Musicians > Carolina Escalona

Carolina Escalona

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Computer Music Composer
Other skills:Arranger, Composer, Conductor, Copyist, DJ, Lyricist, Singer, Musicologist, Researcher, Teacher, Writer, Accordion Player, Bagpipes Player, Bandoneon Player, Banjo Player, Bass Player, Bassoon Player, Cello Player, Clarinet Player, Double-Bass Player, Drums Player, Flute Player, Guitar Player, Harmonica Player, Harp Player, Harpsichord Player, Horn Player, Keyboard Player, Lute Player, Mandolin Player, Oboe Player, Organ Player, Percussion Player, Piano Player, Piccolo Player, Recorder Player, Saxophone Player, Timpani Player, Trombone Player, Trumpet Player, Tuba Player, Veena Player, Viola Player, Violin Player
Other genres:Alternative, Blues, Christian, Classical, Contemporary, Country, Dance, Early Music, Electronic, Folk, Gospel Music, Hip-Hop/Rap, Jazz, Latin, New Age, Opera, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Soundtrack/Film Music, Traditional, Vocal, World, Other...
Added: Dec 28, 2012      Last update: Jun 7, 2023       Last logged: Nov 6, 2023Report this user as inappropriate

Forum Activity

TopicFirst PostLast PostPostsAuthor
songwritingFeb 16, 2022Apr 3, 20231NO
I can write for you any sheet musicApr 3, 2023Apr 3, 20231YES
I can write for you any sheet musicNov 6, 2023Nov 6, 20231YES

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