Audio Files >Instruments >Guitar > Greet the flock

Julia Järvinen

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Greet the flock

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Julia Järvinen
Description:Description:We were boringly driving to work, when suddenly my eyes moved theirattention from dirty wheels and attractive roadsigns up, into the sky. Autumn sky was grey but not at all lonely. A flock of birds was performing a fabulous dance. I remember dancing in an ensemble more than 10 years ago. Our art director, who was willing to create the most possible spectacular show, put up the dance so that there were several rearrangements. We start, doing some movements in one row, then we are standing in a circle, after half a minute we form a triangle. Then we are slowly splitting into several separate rows and in the end we are forming one block again. Something similar was being performed by the birds. Were their audience Helsinki citizens or the grey sky? I had seen such bird dance several times during this autumn and each time lots of questions arise in my soul, questions to my inner self, to my heart. Each time I see them, the part of my soul, which is still alive, wakes up and reminds me of
Performers:Performers:Julia Järvinen
Record Label:Record Label:Julia Järvinen
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:1.5 MB
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 295 times)
Play Count:Play Count:432
Added: Dec 27, 2017      Last update: Dec 27, 2017

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