Musicians > John Pitts

John Pitts

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Other skills:Arranger, Conductor, Researcher
Other genres:Christian, Classical
Added: Sep 18, 2009      Last update: Jun 21, 2012       Last logged: Aug 4, 2015Report this user as inappropriate

More About John Pitts

  • JOHN PITTS, born 1976 in England, is a composer of chamber music, especially for piano - perhaps most easily summarised as melodic, motoric, motif-driven, jazz-tinged, post-minimal impressionism. His 2009 album Intensely Pleasant Music: 7 Airs & Fantasias and other piano music by John Pitts, performed by the amazing Steven Kings, was released to critical acclaim - receiving a 5 star review in Musical Opinion Magazine, several 4 star reviews including the Independent Newspaper, with descriptions such as "beautiful, moving and relaxing"... (more info...)

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