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Tezoswie (gitu) Dowarah

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Aru Nobojabi Bin Batoruwa

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Album:Album:Mukutar Mala
Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Dipalima Dowarah Chaliha
Description:Description:“Mukutar Mala” is the second album produced by “Moranhat Gramophone Records Museum”, which includes eight rare Assamese songs recorded in gramophone records from 1924 to 1950 which have been rerecorded in the voice of Dipalima Dowarah Chaliha on the basis of the lyrics and tune of the original gramophone records preserved by Shri Umananda Dowerah, Founder, Moranhat Gramophone Records Museum, P.O.-Moranhat, District Sivasagar, Assam, India. Already published first album” Bolise Moloya Baa” also included some other rare Assamese songs recorded in gramophone records. The music of this album is arranged/programmed by Tezoswie Dowarah. Mixing and Mastering works done by Diganta Bordoloi. Dipalima Dowarah Chaliha, is an approved artist of Assamese modern song in All India Radio. She was awarded the Best singer award of “Xur Xandhan”, a mega Assamese modern song competition, held in 2007-2008. She was accredited as the best singer of Cotton College in the year 1998-99. Several songs are r
Performers:Performers:Dipalima Dowarah Chaliha, Music: Tezoswie Dowarah
Record Label:Record Label:Mukutar Mala
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:13.6 MB
External Site:External
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 218 times)
Play Count:Play Count:278
Added: Nov 1, 2017      Last update: Nov 1, 2017

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