Julia Järvinen

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Julia Järvinen
Description:Description:My first live impression of reindeer happened, when I travelled to Findland. That wasn't my first visit in Finland, but long our travelling by car alone from the very south to the very north allows to percieve deeply, what is it, Finland, inhale the air of the cleanest forests, touch the nature. And reindeer. People, whose culture is built on breeding reindeer, nomadic people, who live in the North of Finland and in the North of Russia, know everything about these animals and treat them with respect. So when the time comes to kill a reindeer in order to get some meat, blood, skin, they do it in the most careful and touching way possible. The most beautiful reindeers are usually left to live and die their own death. My song is about the last day of a reindeer.
Performers:Performers:Julia Järvinen
Instruments:Instruments:fiddle flute, keyboard
Record Label:Record Label:Julia Järvinen
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:2.5 MB
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 325 times)
Play Count:Play Count:910
Added: Dec 27, 2017      Last update: Dec 27, 2017

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