Musicians > Clarence Martin Jr.

Clarence Martin Jr.

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Computer Music Composer
Other skills:Arranger, Composer, Other... Player, Singer, Researcher, Teacher, Accordion Player, Bass Player, Drums Player, Harmonica Player, Keyboard Player, Organ Player, Percussion Player, Piano Player
Other genres:Blues, Dance, Latin, Reggae, Vocal
Address:Ave. Sta. Elena - El Trebol # 5
ZIP/Postal Code:zona 3
Cell. Phone:6687-3936
AIM Instant Messaging AIM:El Caminante
Added: Jul 25, 2008      Last update: Jul 25, 2008       Last logged: Mar 29, 2016Report this user as inappropriate

More About Clarence Martin Jr.

  • Panamanian One-man band keyboard entertainer. Plays several instruments and has 22 years experience in performing for selected audiences with Standard International music. Has shared stage with artists like Alfredo Gutierrez, Daniel Santos, Roberto Ledezma, Gran Combo, Johny Ventura, Cuco Valoy, Mighty Sparrow, Osvaldo Ayala, Sophy and others. Actually, he works steady as a saloon keyboard and vocal musician in Panama City. Willing to travel to Europe on demand....

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