Musicians > Dolce Trio

Dolce Trio

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Band/Ensemble: Instrumental Trio
Details:Scnadinavian Trio. Piano, violin and clarinet
Other genres:Classical/Contemporary, Folk, Jazz, Opera, Pop, Soundtrack/Film Music, Traditional, Other...
Added: Aug 16, 2010      Last update: May 9, 2012       Last logged: Dec 4, 2015Report this user as inappropriate

More About Dolce Trio

  • The members of Dolce trio met at the Academy og Music in Gothenburg. Dolce Trio is a young Scandinavian trio, representing countries as Sweden, Finland and Norway / France. Their repertoire ranges from baroque to romantic music, from evergreens to jazz. All members have high education from music conservatory's. A good reason to book Dolce trio for your hotel/restaurant/cruise is that you won't only get the trio but they can also perform in duo's of violin/piano and clarinet/piano. From July to October 2011 Dolce Trio will perform at N... (more info...)

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