Musicians > duo Lucian

duo Lucian

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:2 vocals,keyboards
Other genres:Blues, Classical, Classical/Contemporary, Contemporary, Country, Dance, Early Music, Folk, Jazz, Latin, New Age, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Soundtrack/Film Music, Traditional, Vocal, World
Cell. Phone:+4 0765249473
Yahoo! Instant Messaging Yahoo!:luciancantea
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:lucian.cantea
Added: Dec 29, 2011      Last update: Feb 13, 2016       Last logged: Nov 27, 2020Report this user as inappropriate

More About duo Lucian

  • Duo Lucian “Duo Lucian” group was founded in 2002. The band is made up of Lucian Cantea (vocal & keyboards) & Gabriela Ciurariu(vocal and flute). Our repertory is multiple because we know from our experience that we have to perform in different languages: Italian, Spanish, French, English, Turkish,Greek,Serbian,Germany. We have a versatile repertoire that includes Pop, Country, Evergreen, Classical, Jazz, Rock & Roll, R&B, Reggae, Calipso, Merengue, Latin, Disco, Dance and Ballads. Professional, international Hi-Te... (more info...)

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