Musicians > Fandango Duo

Fandango Duo

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:Multi instrumentalists/singers Sax, Flute, Sitar, Keys, guit
Other genres:Alternative, Blues, Country, Dance, Electronic, Jazz, Latin, New Age, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Soundtrack/Film Music, Vocal, World, Other...
MP Activity:
Address:Hofwiesengasse 21
ZIP/Postal Code:1130
Cell. Phone:+4367762476337
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:fandangomusicduo
Added: Apr 21, 2010      Last update: May 13, 2018       Last logged: Oct 1, 2022Report this user as inappropriate

More About Fandango Duo

  • FANDANGO DUO is a high impact versatile duo bubbling with creative pizzaz. Juggling between tenor, alto and soprano saxophones, classical and Indian flutes, guitar, keyboards and an array of mouth harps, multi-instrumentalists Jacqui & Peter transport you through a kaleidoscope of visual moves & grooves that leave you stimulated with their whole musical experience. They are foremost a show band with Jacqui energizing the set on her self-programmed keyboard; her hip grind & footwork leaving one wondering how she manages to play, sing &... (more info...)

Applied Jobs

TitleAppliedWinnerJob Status
Solo female singers & duos requiredAug 20, 2010NOOPEN

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