Musicians > ''Spring Flower'' duo

''Spring Flower'' duo

''Spring Flower'' duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.



Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Other genres:Blues, Dance, Jazz, Latin, Pop, Rock
MP Activity:
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:tsvetelin77
Added: Nov 2, 2011      Last update: May 5, 2014       Last logged: Mar 5, 2019Report this user as inappropriate

More About ''Spring Flower'' duo

  • C.V. of “Spring Flower” duo Being together on the stage for the last 7 years, along with other bands and performing in different genres, the members of ''Spring Flower” duo come to the idea of founding a brand new project. The line-up includes Prolet Ivanova-Etty-lead vocal and Tsvetelin Penkov-T.S.-guitar, vocal. They've always been trying to find their own approach to music by implying personality, passion and dedication to the performance. Forming a duo where each member has to show nothing but perfection ,due to ... (more info...)

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