* Job awarded to , , Alejandro Orozco, David Woodcock, Blue Jar and *
This job has been awarded Sep 3, 2009 @ 5:30 pm and it is closed to new applications.
Composers-Arrangers Wanted
Posted: Aug 17, 2009 @ 11:28 am
Awarded:Sep 3, 2009 @ 5:30 pm
Categories:Single Musician
Genres:Classical, Classical/Contemporary
Skills:Arranger, Composer


this will be an ongoing job, payments will vary between $50 to $1,000 or more per work.

Time Frame

Within one month

This job has been awarded Sep 3, 2009 @ 5:30 pmLogin or Register to display more information about this job.
Bids/Applications: 39
Public applications:
Posted on January 19, 2010 @ 10:27 amLocation: Kota Kinabalu (MY)Compensation: as proposed #39
by Asif Pishori Asif Pishori is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on September 2, 2009 @ 4:33 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #38

Hi Fabrizio,

I have been a long time fan of your Virtualsheetmusic.com page and I am interested in arranging and composing for you. In fact I have a lot of arrangments for violin and easy piano already , and I am working on a "international christmas collction" for easy violin right now.

I can assure you, that I have an extended background in music theory as well as in strings.


Adrienn J.Salazar

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Posted on September 2, 2009 @ 9:17 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #37
Ciao Fabrizio,
ho letto questo post su MP.
Ho ascoltato già anni fa la tua musica e conosco Virtual Sh M. da tempo.
Di te mi parlò anni fa Elisabetta Brusa in occasione di suoi concerti a Firenze che ebbi il piacere di promuovere.
Di cosa si tratta specificamente, di trascrizioni, arrangiamenti?
Io uso Sibelius 6, del quale sono anche consulente per la versione italiana che uscirà a breve.
In ogni caso avrei piacere che tu ascoltassi qualcosa di mio su www.myspace.com/cesarevalentini
A presto

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Posted on August 31, 2009 @ 2:09 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposedThis job has been awarded to  #36
Hi there. Please let me know if you are still looking for arrangers for your projects. You can get some background and biographical information on me if you are interested at: www.johnhutchinsonmusic.com

Best Regards

John Hutchinson

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Posted on August 27, 2009 @ 6:02 am
Updated on August 27, 2009 @ 10:46 pm
Location: NY (US)Compensation: $23 #35
by Stefan K. Stefan K. is currently offline. Click to send a message.

MMus; professionaly arrange, orchestrate and transcribe since 1986 and digitally notate since 1999; midi-file programming since 1989; all styles and genres, including classical, jazz/big band, pop/rock/dance, klezmer, gipsy, arabic and eastern european folklore.

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Posted on August 24, 2009 @ 5:24 pm
Updated on August 24, 2009 @ 5:37 pm
Location: 0Compensation: as proposed #34
I am interested.

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Posted on August 23, 2009 @ 7:45 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #33

dear sir

i am guilherme schroeter, classical composer, and i use sibelius 4

please give me more details about your job.

i live in los angeles, california

1728 glendlae boulevard, 90026, echo park

213 590 0524



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Posted on August 21, 2009 @ 3:00 pmLocation: Caracas (VE)Compensation: as proposed #32
by Pedrito Lopez Pedrito Lopez is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello, my name is PEDRITO LOPEZ. I am a professional musician (pianist/arranger/conductor) in Venezuela with 34 years as professional. I work with all mayor symphony orchestras in this country as an arranger-for-hire, and my musical experience goes from jazz to classic, including big band, pop and ethnical music. I work in a daily basis with Sibelius 6, and I can send you via many email examples of my works, as well as several satisfied customers' opinions. My fees are extremely affordable and the quality/value rate excellent. Also I am accustomed to fulfill short deadlines, as well as to follow any special request that you may have (special instrumentation, house styles, page layout and size, specific level of dificulty, etc). You can reach me at my email pedritolopezmusica@gmail.com or my phone numbers (+58+212) 987-5402 or (+58+414) 231-9010

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Posted on August 20, 2009 @ 8:18 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #31
by DrMichaelWard DrMichaelWard is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a professional Classical composer and arranger with years of experience in both fields. Naturally I work with Sibelius (version 5.25) on a daily basis. I should be very interested to work for your company and would be most grateful if you would consider me for such work.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Michael Ward

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Posted on August 19, 2009 @ 9:22 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposedThis job has been awarded to Blue Jar #30
by Blue Jar Blue Jar is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello, since attending music college in London, I have played in a professional string quartet, a jazz band and have been teaching.

For the quartet I have been arranging unusual requests for weddings for many years, ranging from Classical to pop and Rock.

With the jazz band I have been arranging for cello, violin, accordion, several types of sax, guitar and voice.

Throughout my teaching career I have been arranging for unusual combinations of instruments, as well as orchestral, choirs and bands.

I am very comfortable with Sibelius and use Sibelius 4

My particular interest would be arranging contemporary music for string quartet. I am comfortable with piano reductions, full score and also from ear.

I can be contacted on +357 96435181 or bluejarbelfast@googlemail.com

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Posted on August 19, 2009 @ 6:12 amLocation: 0Compensation: $100 #29

My name is Adam Bruce, and I am a professional musicologist and composer, familiar with Sibelius software. Some of my string quartet compositions have been published by a Georgia (the state, not the country) based company named the Boardman Music Co, with the first folio being due out sometime this year. I have also published articles on musicology on classicalforums.com, who I know is an associate of yours. If personal praise means anything to you, which it may or may not, I once did and arrangement of "Ashokan Farewell" for viola and piano, and when Jay Ungar, the composer of the piece, heard it, he said that it was "a daring and original, yet wonderful [arrangement] which both suprised and delighted even me, the composer of the piece." I am very interested in doing some arranging for you, and even though it would be more of the transcribing and ensemble arranging type, rather that the more interprative type, which was what "Ashoken Farewell" was, I am still very confortable with the stye. My personal specialties are in Piano and Strings, especially String Quartet and Contrabass, but I can also arrange for other ensembles if the need arises. My email is adambruce93@gmail.com, feel free to email me any time about it. I will put my tenative fee down for $100, but this is by no means set in stone, and I expect things to vary depending on each individual piece.

Adam L. Bruce

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Posted on August 18, 2009 @ 2:32 pmLocation: (GR)Compensation: as proposed #28
by Melpo Bonatou Melpo Bonatou is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Graduated MMUS Composition at Leeds University, UK in 1999 and working with Sibelius software ever since.

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Posted on August 18, 2009 @ 11:08 amLocation: New York, NY (US)Compensation: as proposed #27
by Mikhail Zeiger Mikhail Zeiger is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I believe that I am qualified for this job, and would like to learn more about it.

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Posted on August 18, 2009 @ 10:57 amLocation: Odessa (UA)Compensation: $200 #26
by Andrei Visotsky Andrei Visotsky is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on August 18, 2009 @ 8:20 amLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #25
by anonymous anonymous is currently offline. Click to send a message.
To whom is concerns:

I am interested in applying for position of composer/arranger for Virtual Sheet Music. I am currently enrolled as a Masters student in composition at Arizona State University where I also teach aural skills. I have been working with Sibelius for almost 9 years and have a great deal of experience with the software. I have been hired by professors to do professional typesetting for publications in music journals and also have been hired for arranging pieces for weddings. In addition, I arranged a large portion of a cappella pieces for the male a cappella group that I directed.

I appreciate the opportunity to be considered for this job and thank you for your time.


Jeremy Bell

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Posted on August 18, 2009 @ 6:22 amLocation: 0Compensation: $50 #24
To whom it may concern,

I received an e-mail about a job offer for an arranger for Virtual Sheet Music Inc. and I was wondering if I could get more information or an application.

I am a graduate of Bradley University as well as a best selling composer with Alfred Music. I have worked in the local theatre arranging music for pit orchestra as well as composing my own shows as well. I have worked with the software Sibelius for 6 years now and have experience working with formatting for publication. I also have experience in music dictation.

Thank you very much for your time.

Nicholas Myers

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Posted on August 18, 2009 @ 1:37 amLocation: (MX)Compensation: $800 #23
by Joaquin Borges Joaquin Borges is currently offline. Click to send a message.







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Posted on August 18, 2009 @ 12:30 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #22

Respected sir I want this job, but where to be post, is it in India or Abroad. Please let me know. Thankyou . Balaram Dhand

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 9:36 pmLocation: Rotorua (NZ)Compensation: as proposedThis job has been awarded to David Woodcock #21
by David Woodcock David Woodcock is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I have had my own music copying/publishing business since 1992. Originally, of course, on Finale, I switched to Sibelius a few years ago, and I now use that exclusively.

I have worked on many projects, particularly involving large orchestras, and have collaborated with composer/arrangers such as Jaz Coleman on his Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin albums with the London Symphony and Philharmonic Orchestras, and Eddie Rayner with ENZSO and the New Zealand Symphony Orchestra. I am the copyist for the New Zealand Symphony, and have also done copying work for the Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra, and clients from Paris to New York in many sorts of genre from large orchestral, to small ensembles and stage bands.

I also worked on copying/music preparation for the movies Lord of the Rings and King Kong.

Apart from copying/transcribing music for others I have been arranging and composing music for 30 years. I have written for just about every type of musical ensemble from large orchestras to learner groups, including many recent arrangements for orchestra and rhythm section for CD recordings.

Examples of my work - both arranging and copying - can be found on my website: www.printedmusic2download.com

I look forward to hearing from you.

David Woodcock

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 8:55 pmLocation: (NL)Compensation: as proposedThis job has been awarded to Alejandro Orozco #20
by Alejandro Orozco Alejandro Orozco is currently offline. Click to send a message.


I'm very fast transcribing from paper to sibelius as well as arranging to any kind of ensamble. Since I'm a very active composer my computer skills are very good.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Kind rergards,


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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 7:48 pmLocation: Jupiter, FL (US)Compensation: as proposed #19
by Gonzalo Gonzalez Gonzalo Gonzalez is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear Sir or Madam,

I believe I would be the perfect candidate for this job. I have a Doctorate (DMA) in composition from the University of Miami, and I have 9 years of experience on the Sibelius platform. I teach music theory, orchestration, and I am a published composer. I also have engraving and arranging experience. Please consider me a candidate for your position.


Gonzalo Gonzalez DMA

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 6:54 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #18
I have composed and worked extensively with Finale for the past ten years, and I can transcribe accurately and quickly. I have knowledge of French, Italian, German, Latin and Spanish, and I can spell and input song lyrics correctly. With 20 years of experience as a professional harpist and and opera singer, I have a lot of experience with different kinds of sheet music.

If you would like to see an example of my work, let me know. I can easily buy Sibelius, and I would gather that it is probably comparable to Finale.

Let me know if I can help.

Moira Stern Greyland

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 6:02 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #17

Hello! I'd be interested in learning more about this job. Thanks so much!

Daniel Nass

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 4:42 pmLocation: Ozark, MO (US)Compensation: as proposed #16
by Robert Debbaut Robert Debbaut is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I am a composer, arranger and conductor with a doctoral degree from the University of Michigan. My compositions and arrangements have been heard in Europe, Central America and in the United States. I currently have some arrangements of Russian Christmas Carols for string orchestra. As far as a proposal, I am interested in whatever you might need. please contact me directly at debbaut@gmail.com or by telephone at 417.889.3415. Thank you. More information about me is available here and at www.myspace.com/robertdebbaut. Best wishes.

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 4:38 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #15
Dear Sir or Madame,

I have received a message, that you are looking for arrangers and composers. I am interested in that job and would be grateful if you send me further information.

I am a graduate from Academy of Music in Katowice (Jazz faculty, Arranging and composing) and therefore I find myself a right person for the post.

Yours sincerely
Maciej Afanasjew

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 3:26 pmLocation: London (UK)Compensation: as proposed #14
by Peter Murphy Peter Murphy is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Mr Ferrari

I would like to express my strong interest in becoming a member of your team of composers/arrangers, as advertised on Musicians Page.

I have an MA degree in music from Oxford University, and am a French Horn, Baroque Recorder and Piano Accordion player. I was a prolific composer in my youth, and have now started again. I recently completed a 2-Act Music Theatre/Song Cycle piece called Desire which we hope to premiere in London around December 2009. I am currently working on my first full-length opera, but my earlier music was mainly chamber music - e.g. string quartets, wind quintets, vocal/choral pieces, etc, and many included piano. I received valuable support in my composition efforts from the conductor Norman del Mar, who used to conduct the Northern Junior Philharmonic Orchestra in the UK when I was a member, and then at Oxford from Robert Sherlaw Johnson. I also specialised in mediaeval and contemporary music while studing for my degree.

I am fluent in written and spoken German, and in written French (spoken is a bit rusty!). I also have a working knowledge of Czech. Jaz Coleman's opera Le Nozze di Cana, for which I was copyist, is entirely in Italian, and I collaborated with the Italian translator of the original English text in order to re-write the vocal lines in Italian. I have software which contains all the special letters for each language and many other languages besides. I imagine linguistic facility will be a great help in some of the vocal/choral arrangements.

I have been using Sibelius software for about 9 years now and am very proficient. I have worked as a copying for Jaz Coleman, Nigel Kennedy and Vasko Vassilev among others, and am one of the team of copyists for Petr Pycha in Prague - www.musa.cz I have also produced arrangements for orchestra and chamber groups of computer game scores, which were performed at special concerts devoted to this genre at the Leipzig Gewandhaus.

Although I am currently using Sibelius 4, I am planning to upgrade to v6 in the very near future.

I can be very flexible re working hours and availability, although if I am working on a big project with Jaz Coleman that would take me out of circulation for a few weeks or so at any one time. Other than that, I would be happy to take on significant amounts of work.

References, and examples of my work, can be provided on request.

I look forward to hearing from you in due course.

Yours sincerely

Peter Murphy MA (Oxon) PGCE

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 3:21 pmLocation: Wilhelminaoord (NL)Compensation: $100 #13
by Tjako Van Schie Tjako Van Schie is currently offline. Click to send a message.
If i can help u out and have (part of) the job please let me know. I use Sibelius 6 for arranging & composing, and can convert to e.g. pdf. Examples of my work can be found at http://members.sibeliusmusic.com/tjakovanschie .

Tjako van Schie
pianist/composer/arrange and teaching at the Amsterdam Conservatory
(see also my own website or wikipedia for additional info about me)

Compensation below is dependent on the amount of work, the filled-in fee there ($100) is the amount of fee for 1 page of arranged/edited A4 music per part .

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 3:14 pmLocation: Vienna (AT)Compensation: as proposed #12
by MICKYLEE MICKYLEE is currently offline. Click to send a message.
my name is Miroslav Mirosavljev and I would like to take part in this job.
I´m a professional composer and guitar player and I obtained my master degree for composition on the Music University in Graz, Austria.
I wrote music for 5 austrian films and composed/arranged many compositions for the classical orchestra as well as for smaller ensembles.
You can take a listen to my music on the:
The pieces that would be most interesting to You are probably Orchestral Medley I & II, Verschollen (Verschlossen) and Nibelungen.
I use Sibelius on a daily basis (samples on www.mickylee.net under downloads/noten).
Miroslav Mirosavljev

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 3:12 pmLocation: Amsterdam (NL)Compensation: $500 #11
by samerhatoum samerhatoum is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I'm very interested in doing musical work with you.I have a solid classical back ground and good experience in writing for string quartet and orchestra.I live in Ireland.

what music exactly you want or can it be my own choice?

what do I have to write,for how long?

is it enough to send the score and to where?

please contact me at



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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 3:04 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #10
by Marcel Baars Marcel Baars is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear Sir,

I'm very interested in your job proposal for composers/arrangers. I studied oboe in Holland. (DM in 1985 Music Conservatory of Alkmaar) As a composer didact, won several national and international prices mainly for Windbands and chambermusic. I'm running a small publishing company Red Frog Music (http://redfrogmusic.biz) and do a lot of music engraving/copying for european music publishers. I work with Sibelius, Finale, Capella, Igor a.o. notation programs.
Last arranging job this summer for the National Travel Opera Resident Artists Programme Netherlands, with the opera Robinson Crusoe by Jacq Offenbacg for Clarinet, Violin, Cello and Piano. Another big project I did, was the arranging of Dvorak's Watersprite Vodnik for youth orchestra. A lot of my arranging and composing has been published by companys like: Donemus, Bronsheim, Scherzando, Mitropa and others.

If you need more information, just let me know.


Marcel Baars
Koelmalaan 276
1813 JD Alkmaar
The Netherlands

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:57 pm
Updated on August 24, 2009 @ 6:57 pm
Location: 0Compensation: as proposedThis job has been awarded to  #9

Dear Fabrizio Ferrari

I would like to apply for the job of Composer-Arranger with Virtual Sheet Music Inc. and believe I have the right kind of skills you are looking for.

I am a professional composer and arranger (please see my website www.lizlane.co.uk) and have just completed my PhD in Composition - I am therefore currently looking for this kind of work.

I collaborate regularly with the composer David Fanshawe and have, to date, arranged and inputted several of his major works, using Sibelius. I am also currently engraving the songs of the composer Muriel Herbert for the author and playright Claire Tomalin (her daughter).

In response to your advertisement:

1. I have a strong classical music knowledge and background (this is my area of expertise and what I am trained in).

2. I have extensive experience arranging/transcribing for classical instruments, also piano reduction and string quartet composition.

3. I have Sibelius 6 software (also 4) and am an experienced user.

I hope to hear from you.

With best wishes and thanks

Liz Lane

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:53 pmLocation: Salisbury, NC (US)Compensation: as proposed #8
by Davis Brown Davis Brown is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I submit myself as a candidate, provided that I can do the work in Finale instead of Sibelius (I can provide output in Finale, Postscript, or PDF). I am classically trained, have been composing for 30 years, especially for full orchestra, and was composer in residence of the Charlotte Philharmonic Orchestra [Charlotte, North Carolina] for five years.

Davis Brown

Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:48 pmLocation: NY (US)Compensation: $850 #7
by Rozanna Weinberger Rozanna Weinberger is currently offline. Click to send a message.
To whom this concerns,

I am a composer/arranger in addition to a signed recording artist (with Arabesque Recordings.) I've worked in Jazz and crossover mediums and am comfortable arranging music for strings in various configurations. I'm also currently writing a book for Mel Bay geared for violin, then eventually viola. Please see bio below. I am happy to negotiate fees for my services.

Rozanna weinberger
RozannaWeinbergerhas steadily forged new ground, attracting audiences where few violists havegone, most recently signing with Arabesque Recordings. Recent activitiesinclude performance with Madeleine Peyroux at Carnegie Hall, SOB"Sappearance for World Music event, world premiere for viola and chorus by ClareShore at the Spoleto Festival, a solo appearance at the Rainbow Room, also theWorldwide Plaza in New York, accompanied by the Indie band SEER, performancesfor Mayor Bloomberg and Tina Fey. In addition to recording the solo viola partby Christopher Mangum for the King Tut Exhibition, which is currently touringthe world, the artist gave a special performance alongside the exhibition atthe Field Museum in Chicago. She has performed original music on the runway forFashion Week and was a guest panelist at Peabody Conservatory of Johns HopkinsUniversity. Whether performing and producing the music videos Chromatic Fantasyand Sweet Thunder, premiering a Concerto by Tania Leon, performing at Jazz AuBar with Kim Garfunkel or improvising with Nigel Kennedy, this unique violistof the 21st century, wins high acclaim:

TheSan Francisco Examiner “...magisterial...”
AmericanRecord Guide “...breathtaking virtuosity...”
VillageVoice “heart-touching sincerity...unabashedly romantic… soulful...”
Weinberger’smusic and playing has been featured in a world peace exhibition at the UnitedNations and Capital Hill, in the movie, Dancing With Kendra and the KnittingFactory for Marianne Pearl. Her most recent incarnation, Sweet Thunder, mergesclassical and popular culture seamlessly, redefining the role of the virtuoso.Her music videos have been seen throughout North and South America on theClassic Arts Showcase, the TRIO Network, the Park City Film Music Festival,Rhode Island and Columbus International Film Festivals, where Chromatic Fantasywas a prize-winner. Rozanna has been voted ‘Featured Artist of the Month’ on apopular music website Reward Talent, virtually unheard of for a violist.

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:47 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #6

A small sampling of my work can be seen at


Here is my personal website


For seven years I was Composer in Residence for the Ohio Light Opera, providing orchestrations, reductions, expansions of all manner of material in French, German, Italian scores using all manner of arcane transpositions!. The current OLO CDs of The Red Mill, Eileen, Sweethearts and Robin Hood are from my reconstructions of the scores from the original manuscripts at the Library of Congress.

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:28 pmLocation: Vidin (BG)Compensation: as proposed #5
by TrumpetNick TrumpetNick is currently offline. Click to send a message.
Dear Mr. Ferrari,

I am a trumpet player with a classical background. I studied 5 years at the Conservatoire de Fribourg (Switzerland) where I obtained a Diploma comparable to BMA (teaching trumpet). After that I spent 1 year on a Postgraduate Diploma in performance (trumpet) at the Royal Northern College of Music. I am rather an amateur (means that I haven't composed/arranged for being paid) composer and have been using Sibelius since 2003. I am more experienced in arranging/composing for small ensembles (4-8 instruments) than for orchestra or piano, but I hope that this would not be a disadvantage.

Sincerely yours,
Nikolay Iliev

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:23 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $50 #4

To whom it may concern:

I have composed and arranged many pieces over the years for concert band, jazz band and brass quintet. I have just composed a piece for concert band titled Fan Fare For Band. It lasts 2 1/2 minutes. I can email a PDF of the score of Fan Fare For Band to you for your inspection. At this time, there are two concert bands who have expressed interest in performing Fan Fare For Band. Although I use Finale (2010), I would be happy to aquire Sibelius at time of hire.

Musically yours, Don

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:18 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #3

I am writing in response to Virtual Music's search for Composers and Arrangers. I would like to request further information regarding the music to be arranged, and also the nature of the music required for composition.

Please contact me on the email address listed below.

Ian Mitchell


Tel: 07513 629368


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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:18 pmLocation: Los Angeles, (US)Compensation: as proposed #2
by Lars Deutsch Lars Deutsch is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Please check out www.larsdeutsch.net or contact me at mail@larsdeutsch.net.

I work with Sibelius (V5) and as you will see on my website I know how to write classical music.


Lars Deutsch

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Posted on August 17, 2009 @ 2:15 pmLocation: 0Compensation: as proposedThis job has been awarded to  #1

I am very interested to take on this job. I am classical trained in piano and composition, wrote music in this genre myself and transcribed all my own compositions in Sibelius. I arranged a lot of my own piano solo pieces for orchestra, violin and piano, cello and piano, etc. All my music can be heard and seen on my website at www.andrevanharen.com

Hope to hear from you soon,

Best regards,
André van Haren
Gothenburg, Sweden

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