Audio Files >Instruments >Bass > Banana Juice


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Banana Juice

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Album:Album:Banana Juice Demo Version
Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Candra Permana Cavarro
Description:Description:Still demo version. This project created by me, my wife and my brother in law. Song and lyrics written by my wife and my bro, while I arranged all the music. We looking for someone who can help us to get record or indie label. We wish we can make this album out side of my country.
Performers:Performers:Canz, Inti (vocal), Sukma (vocal) and Ikra
Instruments:Instruments:Piano, Bass and Acoustic Guitar
Record Label:Record Label:need record label
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:4.9 MB
Play Count:Play Count:527
Added: Jan 5, 2016      Last update: Feb 2, 2016

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