Musicians >Roberta Riddle > Audio Files

Roberta Riddle

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Audio Files (complete list)

White Christmas - Cover by Roberta Riddle
Type: Mp3, Size: 7.7 MB, Time: 3:13
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Genre: Traditional
Description: Performed in the style of Bing... [more]
Performers: Roberta Riddle
Play Count: 203
Genre: Traditional
Description: Performed in the style of Bing... [more]
Performers: Roberta Riddle
Play Count: 203
Do Me With Love - Cover by Roberta Riddle
Type: Mp3, Size: 6.9 MB, Time: 2:52
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Genre: Country
Description: Performed in the style of Jani... [more]
Performers: Roberta Riddle
Play Count: 182
Genre: Country
Description: Performed in the style of Jani... [more]
Performers: Roberta Riddle
Play Count: 182
Daddy's Hands - Cover by Roberta Riddle
Type: Mp3, Size: 8.9 MB, Time: 3:42
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Genre: Country
Description: Performed in the style of Holl... [more]
Performers: Roberta Riddle
Play Count: 224
Genre: Country
Description: Performed in the style of Holl... [more]
Performers: Roberta Riddle
Play Count: 224

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