Guitar Instructor Needed
Status: OPEN
Posted: Jun 1, 2015 @ 7:59 pm
Updated:Jun 1, 2015 @ 6:51 pm
Categories:Single Musician, Player, Teacher
Teaching Fields:Guitar
Skills:Guitar Player
Location:IL (US)


$38/hour or more

Time Frame

No Time Frame

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Bids/Applications: 3
Public applications:
Posted on March 11, 2016 @ 12:03 pmLocation: Lanuvio (IT)Compensation: as proposed #3
by Marco Velletrani Marco Velletrani is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hi, my name is Marco Velletrani I'm a singer and guitarist. I've studied privately singing with the Baritone Stefano Anselmi. I'm teaching music to the children in private italian schools. I'm interested in transfer myself in your country for join in your project. Please tell me what you need about me. I've no bachelor because I've studied privately, but I can send you some reference letters about my teaching way; I've a very good empathy approach with my music pupils.

I'm looking forward your earlier answer

Marco Velletrani

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