Musicians > Alan George Smith

Alan George Smith

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Piano Player
Other skills:Arranger, Composer, Conductor, Other... Player, Teacher, Accordion Player, Bass Player
Other genres:Blues, Classical, Country, Gospel Music, Jazz, Latin, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock
MP Activity:
Address:6, chantry heath crescent
ZIP/Postal Code:B93 9NH
State/Province:West Midlands
Telephone:+44 (0) 1564 777421
Cell. Phone:079 8013 9724
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:throovest
Added: Sep 8, 2009      Last update: Sep 8, 2009       Last logged: Apr 24, 2017Report this user as inappropriate

More About Alan George Smith

  • Alan Pianosmith went through the grades on accordion, joined a pop group and played organ with a covers band all over Europe. Since then he's played solo piano as an entertainer all over the world. Recently did a tour of duty with SAGA - cruise work in Holland and Belgium...

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