Tezoswie (gitu) Dowarah

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Ajir Kamona

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Album:Album:Xora Bokulor Mala
Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Dr. Jugendranarayan Bhuyan
Description:Description:Xora Bokulor Mala- A classic collections of Assamese Modern Songs and Poetries of Renowned Legendary Dr. Jugendranarayan Bhuyan. The album is presented by Dr. Jugendranarayan Bhuyan Smarak Nyas Samiti. The songs tuned by Hiren Gohain, Rajen Gohain, Tapan Bordoloi. Music Arranged (Songs Part) by Surajit Baruah (Boby) and Abhijit Barman (Poem Part). Singers: Aditi Baruah, Anurag Baruah, Debasish Goswami, Rajen Gohain, Pragyanjyoti Kalita, Alimpan Choudhury and the Poems Reciters : Abani Borah, Ranjit Sutradhar, Aradhana Bhuyan Borah, Rituparna Das. Dr. Anuradha Sharma Pujari gives her respectful words to Dr. Jugendranarayan Bhuyan.
Performers:Performers:Abani Borah
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:3.2 MB
External Site:External Site:www.archive.org
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 423 times)
Play Count:Play Count:470
Added: Mar 16, 2014      Last update: Mar 16, 2014

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