Musicians > D&A


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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Other genres:Dance, Jazz, Latin, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Vocal
MP Activity:
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:andy040967
Added: Sep 7, 2011      Last update: Feb 6, 2012       Last logged: Apr 15, 2019Report this user as inappropriate

More About D&A

  • Duo "D&A" Dina - vocal, piano, small percussion. Andy - trumpet, vocal, guitar, keyboard, piano. Andy & Dina are talented professional musicians from Moscow and have more than 12 years stage experience. Playing the piano, accompanied by keyboard beats, D&A creates a full band sound. Duo has a repertoire of many Jazz Standards, Rock'N'Roll, Motown, R&B, Ballroom, Latin and love songs, in English, Portugise, Italian and Russian. Duo has a professional attitude, on and off stage and are able to perform in any venue... (more info...)

Audio Files

Tristeza by Antonio Carlos Jobim
Type: Mp3, Size: 3.1 MB, Time: 3:13
Likes: 0   Post/View Comments
Genre: Latin
Play Count: 515
Genre: Latin
Play Count: 515

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