Musicians >Michael Mauldin >Audio Files > Souvenir of a Russian Journey, from Senior Pieces, Book I

Michael Mauldin

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Souvenir of a Russian Journey, from Senior Pieces, Book I

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Michael Mauldin
Description:Description:One of my students went to Russia with his senior class, falling in love with everything Russian. He came home begging to play Rachmaninoff, but as he was not quite advanced enough to learn any Rachmaninoff in the remaining three weeks of the semester, I offered to write him a somewhat more 'grateful' imitation, in 'Souvenir of a Russian Journey'. Thus began my custom of writing pieces for graduating high-school seniors.
Performers:Performers:Michael Mauldin
Record Label:Record Label:M. Mauldin
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:610.7 KB
External Site:External
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 638 times)
Play Count:Play Count:731
Added: May 28, 2009      Last update: May 28, 2009

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