Dino Mastroyiannis

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Manolis Kalomiris (1883-1962)
Description:Description:Manolis Kalomiris (1883-1962) was one of the most important Greek composers, the so-called "leader" of the Greek National School.His dynamic character and his work established him as a leader figure in the Greek scene of the early 20th century, resulting in part of his vision for the national school to be fulfilled.Τhis is "Νοcturne", he created at 1906 and 1908.
Performers:Performers:Dino Mastroyiannis
Record Label:Record Label:MSR Classics (USA)
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:15.1 MB
External Site:External Site:youtu.be
Play Count:Play Count:314
Added: Jan 22, 2021      Last update: Jan 22, 2021

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