Audio Files >Instruments >Harp > The Valley at Annacarla

Michael Mauldin

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The Valley at Annacarla

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Michael Mauldin
Description:Description:Written for the Durango Youth Symphony. "Annacarla" is the name that Dutch linguist, Elizabeth Willink, gave her rambling adobe house near Cuba, New Mexico. She invited composer Michael Mauldin to stay there on his trips to Chaco Canyon, the center of a mysterious and prodigious American Indian civilization a thousand years ago. Years after Willink's death, Mauldin bought and restored the house as a composing and teaching retreat. This piece was inspired by the beauty and spirit of the valley that the house overlooks. It's a welcoming and nurturing place, appropriate for the teaching of youth, yet visited by blizzards, forest fires and the other adversities of nature.
Performers:Performers:sequenced recording
Instruments:Instruments:2222 (& bass cl), 4331, harp, bells, 2 perc, timp, strgs.
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:3.8 MB
External Site:External
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 703 times)
Play Count:Play Count:795
Radio Plays:Radio Plays:1,144
Added: Apr 29, 2009      Last update: Jun 5, 2009

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