Musicians > zodiac


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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Other genres:Pop
MP Activity:
ZIP/Postal Code:1000
Cell. Phone:+359877117264
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:ivanzodiac
Added: Nov 10, 2011      Last update: Dec 26, 2019       Last logged: Dec 26, 2019Report this user as inappropriate

More About zodiac

  • We are a male duo musicians, consisting of a guitar and a pianist with many years of experience performing in all kinds of venues. Our playlist has titles covering many styles using quality tracks or keyboard, and tracks with good audience interaction. We do a wide variety of songs in all styles for all age groups. working experience Scandinavia Asia Europe Zodiac Band AbuDhabi Howard Johnson 2016 AbuDhabi Howard Johnson 2015 AbuDhabi Howard Johnson 2014 China Sheraton Hotel 2014 Alger Sheraton Hotel 2011 Abu Dhabi ... (more info...)

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