Video Files >Instruments >Guitar > Adria - You Give Me Something (Acoustic Cover)

Adria Serban

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Adria - You Give Me Something (Acoustic Cover)

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:James Morrison
Description:Description:This is me and my friends having a bit of fun with an acoustic cover of You Give Me Something by James Morrison. Splendid song, brilliant talent. Just love the man !Electric Guitar - Adrian VisteanuAcoustic Guitar - Sorin CotorceanuMix & Master - Sorin CotorceanuP.S. Well, I'm having fun, they're stressing, 'cause they don't like the camera !�°???Thanks a lot, guys ! I truly appreciate the sacrifice ! �°???�°???
Performers:Performers:Adria Serban
Instruments:Instruments:Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar
External Site:External Site:UCsjvWInSBqv1FiXGZuLAG5Q
Added: Jun 17, 2024      Last update: Jul 5, 2024

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