Musicians >Blue Jar > Audio Files

Blue Jar

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Audio Files (complete list)

Danny Boy by trad Irish arr Blue Jar
Type: Mp3, Size: 3 MB, Time: 3:10
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Genre: Folk
Description: Danny Boy jazzed up including ... [more]
Performers: Tommy and Lesley Locke
Instruments: violin and guitar
External Site:
Play Count: 511
Genre: Folk
Description: Danny Boy jazzed up including ... [more]
Performers: Tommy and Lesley Locke
Instruments: violin and guitar
External Site:
Play Count: 511
Canon in D by Pachelbel arr Blue Jar
Type: Mp3, Size: 3.9 MB, Time: 4:04
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Genre: Folk
Description: She moved thru the fair/Pachel... [more]
Performers: Tommy and Lesley Locke
Instruments: violin and guitar
External Site:
Play Count: 537
Genre: Folk
Description: She moved thru the fair/Pachel... [more]
Performers: Tommy and Lesley Locke
Instruments: violin and guitar
External Site:
Play Count: 537
Fly me to the Moon by jazz standard
Type: Mp3, Size: 3.9 MB, Time: 4:03
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Genre: Jazz
Performers: Tommy and Lesley Locke
Instruments: guitar and vocals
External Site:
Play Count: 496
Genre: Jazz
Performers: Tommy and Lesley Locke
Instruments: guitar and vocals
External Site:
Play Count: 496
Just the way you are by Billy Joel
Type: Mp3, Size: 4.5 MB, Time: 4:42
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Genre: Pop
Performers: Tommy and Lesley Locke
Instruments: guitar and vocals
External Site:
Play Count: 478
Genre: Pop
Performers: Tommy and Lesley Locke
Instruments: guitar and vocals
External Site:
Play Count: 478

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