Musicians > Two In A Boat

Two In A Boat

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:We use loop-pedal, percussion, acoustic guitar, bass, vocals
Other genres:Country, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock
Address:8/1, Santiago-de-Cuba street
City:St. Petersburg
MSN Instant Messaging MSN:Valentin Permiakov
Added: Oct 19, 2017      Last update: Feb 17, 2020       Last logged: Jul 16, 2020Report this user as inappropriate

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TWO IN A BOAT - Acoustic Looper Duo Medley by TWO IN A BOAT
©2017 Two In A Boat
YouTube™ Video
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Genre: Pop
Description: Acoustic duo that uses a loop-... [more]
Performers: Natalia (guitar, percussion, v... [more]
Instruments: Guitar, percussion, bass guitar, vocals
Play Count: 1,219
Genre: Pop
Description: Acoustic duo that uses a loop-... [more]
Performers: Natalia (guitar, percussion, v... [more]
Instruments: Guitar, percussion, bass guitar, vocals
Play Count: 1,219
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TWO IN A BOAT - Live on Celebrity Reflection by TWO IN A BOAT
©2019 Two In A Boat
YouTube™ Video
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Genre: Pop
Description: Acoustic duo that uses a loop-... [more]
Performers: Natalia (guitar, percussion, v... [more]
Instruments: Guitar, percussion, bass guitar, vocals
Play Count: 1,284
Genre: Pop
Description: Acoustic duo that uses a loop-... [more]
Performers: Natalia (guitar, percussion, v... [more]
Instruments: Guitar, percussion, bass guitar, vocals
Play Count: 1,284

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