Musicians > Rafael Aragón

Rafael Aragón

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Guitar Player
Other skills:Composer, Singer, Teacher, Bass Player, Percussion Player
Other genres:Jazz, Latin, New Age, Soundtrack/Film Music, Traditional, Vocal, World
Address:Iglesia, 27
City:Brea De Tajo
ZIP/Postal Code:28596
Added: Aug 14, 2008      Last update: Jul 19, 2024       Last logged: Sep 25, 2024Report this user as inappropriate

More About Rafael Aragón

  • Rafael Aragón Compositor, guitarrista y cantante, nacido en Madrid. Alumno y posteriormente profesor, en la Escuela Española de Guitarra, ha desarrollado su estilo único formado con la guitarra española flamenca y clásica y enriquecido con influencias brasileñas, afrocubanas y del jazz. Se ha presentado a través de Europa, Norteamérica, África y Oriente Medio con apariciones en programas de radios y televisiones de la mayoría de los países que ha visitado como Fran... (more info...)

Applied Jobs

TitleAppliedWinnerJob Status
Solo Guitarist/Vocalists needed for gigs in AsiaAug 3, 2011NOCLOSED
Looking for Duets for Hotel in AsiaJun 25, 2011NOCLOSED
Guitar Duo wanted for cruise ship work starting in MayJun 24, 2011NOOPEN
Acoustic DuosJun 23, 2011NOOPEN
flamenco guitar neededMay 25, 2011NOCLOSED
Male or Female guitaristMay 16, 2011NOCLOSED

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