Musicians > ATC Trio

ATC Trio

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Trio
Details:piano / vocals, bass / vocals, saxophone
Other genres:Blues, Pop, R&B/Soul
MP Activity:
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:Mary Ancheta
Added: Oct 28, 2010      Last update: Nov 8, 2010       Last logged: Oct 2, 2014Report this user as inappropriate

More About ATC Trio

  • ATC Trio Resume Shaun Thomas Canadian Tenor Saxophonist / Ewi - Grand Hyatt (Singapore) - Otto Lounge (Hong Kong) - Sheraton Wall Centre (Vancouver) - MGM Grand (Macau) - Marina Bay Sands (Singapore) - Pacific Rim Fairmont (Vancouver) - Thailand (Private Party) - Venetian Hotel (Macau) - IIFA Awards Bollywood Awards Afterparty (Macau) - Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games (Vancouver) - Westin Hotel (Dubai) - Starlite Casino (New Westminster) Mary Ancheta Canadian Pianist / Vocalist - Chateau Whistler Fairmont (Whistler) - IIFA Awar... (more info...)

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