Audio Files >Instruments >Saxophone > Chillin' "Live at City Stages"

Dwight Houston

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Chillin' "Live at City Stages"

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Album:Album:The Purpose
Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Dwight Houston
Performers:Performers:On Purpose featuring Dwight Houston
Instruments:Instruments:Drums, Pianos, Bass, Tenor Saxophone
Record Label:Record Label:On Purpose Music
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:4.6 MB
External Site:External
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 496 times)
Play Count:Play Count:564
Added: Aug 16, 2012      Last update: Aug 18, 2012

Comments: (1 comments)  [Post a comment]

Michael Foley is currently offline. Click to send a message. Michael Foley on March 28, 2013 @ 6:55 pm 

Damn Bro! Chillin' is nasty! What is that you played through? Sounded like a phaser or wah wah. I dig it! Man I have a funk/jazz project that could use some of your awesome horn talents!! I heard some vocals on your song "Chillin". Keep on doing what you're doing!!

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