Musicians > Wintz Pascal

Wintz Pascal

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Piano Player
Other genres:Classical, Pop
Added: Aug 7, 2011      Last update: Aug 7, 2011       Last logged: Nov 29, 2019Report this user as inappropriate

More About Wintz Pascal

  • Pascal Wintz was born in 1966 in the French Alps near the beautiful city of Annecy. After obtaining his diplomas for piano jazz and composition from the Conservatoire Populaire de Genève, Pascal Wintz turned towards classical music, obtaining the prize "Gabriela de Agostini" and entered the class of virtuosity at the Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris. "First of all, I learned to improvise on the piano in pure jazz-man style and gave my first jazz concerts", he asserts. "Then, I studied the extremely demanding ... (more info...)

Audio Files

Piano Jazz demo by Wintz Pascal
Type: Mp3, Size: 5.9 MB, Time: 4:07
Likes: 6   Post/View Comments
Genre: Jazz
External Site:
Play Count: 634
Radio Plays: 1,225
Genre: Jazz
External Site:
Play Count: 634
Radio Plays: 1,225

Applied Jobs

TitleAppliedWinnerJob Status
Solo Pianists Needed for 5 Star Lounge gigs in AsiaAug 7, 2011NOCLOSED

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