Musicians > AdagioBros


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Band/Ensemble: Instrumental Duo
Other genres:Classical, Folk, Jazz, Opera, Traditional, World, Other...
MP Activity:
Cell. Phone:0036704193786
Added: Jan 26, 2012      Last update: Aug 21, 2016       Last logged: Dec 28, 2017Report this user as inappropriate

More About AdagioBros

  • Let me introduce ourselves, we are Adagio, David and Attila from Hungary. My name is David and I play on the violin, and my best friend Attila is an unbelivable talented pianist. Our love of music began when we were just kids, I was just nine and Attila was ten years old. We studied in the best music universities in Hungary and in Austria as well. We formed the duo three years ago from our love of classical music. Through out our careers we have played in many concerts and shows across Europe before forming the band. And since have pl... (more info...)
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