Musicians > Anna Ponomarenko

Anna Ponomarenko

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Harp Player
Other genres:Contemporary
MP Activity:
Address:Moscow Novojasenevskiy prospect 38-1-138
ZIP/Postal Code:117463
State/Province:Russian Federation
Telephone:+7 495 422 7006
Other Telephone:+7 926 6056389
Added: Nov 16, 2009      Last update: Nov 16, 2009       Last logged: May 31, 2016Report this user as inappropriate

More About Anna Ponomarenko

  • Anna Ponomarenko harpist Moscow Russia Gratuated Moscow Conservatory.Playing experience 5* hotels in Moscow( Kempinsky Marriott Sheraton Renaissance) Four Seasons( Doha)Millennium( Abu Dhabi) Al Raha Beach ( Abu Dhabi) All playing experience more than 12 years.Also I was working as a harp teacher 10 years in music school of Moscow. Participant of International Harp Competion in France U.S.A.and Russia.Winner International Harp Competion in Moscow 1997 Repertoire including classical music jazz standarts melody from movies and pop music. I play as a ... (more info...)

Applied Jobs

TitleAppliedWinnerJob Status
Performing in Cyprus or Greece Summer 2012Nov 11, 2011NOCLOSED
Female Lobby Pianist RequiredSep 11, 2011NOCLOSED
Duo needed urgent for 5 star hotel in UAE, start ASAPSep 6, 2011NOCLOSED
Musicians for work in the South of SpainAug 31, 2011NOOPEN
Female HarpistFeb 6, 2010NOCLOSED

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