Looking for a DUO partner - female singer
Status: OPEN
Posted: Jun 30, 2017 @ 1:11 am
Updated:Jun 29, 2017 @ 2:55 pm
Categories:Single Musician
Band/Ensemble:mixed duo
Location:Smolensk 214018
Other Requirements:not for beginners



Time Frame

No Time Frame

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Bids/Applications: 9
Public applications:
Posted on August 11, 2017 @ 12:11 amLocation: N/ACompensation: $1,000 #9
by RJ Duo Band RJ Duo Band is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir/Madam,


We are the RJ BAND Duo a performing artist and locally living in the Philippines. We are available for the job you are looking for. Our genres are dance music, jazz, ballad, etc.

The RJ Band Duo has a unique styles of music. We performs proffesionalism and gives great entertainment to all of our guests.

We are available anytime and we are pleased to hear from you in your convenient time.

Attached herewith is our live video and youtube video https://youtu.be/KGch7c8GVLY for your reference, thank you and more power.

Sincerely Yours,

Roselle Uy



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Posted on July 27, 2017 @ 12:41 pm
Updated on July 27, 2017 @ 12:59 pm
Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne (UK)Compensation: as proposed #8
by Cassie Watson Cassie Watson is currently offline. Click to send a message.


My name is Cassandra (Cassie) I am a 26 year old Soulful, Soprano Singer available to work a contract with you if the position is still open.

I am passionate and love to collaborate with skilled musicians in own time as well as for work. I am versatile, reliable, professional, polite, have an amazing ear and excellent musicality as a Vocalist, very powerful singer, large range Low as well as High, Unique voice, valuable professional experience.

Singing Soul, Funk, Pop, R&B, Rock & Ballads.

I am living back in Newcastle Upon Tyne (The North of England) after living and studying Creative Musicianship-Vocals at Tech music School/Bimm London.

Previously been asked by an agent to sing along to backing tracks so have forwarded 2 links here:

If interested can I please hear some more information about the job please? I.e. What country/contract duration, Wage, start, requirements, genre of music etc. and possibly know more about you and hear how you sound?

Available straight away

Thank You and hope to hear back.


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Posted on July 21, 2017 @ 7:35 amLocation: N/ACompensation: $1,000 #7
by Ekaterina Ekaterina Ekaterina Ekaterina is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Good afternoon,

My name is Ekaterina I'm manager of Successful Booking Agency (SBA.WORLD).

Are you looking for stuff and artists?

We would like to propose you our service of searching and preparing strong candidates from Russian-speaking countries for all your vacancies. We have already few good candidates for you. Our customers appreciate our services as we supply them with top talents without any limitations. Candidates trust us, because we support and take care of them at home and abroad.

What we can offer?
Representing candidates online via promo materials, CV, passing interview;
Arranging of live auditions/interviews where we will invite candidates for you to choose directly;
Creating ready full shows with necessary kind of act, artists and thematic;
Preparing and creating of costumes for artists;
Find the most exclusive artists for show.

You can check our video-presentation, web-site and our pages:


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Posted on July 17, 2017 @ 5:29 pmLocation: Sta.rosa City Of Laguna (PH)Compensation: as proposed #6
by ALKY ALKY is currently offline. Click to send a message.


Hello Mam/Sir...I'm Alma Enjanes from Philippines..We are willing to apply as a DUO Patner in Hotel ... And We are Tiger Alky Duo...Sir/Mam We are Variety Female Duo from 1930's Up to Hits songs Now...We can sing Pop Songs, Disco Songs, Reggae Songs, Bosa Nova Song, Jazz Songs, Love Songs, Rock Songs and Slow Rock Songs and Ballroom Songs..And We can sing chinese song, japanese song, malaysian song, korean song, india song, arabic song, spanish song, english song..Pls.Reply..God Bless You.


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Posted on July 10, 2017 @ 12:08 pmLocation: 0Compensation: $1,000 #5

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Posted on June 30, 2017 @ 3:41 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: $180 #4
by Italian-international Duo / Serenata Duo Italian-international Duo / Serenata Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.


We are "Serenata Duo": a married couple and musicians duo from Italy:
1 female lead vocalist, 1 guitar player (electric and acustic guitar,mandolino player, voice).
We also use to peforme with support of baking tracks.
Our repertoire is very wide and includes: all italian music and Internatinal covers,
standards jazz and pop modern music(Enghlish, spanish, french),
latino american dance music and some arabic songs.
Our professional experience is very long, since 2000 we have been
working for five stars Hotel, all around the Meddle East,Europe,
And Caribbean Islands, with many very long contracts
(Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Baharein, Qatar, Oman, Marocco, Europe, Caribbean Islands, Kuwait)

We would be very interested in yur proposal and belive to be very suitable for it.

Please, find belowe:

the link of our Facebok Page

Youtube Channel


and some of our video link:
-International Live Music Video:

-Italian music Video(From the muvie-THE GODFATHER):

Italian Mix Video

We would like to propose our duo for this chance
and ask you to consider our application work seriously.

Thanks and Regards

Floriana Pinto & Giovanni Leonetti

Email: florianapat99@hotmail.com
Contact Telefon Number and whatsupp: 0039 3384343408

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Posted on June 30, 2017 @ 8:39 amLocation: Milano (IT)Compensation: as proposed #3
by Antonella And Giovanni Anto E Giò - Soprano And Tenor Marino Raineri Antonella And Giovanni Anto E Giò - Soprano And Tenor Marino Raineri is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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