Musicians > Carrie Soul Diva

Carrie Soul Diva

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Band/Ensemble:Pop and Jazz Vocalist Duo
Details:Sophisticated and Groovy Duo to 5 piece Ensemble
Other genres:Blues, Dance, Electronic, Hip-Hop/Rap, Jazz, Latin, Pop, Reggae, Rock, Other...
MP Activity:
State/Province:British Columbia
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:carriegibson88
Added: Sep 21, 2011      Last update: Jan 27, 2015       Last logged: Jan 2, 2016Report this user as inappropriate

More About Carrie Soul Diva

  • INTRODUCING CARRIE G: (Lead Vocalist, Percussion, Band Leader) Born in Canada, Carrie's foray into music began at the tender age of three, performing calypso at a local nightclub with her Aunt's dance & drum troop. Numerous gigs and stage productions throughout her formative years, singing an eclectic mix of calypso, jazz and gospel with her aunt's group laid the musical foundation that would eventually shape her into the powerful, soulful songstress she is today. In 2001 Carrie participated in the MTV concert special with famo... (more info...)

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Genres: Rock, Blues, Dance, Gospel Music, Jazz, Latin, Pop, Reggae, Other...Pharoah Tg is currently online. Click to send a message.

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