazz, Blues
>Music Reviews of World Music, Adult Contemporary, Reggae, Jazz, Blues,
>George A. Johnson Jr. All Stars - All Star Tribute Buy it at Amazon
>BCS Records proudly presents "All Star Tribute", a truly all star jazz
>event. A full horn section with amazing piano players, guitarists,
>bassists, and drummers complement the album with wild uptempo improv jazz.
>Curtis Fuller loads in some juicy trombone along with fellow trombone
>players Wycliff Gordon and Clifford Adams. George A. Johnson Jr. is the
>leader of the pack showcasing not only his brilliant vocals but stellar
>percussion and sweet piano. In addition there's organist Charles Earland
>along with fellow pianists Shirley Scott, Rich Budese, Cedar Walton, and
>Abdullah Ibrahim. Wynton Marsalis takes time to show off his incredible
>trumpet skills. Big band jazz hasn't sounded this incredible since the
>early part of the 20th century.
>- J-Sin
My Programs and Playlists for August 2006
ARTIST/Track/Album/Label * = Australian
Thu 3/08/06 "Primetime Jazz" 7pm - 9pm "Mainstream - Something Old & New"
1) DAVID STRYKER/ Feelin' Good/Big City/Melbay Records
2) JIM PEARCE/Why I Haven't Got You/Prairie Dog Ballet/Oak Avenue
3) DON STIERNBERG/I Cover The Waterfront/Unseasonably Cool/Blue Night
4) CHRIS WALDEN BIG BAND/You Took Advantage Of Me/Home Of My Heart/Origin
5) PETER ZIMMER QUINTET/Woodside Blues/Burnin' Live At The Jazz Standard/Tippin'
6) LIONEL HAMPTON/Red Top/There Will Never Be Another You/Out Of Sight
7) JON CROSSE/Mary Had A Little Lamb/Kind of Blue & Pink/JazzCat
8) GEORGE jOHNSON JR/Little Man/All Star Tribute/BCS Records
9) CHUCK REDD/Li'l Darlin'/Happy All The Time/Arbors
10) CECILIA SMITH/Africa Rememberred/Dark Triumph/CEA MUSIC
11) MICHELLE NICOLLE*/Drop The Smile/What Kind Of Fool/NewMarket***
12) DANIEL SMITH/Doxy/Bebop Bassoon/Zah Zah
13) EDDIE DANIELS/My One and Only Love/Mean What You Say/IPO
14) CLARK WOODARD & JOE FARRELL/My Funny Valentine/Woodard & Farrell/BCS
15) JONATHAN KREISBERG/Pacific/Unearth/MelBay Records
16) LARRY VUCKOVICH/Blue Bohemia Suite/Street Scene/Tetrachord
*** = available at www.henk.com.au
George A. Johnson, Jr.
2765 Jackson Road
Williamstown, NJ 08094
Phone and Fax (856) 629-6763
Musical Abilities: Well versed in all types of music including jazz, standards, and
various types of ethnic music. Have successfully led several bands.
Instrument:: Drums and vocals (lead) Piano
Albums/CDs: Karma/Charles Ear
Loveland/Lonnie Listen Smith
Until Sunrise/Ed Wiley re-released 1996
Aroma/Abdullah Abraham released 1995
In Remembrance/Ed Wiley released 1995
George A Johnson, Jr. CDs: Turquoise Ocean released 1997 / All Star Tribute 2006
Education: Master of Arts with Distinction in Music Education.
1971-1974 Performed with Grover Washington, Jr. Held jazz workshops at
Berkeley College for Dean Anderson.
1974 Performed with Charles Ear, including the Mont Jazz Festival
in Switzerland.
1975-1979 Worked with various artists including Jimmy Garrison, Buster
Williams, Ron Carter, Lou Donaldson, Cedar Walton, Lonnie Listen
Smith, George Adams, Curtis Fuller, Johnny Hammond, Jimmy Merit,
John Thaïs and Gene Ammos. Also performed during this time with
Johnny Lunch's Big Band at Club Harlem. Advertised for Paste
cymbals and appeared in the Paste International Profiles of Drummers.
1979-1982 Performed with McCoy Tyner, including European tour, the Atlantic
City Jazz Festival, Playboy Jazz Festival and Chicago Fest.
1982-1988 Winton Morsels and Charles Ear. Numerous society functions
including Mayor Wilson Goode‚s inauguration and Frank Sumatra's
birthday party at the Golden Nugget.
1990-1995 Performed with Abdullah Abraham (Dollar Brand) including European
tour, South African tour and Japan. Played with South African
National Symphony Orchestra. Conducted workshops and master classes at
Natal University in Durban South Africa for Darius Bareback PHD and
Cape University for Renee McLean.
Conducted a workshop in New Orleans at the Jazz and Heritage Festival.
Performed with Abdullah Abraham at Montreal Festival, The Forum in London, Jazz Hamburg, Opera Leipzig, and North Sea Festival. Is an endorsee for
Paste Cymbal Company, Sonar Drum Company, Aquarian Drum Heads, Cappella Drum Sticks. Music director for Abdullah Abraham.
1995 Performed with Craig Handy, Milt Hinton, Shirley Scott, Wickliffe Gordon, Terrell Stafford and Sir Roland Hannah.
1996 Currently performing with my own band. Performed at the Mellon Jazz Festival featuring Grover Washington, Jr., featured guest drummer with Willie Williams Quartet at Cape May Jazz Festival. Performed with my own band at the Newport Jazz Festival in Bryant Park in New York. Personnel in my band: Gary Thomas, Kenny Drew, Jr., Steve Kirby
1997 First Turquoise Ocean tour, touring Germany, Switzerland, Austria. Tour was a great success. Performed with Johnny Griffin and my trio. Musicians were John Hicks piano and Steve Kirby bass. We played at the Porto Jazz Festival in Portugal. We were very well received.
1997 to Present - Performing internationally with my own band.

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Posted on January 20, 2011 @ 3:29 pm
Updated on January 20, 2011 @ 3:37 pm
Location: Düsseldorf (DE)Compensation: $1,000 #129
by Uwe Petersen Uwe Petersen is currently offline. Click to send a message.

The UP Jazz Trio performs throughout the World. Our music features an elegant, romantic, and lively approach to your favorite songs. All highly accomplished musicians, the UP Jazz Trio adds a uniquely intimate ambiance to any event.

Our song list includes a wide range of styles: from the beautiful sounds of Latin music (Bossa Nova and Samba), to classic tunes from the world of Frank Sinatra, to the pop ballads of the Beatles.

Please make sure to visit us online at www.myspace.com/upjazztrio for music and videos of us performing.

You can reach us at upjazztrio@yahoo.com

You and your guests will surely enjoy the UP Jazz Trio.

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Posted on January 20, 2011 @ 12:24 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #128
you can learn all about me here

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Posted on January 17, 2011 @ 2:32 am
Updated on February 6, 2011 @ 9:23 am
Location: Brooklyn, NY (US)Compensation: as proposed #127
by Emory Toler Emory Toler is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello my name is Emory Toler and i am very interested in the position. I am an a singer/performer with 10 years of performance under my belt...from NYC..I am a energetic,charismatic performer who has traveled the world bring my brand of entertainment to the masses..just recently from europe performing with a live band..i have also been to japan,korea(singing to tv tracks) and would love to see more of asia,,I specialize in Pop,R&B,Dance,hip hop..some jazz,standards and grew up on gospel... If you feel we are a perfect fit..i perform with another singer as well as a duo(female Kim lovering) who is also very talented and we have worked together for over 3 years..traveling the world...I have video and pics avail..when needed..please feel free to contact me at soulseeker1104@yahoo.com, also..347-401-3119, on skype emorising1.. Thank you so much for your time..And Hope to work with you in the future!! Be Well.. Emory. Emory Toler,,vocalist /performer..Energetic,personable style has traveled the world sharing his musical taste of Top 40's Soul,Pop, Dance,jazz standards,,and Gospel..to many...singer/ songwriter as well with dance hits under his belt,,teamed up with Kim Lovering,beautiful,soulful and a wonderful artist in her own right have come together as E& K Vocalists..to bring a whole new vision to music and the world. Working together ..performing on the princess cruise ships, jazz& R& B ensemble..The club Circuit in New york( The Groove, Cafe wha,The Village Underground, The sugar Bar(ashford & Simpsons) and canada, and in europe, Both are avid fans of good music.. Both Hailing from new york..starting out in the club scene..playing to Live audiences..with over 10 years between them performing ,singing, writing and giving a dynamic show!..They are looking forward to working many more places and avenues to bring good music, live show with energy and pizazz to many countries abroad ..... contact..soulseeker1104@yahoo.com, skype..emorising1, cell# 347-401-3119..

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Posted on January 16, 2011 @ 3:13 am
Updated on January 16, 2011 @ 3:18 am
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #126
My name is Cooper White and I represent my variety duo, Super Tasty.
Super Tasty is a duo playing Latin, R&B, Rock/Pop and Jazz in unique ways. We use drum tracks and live percussion, we play multiple instruments and sing, creating a sound that is big enough to sound like a full band or a duo. We sing in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. One member is American, and a graduate of Berklee College of Music. The other is a native of Buenos Aires, Argentina. If a trio is needed, we have a female percussionist that we can add to fill out the sound even more.

Please view the demo video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPr9ZiAOXTI

The Electronic Press Kit website is available at www.sonicbids.com/supertasty where you can view the song list, audio clips, press photos, and a short bio.
We are free to travel anywhere, and are available for booking after March 2nd.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Cooper White

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Posted on January 13, 2011 @ 1:20 pm
Updated on January 13, 2011 @ 1:22 pm
Location: Popovo (BG)Compensation: as proposed #125
by IVO music IVO music is currently offline. Click to send a message.


We are ^Pop-duo Hawaii^ from Bulgaria

and accept job offers in the world.

Duo HAWAII formed by Ivajlo/keyboard and vocal/

and Veselina/vokal/.

We worked in restourants,bars and in summer and winter tourist resorts all Bulgaria/Golden sands,

Sunny beach and many others.

Our Duo has been performed in many places, including Shwitcerland,SOUTH KOREA,UAE

We sings all kinds of popular music styles and we both like to sing soft and peaceful music and

also for entertainment and dance.

Wе offers mainly a very wide repertoire from 60's to todey including different music styles from

all over the world:

country, tango, waltz, samba, cha-cha, salsa, rock & roll, reggae, disco and others. We also play

many of the lastest popular hits.

We are a cheerful team and usually does it's best to make your evening a great success.

Our duo sing and play English,German,Italien,Spanish and several other languages

We speak English, German, Russian, Serbian.

We accept tenders and for a longer time.

SKYPE: duohawaii

Mb.00359888 994506-Veselina

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xc655j_duo-hawaii_music -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

mail- duohawaii@abv.bg


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Posted on January 12, 2011 @ 12:08 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #124

We are musical duo female singer and pianist. We perform jazz, latino, pop, classical. Now we work in China, Shenzhen city. We are interested of your offer.
Pls give me more details, in which country and city you need musicians. We also have more people with us. Band 4-6 pc, we perform together now.
My contact: evening_jazz@mail.ru,
skype: evening_day

If you are interested I send you photos, demo, etc.

Best regards, Andrew

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Posted on January 11, 2011 @ 4:24 pmLocation: Randburg Johanessburg (ZA)Compensation: as proposed #123
by Nelson Oziengbe Enaiho Nelson Oziengbe Enaiho is currently offline. Click to send a message.


am nelson a professional bass player from nigeria based in south africa, i entertain with my bass guitar known as bass show. am sure u will love it and i will love to work with u. check my videos on musicianspage.com, my email...guitarboy2cool@yahoo.com and my nums are +27786150523..hope to here from u soon.

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Posted on January 11, 2011 @ 1:44 pmLocation: (BG)Compensation: as proposed #122
by Erato Duo Erato Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.


We are Duo Erato-Rumyana and Geno , from Bulgaria.We want to introduce you our advertising demo video,photos,mp3,song list and CV.We are looking to find a new opportunitys for work.

With nearly 16 years of experience as a duo “ERATO” we (Rumyana Tumbeva and Geno Genov) have enjoyed success working in various 4 & 5 stars hotels and resorts in Cyprus and Bulgaria,and in cruise ships in Mediterranean Sea.Our contracts and engagements have taken us to a broad diversity of performances.

Best regards-Rumyana and Geno

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Posted on January 11, 2011 @ 1:43 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #121

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am a professional flutist, with a lot of experience.
At the moment I can apply as a soloist, accompanied by piano or guitar for classical and modern music (jazz, soundtrack, ambient music...).

You can watch, listen and read more in: http://www.myspace.com/saraflauto" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">www.myspace.com/saraflauto

Sure of coping with your expectations and hoping to be soon in your artist portfolio.

Yours faithfully,

Sara Bondi

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Posted on January 11, 2011 @ 11:04 amLocation: Gua Gua (PH)Compensation: as proposed #120

Dear sir/madam,

my name is BOY ALQUERO from the PHILIPPINES.

I managed different kind of musicians.if you are interested in hiring

musicians from Philippines please email me at boyalquero@yahoo.com

Trully Yours


for video viewing http://en.netlog.com/boyalquero

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Posted on January 10, 2011 @ 2:27 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #119


We are Input/Output trio from Serbia. We are playing pop, rock, jazz and world music.


Female vocalist: Tamara Djordjevic

Guitar: Predrag Zivancevic

Piano & Keyboard: Sasa NIkolic

Education and activities of members:

Tamara Djordjevic-vocalist ( 14.07.2006-01.06.2010 UNIVERSITY OF MUSIC ARTS 7th degree- Nis, Serbia ; 13.08-16.08.2010 INTERNACIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL ''NISVILLE'' - performer and workshop educator ) .

Predrag Zivancevic-guitar ( 01.08.1987-15.05.1991 GUITAR MUSIC SCHOOL ''Vladimir Djordjevic'' 4th degree ; 13.08.2010-16.08.2010 WORKSHOP-LANCE LOPEZ ''Nisville'' ) .

Sasa Nikolic-piano/keyboard ( 07.07.1992-01.06.1994 COLLEGE OF MUSIC, UNIVERSITY OF NIS 6th degree ) .


Cell phone: +381 63 73 22 960

e-mail: band.inputoutput@gmail.com

Best regards!

I/O band

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Posted on January 10, 2011 @ 3:35 amLocation: Kiev (UA)Compensation: as proposed #118
by Olena-Gloria Olena-Gloria is currently offline. Click to send a message.

DUO VICTORY : TWO VOICES + VIOLIN . We are making available a full 'band' sound and cover wide variety of world styles.




If further info is need, don’t hesitate to contact us:

e-mail: duovictory2@yahoo.com

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Posted on January 9, 2011 @ 9:24 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $3,000 #117
hi sir / ma'am,

my name is Edwin Paul Kaimo and i'm a musician playing in a duo named "The Power Of 2". we would like to forward you our portfolio and some links to our videos, so you'll have the proper materials to promote our group, if we get you interested. just copy paste or click the links to see our videos:


The Power Of 2 Duo (Natalie Cole Medley) Rea.wmv


The Power Of 2 Duo Time Of My Life Edwin and Rea


The Power Of 2 Duo (The Way You Look Tonight) Edwin.wmv


The Power Of 2 Duo (Believe) Rea.wmv


The Power Of 2 Duo (Guilty) Edwin and Rea.wmv

also attached is our resume and some photos. Thank you in advance and hope to be doing business with you very soon.
God bless!!! =)

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Posted on January 9, 2011 @ 5:45 am
Updated on January 9, 2011 @ 5:51 am
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #116

Hello, Eric!

We are - concerto duo "MISTRAL" (violin & piano). Now we are working in Westin Chosun Hotel, Busan (South Korea). Our contract here expires 31 of March. That why we are looking for new opportunities. Pls., visit our web-site: Concerto Duo "MISTRAL" to see full information about our duo.
All our video is here: http://www.youtube.com/user/suntrex179

Best Regards

Concerto duo "MISTRAL"
Viacheslav & Victoria

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Posted on January 8, 2011 @ 10:56 pm
Updated on January 8, 2011 @ 11:19 pm
Location: (GR)Compensation: as proposed #115
by Duo Santorini Duo Santorini is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Eric,

My name is Kostas Topaloudis. The work interests me.

I would like to present you my Greek music program extended with Spanish and Italian evergreens and some jazz standards.
The main style of my repertory is Mediterranean music played in mediterranean restaurants and lobby.

We worked many time in Dubai (InterContinental, Hilton Beach Club, Dubai Shopping Festival, Hyatt Regency, Dubai Carlton Tower, Forte Grand (Abu Dhabi) Qatar - Sheraton Gulf, Indonesia - Sari Pan Pacific Hotel and on many place in Europe. We worked on the cruise ships too (Mediterranean Sea).

Please inspect our short videos. The first video short mix from the songs played by us.




I wanted to attach it MP3 musics, but allows only one file enclosure.

Regarding our previous references, please consult our web page.



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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 5:26 pm
Updated on January 6, 2011 @ 5:33 pm
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #114

We’re "4 Better Band" from Argentina and we’re interested in joining the staff. We’re sending you files with information about the band (biography of the band). Our current and permanet location is La Plata, Argentina. We were working in China in mid 2010 and we did a few performances in Honk Kong.

We’re available at the moment and we’re very interested in applying for a job in China, but also may be another country of Asia, such as Taiwan, Singapore or Macau.

We’re reorganizing our website (www.4betterband.com.ar) so at the moment it’s under construction. As soon as it's ready, we'll let you know.

We're sending you some video links, so you can get to know the band.

Let us know if you need more information, we’ll be pleased sending it to you.

Best regards,

Bernardo Diez, 4 Better Band.

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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 3:53 pmLocation: Gdansk (poland) (PL)Compensation: as proposed #113
by 4Strings 4Strings is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello there!

We are very interested in your offer.We have about 5 years experience in Cruising industry working as a lounge musicians.Since some time we tried to get in touch witch somebody interested in having professional string quartet in 5stars hotels.

This is a link to our youtube video:


If you are interested in our offer i will also send you our :

Latest resume (evaluations),
Guest's comments

Here is my e mail address:gosiunda@gmail.com

Kind regards,

Malgorzata Mleczko

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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 2:56 pm
Updated on March 19, 2013 @ 11:44 pm
Location: 0Compensation: $4,000 #112

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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 2:33 pmLocation: Sofia (BG)Compensation: as proposed #111
by GMTTones GMTTones is currently offline. Click to send a message.

we are jazz standart trio

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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 1:27 pmLocation: Mühldorf (DE)Compensation: as proposed #110
by Claus Freudenstein Claus Freudenstein is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir,

my name is Claus Freudenstein, I am a working bass player and teacher.

On my website http://www.claus-freudenstein.de/en/kontrabass-ensembles.html you can see all my works and ensembles.

I can offer Bar Music in a classical and modern form. Please have a look on www.orange-bar-music.com

This ensemble is available as a duo or trio.

The Video for this ensemble will appear very soon.

I also can play in a Duo with Violin as a bar music or classical act. (Arte Musica Duo)

In both cases I have experience for many years.

I would be happy to play for you!

Best regards

Claus Freudenstein

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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 1:13 pmLocation: Amantea (IT)Compensation: as proposed #109
by FrancoLorelli FrancoLorelli is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello, we are an italian hungarian duo, male/female, and we would like to work in hotels.
we have a quite good experience, we already worked in hotels and on cruise ships for some years.
we have international repertoire.
we both sing and Franco is pianist and he also plays keyboard. viktòria is a very fascinating and good singer.
we can play on midi, with keyboard arrangers, or only with acoustic piano and, of course, voices.
you can find everything about us (video, photo, audio, bio and every contact) on our site at this link :


if you need fisically our material i can send you by post or by mail. just let me know.

thank you very much
Franco and Viktòria
Duo Casanova
mailto: duocasanova@gmail.com
skype: moltorumore

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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 12:39 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #108

Hello there,

I have a band which I think would be appropriate for the work you're advertising. We're based in London and you can check out our website at http://www.themilestoneslive.com/. Thanks for your time and with kind regards,


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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 11:58 amLocation: Montreal (CA)Compensation: as proposed #107
by Aj Quashie Aj Quashie is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir/Madam

If this position is available please send details to hquashie@gmail.com I am interested


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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 11:11 amLocation: (NP)Compensation: as proposed #106
by Bulabu Bulabu is currently offline. Click to send a message.


we are interested, please check:http://peter-kascak.magix.net/.


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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 10:23 amLocation: Moscow (RU)Compensation: as proposed #105
by Soundbreeze Duo Soundbreeze Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir or Madam, I am a member of a “Soundbreeze Duo” applying for a job in hotels, nightclubs, bars, lounges & etc… We have quite long experience of performing in Bars and Night Clubs (also in system hotels.) We played (in Norway, Luxembourg, Japan, Spain, UAE, Turkey, Hong - Kong, Macau, Egypt, South Korea & in local Night Clubs & Casino). Actually, the story began in 1997. It was a first time we have been in UAE and performed in pub as Duo. We both have finished the music academy in Russia and our specialty is choral conducting & vocal. We had a very different experience: as a classic musicians we recorded 7 CD's with a chamber choir, then, as to me, I played keyboard and song in bars & night clubs with a live band, worked on the radio and TV as sound director, music editor, dj &etc. Regarding to girl, she had a practice of performing with a local jazz trio and singing solo in nightclubs. This moment we have made a new programme. The repertoire is quite wide: from reggae and soul to pop- rock and disco (also includes some hits from TOP 40 and a Latin pop & of course we can play romantic soulful songs and jazz standards).
I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Slava Kotov.

For more details contact me, please:
slava-kotov1@yandex.ru or soundbreeze@ya.ru
Mobile: +7 920 2269737 (GSM)

Skype: slava.kotov

PS: Our video link: - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rJbIE9DoTs

Or - http://www.sendspace.com/file/6t497h

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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 10:07 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #104

We have several acts, please feel free to contact us at - talentsforasia@gmail.com

Mark Calbo

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Posted on January 6, 2011 @ 12:39 amLocation: Saint Petersburg, FL (US)Compensation: as proposed #103
by Cleo Heart Cleo Heart is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Good evening, My name is Cleo Heart and I am very interested in your openings for live entertertainment.
My band consist of an intimate duo upto a full five piece band, and can be used for long or short term contracts.

Please review my EPK at www.reverbnation.com/cleoheart as well as visit my official website at www.cleoheartentertainment.com

I look forward to working with you soon.

Cleo Heart

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Posted on January 5, 2011 @ 11:45 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $500 #102
Hi, we are a trio tango fusion group, we do original songs an very interested in this oportunitie thanks

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Posted on January 5, 2011 @ 10:52 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #101
Dear Sir,

I'd be happy to provide my services as a piper and would direct to my website www.piperstune.com for full information on my 30 years of experience and pictures. I'm based in Scotland and would be happy to travel.

I charge from £200 GBP per day based on a 5 day working week but would also require you to include all travel, meals & accomodation.

Kind regards,

Neil Bell

07740972457 (UK)

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Posted on January 5, 2011 @ 10:50 pmLocation: Puerto Vallarta (MX)Compensation: as proposed #100
by TheYorks TheYorks is currently offline. Click to send a message.
The Celebrators are available for work. See our profile here or go to www.myspace.com/celebrators
Thank you!

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Posted on January 5, 2011 @ 7:54 pmLocation: Seattle, WA (US)Compensation: as proposed #99
by Maryanne Lacaille Maryanne Lacaille is currently offline. Click to send a message.

January 5th, 2011

Dear Contractor:

The Harvard Trio consisting of clarinet, cello and piano is interested in applying for employment in Asia and would like to be considered for future openings should they be available for our instrumentation.

We are a new up-scale group that plays new works written for this instrumentation. Our website is currently under construction however please feel free to visit us at: www.harvardtrio.moonfruit.com

We hope you like our music and look forward to hearing from you should an interest be expressed.

Best Regards,

Maryanne Lacaille

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Posted on January 5, 2011 @ 7:17 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #98

Please refer to the information and video footage on our website: www.cheek2cheek.us

We are available as a live duo or larger ensemble. Our experience includes performing at the Nagoya Marriott in Japan and doing contracts for Celebrity Cruises, Princess Cruises and Silversea Cruises.

We are a great fit for any high end hotel requiring elegant and engaging entertainment.

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Posted on January 5, 2011 @ 3:47 pmLocation: Vienna (AT)Compensation: as proposed #97
by Laszlo Barki Laszlo Barki is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Mr Johnson,

may I ask you formore detailed information about these jobs, including payment


L. Barki www.music-vienna.at

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Posted on January 5, 2011 @ 3:14 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $2,000 #96

Hello.We are from East Africa.We are based in mombasa,kenya.We are 6 piece band and playing afrikan,engish and variety music.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 11:36 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #95
by Primiano & Paola Italianduo Primiano & Paola Italianduo is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir ,

how are You?We are Paola (Singer) and Primiano (pianist, Keyboard,Singer) actually performing in Doha ,an " INTERNATIONAL SINGING DUO " from Italy with over 15 years of experience and we would like to introduce ourselves to you for an artistic collaboration within your Hotel.

We offer an high quality of performance and If you would like to find out about our background and to see immediately some photos, references letters,
our POP, JAZZ, STANDARD and ITALIAN repertoire and listen to some demo songs and video demo, please visit our WEB PAGE :


youtube: primiano paola italianduo live

With over 1500 songs in our repertoire, our ability to perform In eight languages ( Italian, English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Arab,Greek )and our elegance, we can guarantee an excellent performance every time, creating the right feeling and ambiance for audiences of every age and every musical taste.

Thanks to our wide repertoire and experience through the years ,we are able to perform in any kind of outlets:
Jazz bar,lounge ,pub,italian restaurant ,party,Gala,wedding .etc.

Our latest gigs from the 1996 till 2010 have been :

"Sheraton Doha"-" Sheraton Gulf "- 1996
"Sheraton Deira " Dubai (restaurant)1997,98,99
"The Royal Meridien "Dubai,(pub)2000
Marriott Hotel in Nagoya in Japan (Sky Lounge ),2001
"Emirates Towers hotel" (Italian Restaurant) and2001
" Dubai Marine Resort "( Lounge ) in Dubai 2002,2003,2004

Hotel "CALA DI VOLPE "Luxury Collection " Cost. Smeralda(Sardinia ) during the summer season 2002,2003,2004,2005, 2006.
"The Residence hotel Tunis"Tunisia 2004
"Sheraton Doha"- 2006 ( Bar)
" Casinò S.Vincent" summer season 2007, 2008,2009,2010 (Brasserie restaurant)
"Intercontinental Doha" 2006,2007,2008.(italian restaurant )
" Crown Plaza " Abu Dhabi 2008,2009,2010. ( Jazz Bar)

"Diplomatic Club Doha " Italian Food Festival 2010

At the moment we are available from January 2011 for long contract, so If you are interested or for any information please contact us to our e-mail address:

Best Regards

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 11:30 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $1 #94
HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hello there, I am glad to have founds this news from you ! We are really happy to work in one of this hotels ! As you will see , we are a professional Duo and we'll hope that you'll be impressed about us. All that you need about us you''ll find on this site. Enjoy and waiting for news !

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 10:46 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $1,200 #93

yes we are interesting in this job. there is one small problem ., we are 8 people in the band you can check this http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=The+Count+and+the+Cuban+Cocktail&aq=f

to contact me please thecubancount@gmail.com thank you

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 8:43 pm
Updated on January 4, 2011 @ 8:46 pm
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #92
It is with great pleasure that the Tropical Vibes Caribbean Band take the opportunity to seek employment within your organization.

Our band consist of four (4) members namely one (1) Keyboardist, one (1) bass player, one (1) Steel drum player and a Drummer which is currently the leader of the band.

Our band is in progress for the past nine (9) years and has experienced and talented members who have worked at many places of entertainment in Jamaica and would like to further expand their talent . We are ready to work anytime you ready for us.

If given the opportunity, our band will give the best to make the job one of great efficiency and productiveness.

I now await an early reply, and you may contact at any time convenient to you o

here is my Demo on youtube:


Tele : 1-876-365-2773

email : bengymg@yahoo.com

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 8:41 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $5,000 #91

My music can be heard at www.soundcloud.com/thelexingtons, myspace.com/lexingtons and www.thelexingtons.net.

I will let the music speak for itself.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 6:18 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #90

Hello, I'm Ben Meigners, Bassist, band-leader and booking agent for Fat Cat Jazz Club in NYC.
I've been booking top quality bands of every style and I'm very interested in going on the road and/or provide you the band of your need. would like to know more details.
My number is: (347)-706-0160
my email is: bmeigners@yahoo.com
Thank you and happy new year,
Ben Meigners

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 5:38 pmLocation: (IT)Compensation: as proposed #89
by Liliya Canargiu Liliya Canargiu is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Mr.Johnson,

My current contract will get finished right by the end of March, and I'm already looking for new nice opportunities!
Working in Egypt, Dubai and Jordan as an entertainer, I've got a good experience of living and dealing in the Middle-Eastern area.
I can be useful for an employer as a solo lobby pianist, also I can assemble a duo or trio if required. As well, what is very potential for the Middle East, I'm a professional Bellydancer and have the experience of combining two of my professions at the same contract term.

Here are three of my specializations on YouTube:

Looking forward to hearing from you

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 5:27 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #88

We are lead vocalist in our own right and together we create beautiful vocal harmony! TRIO SYNCRON combines live keyboard sounds, guitar and saxophone to enhance their music even more!

With five years international experience, TRIO SYNCRON is suitable for any venue or occasion. We can play all music genres from Latin Rhythms, Pop, R&B, Country, Rock & Roll, Smooth Jazz and our Repertoire spans music from the 60's to current hits and includes over 500 songs. We'll surprise you even more by our ability to sing in 10 languages, i.e. English, Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian, Bulgarian, Russian, Greek, Serbian and Romanian.

we ca be duo or trio depending on wt you need.

contact us at triosyncron@yahoo.com

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 5:25 pmLocation: Gadsden, AL (US)Compensation: as proposed #87
by William T. Mann William T. Mann is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 4:58 pm
Updated on January 5, 2011 @ 5:06 pm
Location: Dubai (UAE)Compensation: as proposed #86
by AXLFIRST AXLFIRST is currently offline. Click to send a message.











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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 4:17 pm
Updated on January 4, 2011 @ 4:24 pm
Location: Stip (MK)Compensation: as proposed #85
by Dane Danev Dane Danev is currently offline. Click to send a message.

= D U O A L B A T R O S =

Popular Duo ALATROS two men from Macedonia, many years working for international needs, and to the tourist boats, hotels, concerts team and other entertainment.
Use of music instruments: Keyboards, accordion, guitar and singing.

At its diverse repertoire with music from 50 until today: American, Latin English, Spanish, Italian, Germany, Greece and more…

http://www.youtube.com/user/DaneDanevLatino" id="video-from-username-iBzdcTuxRjs" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; ">DaneDanevLatino

http://www.youtube.com/user/DaneDanevEveregreen" id="video-from-username-EI5h-Mt7_bM" style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; ">DaneDanevEveregreen

http://www.youtube.com/user/DaneDanevZoki" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-color: initial; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 51, 204); text-decoration: underline; ">DaneDanevZoki

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=px6Y0n7SwTM" title="Dane Danev-Marija Meta Kitrina" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-color: initial; font-size: 13px; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 51, 204); text-decoration: underline; ">Dane Danev-Marija Meta Kitrina
http://www.youtube.com/user/DaneDanevGreeceSongs" style="margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-color: initial; outline-width: 0px; outline-color: initial; background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 51, 204); text-decoration: underline; ">DaneDanevGreeceSongs

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 3:38 pmLocation: Bucaramanga (CO)Compensation: as proposed #84
by Kaney Duo Kaney Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Im Javier Pena
Im play piano, guitar and sing and im from colombia... i started to play out of my country since 2000 in dubai, bahrain and Oman ... im in dubai right now looking for a new job...
here some links you can watch...





thanks for ur time...

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 3:20 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $3,500 #83
Hello Mr. Johnson thank you very much for this opportunity.Our inquiry about this job opportunity.
My name is Jerry J Johnson of California Flight Project.

We to submit our review press kit:

Please accept our press kit for review and consideration.
Musicians Page, Sonicbids, www.sonicbids.com/californiaflight1
www.californiaflight1.com www.universalmusic.it Compilation Vol 5 Radio 80 classic, Pacific Coast Jazz www.pacificcoastjazz.com Jerry J Johnson.
Tours and dates www.californiaflight.snn.gr

Please be advise if this entitles traveling please call our agent Mr.Roger Paul at
212 262 0008. He can be of greater importance of help to you and for us.

Thank you and I truly appreciate all that you have done Mr. Johnson, the the potential of this job opportunity may God bless your efforts .

Always a Friend First

Jerry J
California Flight
if you like to talk further discuss other matters with me please email me here at

Other wise do to the recent high volume of recent calls and emails for our act.

I have advise Mr Paul to intercede so we can concentrate on our recording music productions and our live stage appearance performances.
Hope to here from you soon!

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 1:53 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #82

I have all your requirements, but want short term contracts. If you have any shorter contracts and might be interested, please email me emilylynnemilylynnemilylynn@yahoo.co.uk



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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 1:45 pm
Updated on January 4, 2011 @ 1:48 pm
Location: Milan. (IT)Compensation: as proposed #81
by CALI DUO. CALI DUO. is currently offline. Click to send a message.

latino live duo from italy already...

Juan leonardo Restrepo.

Tel: 0039 3494166699 italia
youtube and facebook :
juan leonardo restrepo.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 1:44 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #80

Dear Ms/Mrs

I'm international professional singer, I am interested by the job.

Please refer to my website: www.carolinagraziano.altervista.org


Thank you for your consideration.



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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 1:17 pmLocation: Sofia (BG)Compensation: as proposed #79
by Niya&Me Niya&Me is currently offline. Click to send a message.

We are music Duo looking for more opportunities. . Our references are from Island Cruises, P&O Ferries, Tallink Silja Line, Thomson Cruises and 5 stars hotels in Europe and Africa.

There is our myspace page with some audio and few videos:
If you need more videos to see,there is our page in Vimeo.com:


skype: pliuff
e-mail: niyaandme@gmail.com
tel. +359 888 885 838

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 12:11 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #78
by Sugar Sugar is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi Eric,

Taking gigs from February 2011. Check out our demo sites: Please drop me a mail should you require any other information.



Happy new year!



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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 12:03 pmLocation: (DE)Compensation: as proposed #77
by Peter Berlau Peter Berlau is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hey Eric,

I play in different bands differ from 3 to 6 musicans in genres:

Improvised Music, Modern Jazz, Standard-Jazz, American Songbook, Latin-Jazz,
Blues, Rhythm & Blues ( Chicago Style ).
Bands include
trio: http://www.bkm-music.com
saxophones ( Tenor, soprano, alto ), drumset incl. percussion, double bass, incl. fagott
style: improvised music, compositions

4-tett: sax., piano, double bass, drums
style: modern Jazz - Wayne Shorter tribute program
plays also Standards, Latin, Swing,
5-tett: 4- tett + female singer
style: standards, american songbook

5-tett: sax(guit), guitars(+voc), e-bass(voc), drums
style: from standard jazz to rhythm & blues

6-tett: 5-tett + female singer ( different from 5-tett singer )

All musicans are professionals, most of them have studied music in german, english, netherland, austria or helvertia ( schweiz)
All musicans have live from music....

all the very best,

p.s. You can reach me better under: peter@peterberlau.de

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 11:11 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #76
by Mark Churchward Mark Churchward is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi Guys Please check out my bands website www.goosebumpsmusic.co.uk to see if we are suitable for your needs .

Kindest regards Mark.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 10:01 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #75

We are currently booking for 2011 and we will close on some contracts by the end of Feb. Please go to myspace.com/royjgray and check out some of our music. I can ad one or two female dancers/singers. Let us know if we fit, then we can discuss the compensation, length of the contract and then I can send you a video of the group with or without the females. I have an oscar winner (Female) that works with me as well. I guarantee a great show.

Thank you for your time and we wish you a Happy New Years
Roy Gray

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 9:55 amLocation: Brescia (IT)Compensation: as proposed #74
by Blue Pepper Caravan Blue Pepper Caravan is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 9:49 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #73

Im a solo singer mam/sir and im willing to work with if you give me a chance.and my genre is english stardard songs,spanish,and japanese songs.this is my contact no.if you are intrested 63-918-338-2393.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 9:42 am
Updated on January 4, 2011 @ 9:58 am
Location: Magnitogorsk (RU)Compensation: as proposed #72
by Aleksandra Berlyakova Aleksandra Berlyakova is currently offline. Click to send a message.


My name is Alexandra! I'm single Pianist and Band vocalist!

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 9:31 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #71
by Dolce Trio Dolce Trio is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hi. My name is Beatrice and I'm writing on behalf of my trio, Dolce Trio. We are three musicians from Norway, Finland and Ukraine who plays together in a trio consisting of violin, clarinet and piano. We have composed an entertainment setting we think would be perfect for you. We love to play chamber music, and today most classical music is played in concert halls. But originally, the chamber music was composed to be played for mingle, and "background" music. That is why we want to bring our music out to the people, play where they are and make the classical music more approachable. We have created a concert program specially for restaurants hotels, and cruises. Our repertoire makes people relax, enjoy them selfs and gives an exclusive feeling to the guests. I'm also sending you a PDF with some information about our trio and our repertoire list, and we really hope that you would consider to book us for either one occasion or a longer period. If you want to listen to what we can offer you can go to our demo on You tube:

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 9:15 amLocation: (IT)Compensation: as proposed #70
by Walter Ferro Walter Ferro is currently offline. Click to send a message.

. W a l t e r F e r r o

Italian Musician


My name is Walter Ferro. I'm a musician. I'm guitarist and singer in restaurants and piano bars.

I played in the best Italian restaurants and piano bars in Milan and all over Italy during the '80.

In 1986 I won the Italian Piano bar Festival in Sorrento; which has been seen on the T.V.

When I sing I use a computer or only the guitar and my voice.

I sing classic Italian songs, contemporaneous ones, Naples songs and international

ones too.

From 1995 I worked only for five stars hotels.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 7:58 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #69
Soul/Funk/Jazz/Groove/Blues/Gospel in different formats:




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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 7:52 amLocation: Sofia (BG)Compensation: as proposed #68
by Tommy Tommy is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear Eric,

We are T & V flute & piano duo from Bulgaria. We were 5 years in 5 stars hotels in South Korea, but now, we are available for a new contact. So, if you need flute & piano duo, feel free to contact us. Check out VIDEO files in you tube:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDI56Lajlj8 - demo video from Westin Chosun Hotel, Pusan, Korea.



- 3 demo videos from Shilla Hotel, Jeju-do

I am looking forward to hearing from you very soon!

Tommy & Vessy
flute & piano
Sofia, Bulgaria

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 7:33 amLocation: Singapore (JP)Compensation: as proposed #67
by Amat Chan Amat Chan is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi I am interested and willing to travel.Currently I am in Singapore Tanah Merah Country Club until end January.

I am a solo pianist and vocal and sometimes do back up with a female vocalist.

I sing Jazz Ballad Latin and many foreign languages.

I play and sing many Chinese songs and Japanese too.I speak little Japanese and now picking up Mandarin,

Please view my performances at utube amatchan







THank you and looking forward to work together



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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 7:11 amLocation: Plovdiv (BG)Compensation: as proposed #66
by Stoic Gadev Stoic Gadev is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello! We are a Piano Bar Duo, and we can begin working immediately with you. You can see all necessary documents from our website here, as well as video. We can work 3-12 months contracts with you.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 6:17 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #65

I currently have a video CD of my band we also work as a five piece six and seven.
depending on the availability of me members... the video I have is made with the six piece version.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 4:48 amLocation: Indianapolis, IN (US)Compensation: as proposed #64
by Scott Middleton Scott  Middleton is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 4:35 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #63


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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 4:12 amLocation: Bacoor Cavite (PH)Compensation: $5,000 #62
by Emilio Jr Fabrique Madrona Emilio Jr Fabrique Madrona is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hello Sir,

I have also a Duo or a Band ready for deployment anywhere you like to, just email me asap so i could facilitate there availability. Thanks.

Emilio Madrona, Jt

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 3:31 amLocation: Glenelg North (AU)Compensation: $1,250 #61
by Bob Johnson Bob Johnson is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I am primarily a trombonist and Musical Director/Band Leader. Will there be any requirements for that?

To work away from home I would require a minimum of USD $1250 a week.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 3:22 amLocation: Rayong (TH)Compensation: as proposed #60
by Tim Hedges Tim Hedges is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear Sir
please consider my jazz trio
we are based in Bangkok
and would like to know the possibilities of us working together

would it be possible for you to write to my email where i can send you my resume and photo ?
kindest regards
Tim Hedges

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 2:44 amLocation: 0Compensation: $11,000 #59
Dear Mr. Johnson,

I am still working on editing video materials of my band to achieve an utmost presentation. At the moment, please visit our videos at YOU tube. The link is: axiz band. We are a 6pc family band playing 60's to current popular songs. We are into rock, soul, alternative, pop, reggae, standards, and a little latin music, but not rap. We are available for a booking and have all the necessary papers like passports, seaman's book...etc.

I will send you video presentation, once it's done.

We are presently doing 5star hotel circuit, corporate parties and special events here in the Philippines.

I am attaching profile. And I guess you are not Eric Johnson, the famous guitarist.


Mon Chunaco
AXIZ band

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 1:53 amLocation: Varna (BG)Compensation: as proposed #58
by Velislav Stoyanov Velislav Stoyanov is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi!I am a guitar entertainer with tons of experience in Irish & English pubs and folk clubs mostly in Scandinavia ,Germany and Holland.Currently I play apres-ski in a ski resort in Bulgaria.A play acoustic guitar and sing.Never use back up playback or computer files.Hundreds of songs in my memory -so I am able to match the usual demand the people attending pubs and clubs present.Most requested songs from Elvis,The Beatles,Rolling Stones ,The Eagles,Bob Dylan,Neil Young,Cat Stevens,Elton John,Country &Western,Blues and modern bands and soloists like REM,Oasis,Radiohead,Robbie Williams etc.Hundreds of traditional Irish ballads.(spent years on the roads with The Dublin Ramblers)Will entertain any offer that exceeds 3K$ and provides Travel expenses ,free(decent) hotel room,a day off and no more than four 45 minutes sets.
Kind regards.Velislav Stoyanov.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 1:32 am
Updated on January 4, 2011 @ 1:35 am
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #57

Classical/contemporary pianist and composer with a huge repertory that goes from Classical to Piazzolla and tango; soundtracks; pop and easy listening.
In duo with a female singer with an all-around repertory.
Vast experienced on this field and four languages speaking.

Home: 0039 0383 270143
Cell: 0039 230 2519

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 1:13 amLocation: Supply, NC (US)Compensation: $1,250 #56
by James R Parker James R Parker is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 12:38 amLocation: Reggio Calabria (IT)Compensation: as proposed #55
by Mimmo Iero Mimmo Iero is currently offline. Click to send a message.


Hi, my name is Mimmo Iero.

I'd be interested in working with you

I am a musician and singer. I am also a composer.
Sound entirely live without the use of backing tracks.

So, no use of midi files via computer, megabits, or midi players in general, but only the use of the arranger keyboard, and my manual dexterity.
Singing in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Neapolitan.
Step away from classical piano bar, with evergreen national and international dance music, from dance to smooth, from reggae to Latin etc..
I honed my international repertoire working in duo with Costa Cruises, and MSC alone. I disembarkation to Costa in November2009, I embarked with MSC in December 2009 where I worked until August 2010 continuously, Then, I work, in “Cafè Calvadòs” an important restaurant in Moscow, in October and middle November.

Born in Reggio Calabria, since childhood I am fond of music, enough to be responsible for the choir of the Parish of St. Anne was only 16 years, a chorus of 60 elements, where they played with an orchestra and often performed pieces written by me.
Many street parties in Reggio Calabria Province;
performances in villages, as the Altalia of Brancaleone or Tropea, for example, shows in the important “white night” in Reggio and Bagnara.
But also various artistic directions in local villages, and "White Nights" Winter December (Waiting for Christmas), always in Reggio Calabria.
As well as the important "night colors" for the Feast of the Aras Pietrastorta, and in many constituencies in Reggio Calabria.
And yet, the artistic presence at the Winter Olympics in Turin, in the area under Cesana Sestriere in 2006, on behalf of the Municipality of Reggio Calabria.
And of course hundreds of weddings, parties and various celebrations.
I also took a regional tourist entertainment and music.
Please visit my sites:
http://www.myspace.com/mimmoiero where you can listen and download my fourth novel, and watch my videos made this year on the wonderful videos that you can also see on
Video and photos visible on face book, asking the friendship,

Mimmo Iero of course .
Mimmo Iero
Mail mimmo.jero@alice.it tel 0039 3476166383

P.s.I also work as a duo or trio. If you require such training, we can talk.

Good work.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 12:36 am
Updated on January 4, 2011 @ 12:37 am
Location: Buenos Aires (AR)Compensation: as proposed #54
by Javier Alvarez Javier Alvarez is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I'm Javier Alvarez, drummer from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I've been forming and working for over 10 years with different type of bands in Buenos Aires' most important hotels and restaurants, such as Sheraton, Four Seasons, Howard Johnson, etc., and all kinds of social events.
We are currently working with the following music styles: disco, soul, jazz, bossa nova, 80's, rock and boleros, in 3 - 5 piece bands with or wihtout vocalist, and brasses.
Many of the musicians I work with have worked abroad in countries such as Korea, Dubai, Spain, Germany, among other.
Here are a few links to some videos.
Javier Alvarez.

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Posted on January 4, 2011 @ 12:08 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #53
by Pete Hawkes Pete Hawkes is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Pete Hawkes, see www.petehawkesmusic.com , very well known artist, duo is guitar and fiddleplease contact sixstringsecrets@hotmail.com

see also http://itunes.apple.com/au/artist/pete-hawkes/id219985241

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 11:59 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #52
by tonypianomancruz tonypianomancruz is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir

I am at the moment performing at the Hilton Kuwait Resort as a resident pianist/singer/entertainer.
I will be available from the 15th of March 2011.
If interested please check my webPage http://www.tonycruz.co.uk
You can also email me at
If needed i can post you a demo package with video photos dvd & demo audio.
i will be looking forward to hear from you regarding this mater .
Yours Sincerely

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 11:45 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #51


I have a two male flute and guitar professional duo. We have broad experience in hotel work. You can go to www.rodolfovazquez.com for more info.

Thanks so much,

Rudy Vázquez, flutist.

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 11:18 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #50


I am a singer from Montreal. I am available to travel as of February 2011 with my guitarist. I can also add saxophone or keyboard. I have over 700 songs in my repertoire, from Jazz to R&B to Rock and everything in between. My website link is www.ad-libmusic.com. You'll find my videos, photos, repertoire list, etc. References are available upon request. My myspace page is www.myspace.com/jewellemckenzie.

I look forward to hearing from you.


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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 11:16 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #49

Bellinia performs as a Duo or Band, most recently in 2010 worked aboard Cruise Ship in Australia and a luxury night club in Moscow Russia.

Please go to www.bellinia.com for more info.

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 11:12 pmLocation: Inowroclaw (PL)Compensation: $3,800 #48
by Andrea Lattari Andrea Lattari is currently offline. Click to send a message.


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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 11:10 pmLocation: Ruse (BG)Compensation: $3,000 #47
by Duo Sunrise Duo Sunrise is currently offline. Click to send a message.
We are interested!Pls send more info
Ruslan Petkov

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 11:05 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #46

We are a pro piano/vocal duo from Hungary and are available until May 2011 and from September 2011. You can find all our info on our website below.

Kind regards,

Adrian Fülöp

Duo Café (Maria & Adrian)




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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 11:01 pm
Updated on February 21, 2011 @ 11:09 am
Location: (MU)Compensation: $5,000 #45
by Jos Singer (josie De Souza) Jos Singer (josie De Souza) is currently offline. Click to send a message.


Well, we are two motivated and professional musicians. One female singer and one male guitarist/singer/keyboard player.

We are actually performing in U.A.E. and our contract will be terminated end of April. We are looking for a job where we can show our

talent and surely, make people enjoy themselves as much as possible. And we especially like to have crowd and people

who likes to make party, as we are a party band.

Well, feel free to contact Jos&Cliff

Sincerely yours

p.s : see our link on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXF_WCOQFck

Jos&Cliff Bio

A Mauritian couple performing in hotels, with 17 years experience,has performed in Five stars Hotels such as, Le Meridien, Le Sofitel, La Pirogue, Le Touessrok, Belle Mare Plage , Club Med, Le Valtur, has been also in Seychelles Island, Reunion Island and U.K (Norfolk).

Actually Residence Band in Fujairah Rotana Resort & Spa,U.A.E(5 star Hotel).

We are four years together,performing hits from the 60's to present day charts, acoustic, soft, pop, jazz, R&B with keyboard sequencer, backing tracks along with live Electric & Acoustic guitar and percussion.

Any event: Function, Wedding, Cocktail, Party ...

We can guarantee you the perfect musical accompaniment for your event.

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 10:42 pmLocation: (UK)Compensation: $3,000 #44
by Jason Carter Jason Carter is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hi there

I am very interested in finding out more about the job advertised, i am a harp guitarist using a lot of loops and samples, very different and unique. Videos on my website www.jasoncarter.net

Best wishes

Jason Carter

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 6:36 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #43

Hi there,

I have already sent these files in and heard back from Jacob but we are still available and very much interested. Below are some links and I have forwarded the video files already. Please let me know if you need them again. I understand that youtube is not available there.

Enviga Duo: http://envigaduo.maryancheta.com/

ATC Trio: www.atctrio.maryancheta.com

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 6:23 pmLocation: Genova (IT)Compensation: as proposed #42
by Gianni Bonanno Gianni Bonanno is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I am an Italian sax, flute, clarinet player and singer . I can play in bands or alone as “one man band” in lounges, restaurants, piano bars of hotels, resorts and cruise ships. I have a long international experience,

I am ready to travel all over.

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 4:28 pmLocation: (IT)Compensation: as proposed #41
by gdangelo gdangelo is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hello. My name is Giancarlo D'Angelo, Italian entertainer as "one man band". My performances are without backing tracks. I use for my gigs only piano, keyboard and voice.
I'm available from middle february onward.
If interested, please kindly visit my official website www.giancarlodangelo.com

Giancarlo D'Angelo
Mister Palletta

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 2:31 pmLocation: Mercedes (AR)Compensation: as proposed #40
by Lito Cordoba Argentina Latin.tango Band Lito Cordoba Argentina Latin.tango Band is currently offline. Click to send a message.


/musicians/10529Latin.tango band

E-mail litocordoba@hotmail.com

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 1:44 pmLocation: Sydney (AU)Compensation: $1,000 #39
by kentparkstreet kentparkstreet is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 1:22 pmLocation: (PT)Compensation: as proposed #38
by AcousticRocker AcousticRocker is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Hi Johnson,

W.O.A Records celebrity artist currently looking at touring the Middle East - open to various gigs/deals on short term contracts in 2011.

Thank You,
For W.O.A International
Irene Sequeira

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 1:15 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #37

Pro duo, MAUJO


+27 76 852 4440

Passports ready


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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 12:47 pmLocation: (JP)Compensation: as proposed #36
by Alfonsus Gollu Alfonsus Gollu is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Manager,
my name is Alfonsus Gollu and I am wondering if a SOLOIST act (Guitarist-Vocalist) is got a chance to work under your management.
With more than 12 years of solid experiences, more than 720 famous songs in my song-book and big passion to perform, I am willing and ready for any term contract at anytime from now.
CV, Song-List, photo and youtube links are here: www.alfonsgollu.tk
I am in Tokyo, Japan.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you so much for your time and consideration.


Alfonsus Gollu

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Posted on January 3, 2011 @ 12:39 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #35


We are BUTTERFLY cover band from Belarus.

The band members are professional musicians, who used to work at 4-5* hotels in UAE, Taiwan, Bahrain and has successful stage experience.

The band is ready to work and now looking for a job.

Check out our creative page on MUSICIANSPAGE:

Also you can get more info (pictures, audio, playlist) on MYSPACE:



Kindly awaiting yours opinions and offers.


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