Musicians > Alan Barry Davis

Alan Barry Davis

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Accordion Player
Other skills:Other... Player, Bass Player, Double-Bass Player, Guitar Player, Harmonica Player, Violin Player
Other genres:Country, Vocal
ZIP/Postal Code:28215
State/Province:North Carolina
Added: Dec 29, 2009      Last update: Nov 16, 2012       Last logged: May 9, 2016Report this user as inappropriate

More About Alan Barry Davis

  • I taught myself harmonica when I was seven years old and would play it while walking to school. When I was 11 I had accordion lessons, and played in an accordion band. When I was 16 I took up ukelele and guitar, and built a banjo about a year later. I played guitar off and on in college and played for folk masses. I took up electric bass in my late twenties and played in several garage bands. I was nearly 40 when I joined a band that got regular gigs. This was 'Falderal', an old-time string band for which I played upright bass and harmo... (more info...)

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