Musicians > Kenny Kipp

Kenny Kipp

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Saxophone Player
Other skills:Other... Player, Researcher, Teacher, Writer
Other genres:Alternative, Blues, Classical, Classical/Contemporary, Contemporary, Latin, New Age, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Vocal, World, Other...
Added: Oct 17, 2010      Last update: Oct 17, 2010       Last logged: Sep 8, 2020Report this user as inappropriate

More About Kenny Kipp

  • 30+ years experience on alto, tenor, and sop sax and I sing. I have a great ear, and I'm good at arranging vocal or sax parts. I can play what you've already written, or I can write a melody to go over your groove. I'm easy to work with and flexible.

Applied Jobs

TitleAppliedWinnerJob Status
Male Singer Needed For Online DemoOct 28, 2012NOAWARDED

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