Musicians >AndreaGerak >Audio Files > Authentic Hungarian Village Music


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Album: Authentic Hungarian Village Music

Authentic Hungarian Village Music
Description:Traditional folk music from various parts o historical Hungary, including regions in today's Slovakia and Romania. Andrea Gerak's voice accompanied by the Transylvanian band Barozda
Record Label:AG&B
Added: Jul 9, 2014      Last update: Jul 9, 2014
Dance Suite from Szatmar by Andrea Gerak & Barozda
©2006 AG&B
Type: Mp3, Size: 14.2 MB, Time: 5:55
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Genre: Traditional
Description: Csardas music, a Hungarian fol... [more]
Performers: Andrea Gerak and Barozda
Instruments: violin, viola, double-bass, voice
External Site:
Play Count: 912
Genre: Traditional
Description: Csardas music, a Hungarian fol... [more]
Performers: Andrea Gerak and Barozda
Instruments: violin, viola, double-bass, voice
External Site:
Play Count: 912

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