Musicians > Visions of a Nomad

Visions of a Nomad

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:Kyeboards, didgeridoo, drums, percussion, Harp, Harmonica, c
Address:4 Acacia street
City:Byron Bay
ZIP/Postal Code:2481
State/Province:New South Wales
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:visionsofanomad
Added: Dec 22, 2015      Last update: May 26, 2016       Last logged: Mar 28, 2018Report this user as inappropriate

Audio Files

ALIAZ (aka Visions of a Nomad)- Japan by Visions of a Nomad and ARC Dreaming Aboriginal Dance Theatre
©2016 independant
Type: Mp3, Size: 9.3 MB
Likes: 1   Post/View Comments
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Description: Japan
Performers: ALIAZ ( aka Visions of a Nomad... [more]
Instruments: Keyboards,Harmonica,Drum Kit, Vocals
External Site:
Play Count: 627
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Description: Japan
Performers: ALIAZ ( aka Visions of a Nomad... [more]
Instruments: Keyboards,Harmonica,Drum Kit, Vocals
External Site:
Play Count: 627
ALIAZ ( aka Visions of a Nomad) Solea, Flamenco for Guitar and Concertina by Michael Cuming
©2016 independant
Type: Mp3, Size: 6.1 MB
Likes: 1   Post/View Comments
Genre: Contemporary
Description: Flamenco for Concertina and Gu... [more]
Performers: ALIAZ ( aka Visions of a Nomad... [more]
Instruments: Guitar, Concertina
External Site:
Play Count: 471
Genre: Contemporary
Description: Flamenco for Concertina and Gu... [more]
Performers: ALIAZ ( aka Visions of a Nomad... [more]
Instruments: Guitar, Concertina
External Site:
Play Count: 471
NU JAZZ by Michael Cuming
©2013 independant
Type: Mp3, Size: 6.1 MB
Likes: 3   Post/View Comments
Genre: Jazz
Description: NU JAZZ
Performers: ALIAZ ( aka Visions of a Nomad... [more]
Instruments: keyboards, drums, harmonica, kick triggers, vocals
External Site: https:
Play Count: 661
Genre: Jazz
Description: NU JAZZ
Performers: ALIAZ ( aka Visions of a Nomad... [more]
Instruments: keyboards, drums, harmonica, kick triggers, vocals
External Site: https:
Play Count: 661

Applied Jobs

TitleAppliedWinnerJob Status
Duo wanted for residency gig in DubaiDec 22, 2015NOOPEN

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